18+ Perché a quanto pare sei abbastanza grande per mangiare i cadaveri ma non abbastanza per vedere come muoiono.

🐷 TikTok al momento delle riprese:
https:/ /www.tiktok.com/@quell'insegnante vegano che canta
🐷 Instagram: @thatveganteachermisskadie
🐷 Twitter: https://twitter.com /MissKadieIsHere
🐷 Email: its.that.vegan.teacher.miss.kadie@gmail.com
🐷 Il mio inglese come a Second Language website: misskarenenglishteacher.com

✅ Se trovi valore nel mio lavoro e vuoi contattarmi personalmente, unisciti a me su Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thatveganteacher
✅ Conosci qualcuno che ama gli animali e anche il caffè? Ecco il regalo perfetto per loro!https://teespring.com/stores/that-vegan-teachers-store – Tutti i profitti vanno ad aiutare gli animali e coloro che li salvano.

🟢 Bite Size Vegan + Gary Yourofsky sulla religione:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmvpzB11AMg&t=312s/>🟢 Alex Hershaft on the holocaust: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNV26q89zYg/>
🍎 http://watchdominion.com
🍎 http://earthlings.com (nationearth.com)
🍎 Discorso di Gary Yourofsky: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5hGQDLprA8/>🍎 Dairy Is Scary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcN7SGGoCNI/>🍎 Video stimolante sul diventare vegani:

92 Risposte a “18+ Perché a quanto pare sei abbastanza grande per mangiare i cadaveri ma non abbastanza per vedere come muoiono.”

  1. Please report the videos and account of That Meat Teacher on TikTok. They are taking Miss Kadie's quotes and clips out of context and creating a false narrative that Miss Kadie is an animal ab*ser and m*rderer when she clearly is not. That falls under defamation which is a tort in most places and a crime in others. Please take action and thank you for being as vegan as possible.

  2. Veganism: an ethical philosophy aiming to abolish the cruelty, exploitation, and killing of animals as much as possible while advocating for animals to have basic rights that are protected under law.

    Vegan Starter Kit:

    Nutritional guidance/coaching:

    Vegan athletes:

    The animal holocaust:

    UN Climate report: https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2019/08/2f.-Chapter-5_FINAL.pdf

    But crop deaths tho: https://www.surgeactivism.org/articles/debunked-do-vegans-kill-more-animals-through-crop-deaths

    Systematic review of vegan health outcomes: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10408398.2022.2075311

    Name the trait lacking in animals that, if also lacking in humans, would make it justified to kill humans?

    Appeals to tradition/religion/solipsism/nature/popularity are not compelling counterarguments.

  3. yamm oh ya you were taking abuot ainmalil dieing sorry i did,nt pay atence cause that stack in my mouth was delioses

  4. That Vegan Teacher’s 30 Tips – How to stay strong and remain vegan when you’re hungry and you feel like you might “cheat”.

    1. Drink a large glass of water immediately to fill your stomach. People often think they’re hungry when in fact, they’re really just thirsty. No water bottle around? Go to the washroom, wash your hands and then cup them to gulp tap water until you feel full.

    2. Now that you know you’re well-hydrated, the next thing you need to do is stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself. You’re doing fine! You’re not the victim here. You have tons of choices – just take a second to choose them. Believe it or not, NOT EATING for a few hours will NOT kill you – but paying someone for a quick corpse-burger will add to the cycle of supply-and-demand that leads to more animals being harmed, so stay strong!

    3. Remember that this feeling will pass as soon as you eat something – so you do NOT need to pay anyone to harm animals, just because you have a problem with not doing proper meal-planning.

    4. If you’re at work or a party and there are donuts or cookies there, remember that it’s mind over matter. This is the true test: what will you do when no one is watching? Real vegans never “cheat” – because veganism is not about food – it’s about ethics. Real vegans remember the greater vision here: animal liberation. With this, future staff rooms will contain ONLY vegan donuts and vegan cookies, because eggs and cow’s milk will be thought of as a gross thing from the past.

    5. To set yourself up for success, you need to be mature and plan a little. Buy big bags (or cans) of lentils, chick peas, rice and beans and always have some ready to go in your fridge that you can scoop in and heat up quickly with frozen veggies and vegan mayo or mustard or vegan BBQ sauce or olive oil and balsamic vinegar, or hummus or tahini…. You get the idea. There are thousands of vegan, meal-planning videos on YouTube to give you ideas for amazing vegan sauces – which are the key to having delicious, filling salads. Google those with friends and family members so you can have some support at home.

    6. Always keep walnuts, peanuts and dates with you wherever you go, so you can shove quick calories in and think clearly. The dates will help ease the dryness of the nuts.

    7. Keep a small separate bag with a small spoon in it filled with pumpkinseeds, sunflower seeds and raisins. The raisins will help ease the dryness of the seeds.

    8. Buy a seed grinder and use it for flax and chia seeds every morning. Just a few spoons goes a long way, to give you a boost of protein and calories if mixed with oats, oat milk, raisins, cinnamon and chopped apple pieces.

    9. Take a second to make a mental list of all the vegans you admire and ask yourself what they would do if they were in your position right now. Would you be proud to show them how you are handling this moment, or would you be ashamed?

    10. Feel like you might “need to eat fish or a little piece of cheese? That’s all in your head. Many vegans go through a stage like that because society has brainwashed us to think this way whenever we feel tired or sad or whatever. People use foods like drugs, but trust us, if you eat fish now, you’ll feel like a complete fool in 5 minutes. Why? Because it’s NOT the animal or the animal secretions that you need to eat, it’s the NUTRIENTS and the calories.

    11. Take a second to make a mental list of the vegan documentaries you saw about horrific animal suffering and remember how much you want to help the animals. Don’t turn your back on them. Eat healthy vegan foods and let the animals live.

    12. Toast with peanut butter and bananas is vegan. So is every single veggie, fruit, nut and seed.

    13. If you feel like you need more “oomph” (more calories) to get over the hunger, eat anything in sight that’s vegan. I mean, ANYTHING. Because right now, the most important thing is that you DON’T eat any animal products.

    14. If you know you’re being invited to a party, eat before you leave your house. We know you used to go to these events and food was one of the main attractions, but now, you will be focussing on other things as the main attractions, such as the people! And remember that all parties have some kind of fruit or veggie there, and if it’s not on the table, just ask if they have an extra banana, or slice of bread you could have or just eat the amazing vegan bean salad you brought with you!

    15. Buy tofu, rip open the package (with the tiny scissors you keep with you from now on – or with keys) and eat it just by adding salt and pepper. (Keep little packs of these in your bag along with mustard – they give them out free at restaurants).

    16. Always have oat or soy milk handy and remind yourself that you have no right to steal the milk from a baby cow just because you like the taste. Keep 1 liter tetra packs of these with you, and practice getting used to drinking these at room temperature. Yes, you heard right. There is no reason that all drinks must either be boiling hot or filled with ice cubes – soy milk and oat milk are perfectly delicious at room temperature.

    17. Remind yourself that nothing tastes as good as being vegan feels. Seriously. Being vegan means feeling proud that you’re living your best life without giving in to the lame excuses that ex-vegans give. You’re better than them. You’re the real deal. You’re Super Vegan, to the rescue!

    18. If you’re out, remember there’s even food in dollar stores and pharmacies if that’s all you’re close to!

    19. Carry a small can opener and a spoon with you for easy access to cans of peaches, pineapples, chickpeas and peas whenever you are out. While you’re there, pick up some apples, bananas, kiwis, peaches and containers of blueberries or strawberries. Want to wash them? Just go to the closest public washroom and rinse them under the tap. Afraid you will look weird doing that? Stop it. Instead, be ready to smile at whomever is beside and you say, “Bet you’re jealous I have such an amazing-looking vegan snack right now, eh?” And then share it with them!

    20. Walk in to any grocery store and buy some crackers, fresh bread or carrots and dip them into a jar of spicy hummus. If you like vegan cheese, buy that! Some of them are made for dipping into, like the ones with a cashew base. Yum!

    21. If you like pretzels or Tostitos with tomato salsa, eat those.

    22. If you like candies, instead of eating anything with gelatin or with too much sugar, just buy a bag of frozen raspberries and eat those! Eat them, one at a time, allowing each one to slowly thaw in your mouth.

    23. Surround yourself with ethical vegans online that you can reach out to if you need support to stay on track.

    24. If you’re driving for a long trip, bring along those so-called, baby carrots and also, some mini-tomatoes. They’re easy to grab at a grocery store along the way if you forgot to pack some. They’re also great to eat if you’re studying with friends at a café or out at the movies. You can hide the bags in your purse or backpack and dip in from time to time, if there are no vegan options where you are.

    25. If you’re at a friend’s house or at a relative’s home and all they’re serving is non-vegan food, say this to these mean, veganphobic people around you: “If you love me, you will help me find something vegan to eat here because, just like an alcoholic or a drug addict, I need help to kick my carnistic habit, so please don’t tempt me with all this non-vegan stuff, right in my face. Please, be kind, and help me make a quick sandwich with hummus or avocado and olives – or ANYTHING filling right now, so I can stay on my vegan path.”

    26. Follow vegan doctors, nurses and dieticians to inspire you to eat well throughout the week so you can tap into their advice when you’re feeling less than strong.

    27. If you’re in a hospital because you’ve been in a bike accident, or something like that, and you find yourself surrounded by ignorant or child-like veganphobic staff, remember that, like the rest of society, many of them are overweight, unhealthy and undisciplined themselves, and they may find it intimidating that you’re trying to be healthier than they are. If they refuse to give you a vegan meal, tell them to give you triple the veggies and triple the fruit to carry you through this glitch in time.

    28. Remember this: French fries are vegan! So, if you have nothing healthy around to eat, grab some of those. Ketchup is also vegan, and so is vinegar and salt.

    29. Stay healthy overall by sleeping well, drinking enough water and doing various yoga moves on a regular basis, so you can have the discipline to be who you were always meant to be: a healthy, happy vegan!

    30. Always carry a toothbrush with you. After you eat, take a second to drink another large glass of water and then, brush your teeth. This will signal to your stomach and your tastebuds that eating is finished for the next 6 hours so your brain will move on to think of other things and you can continue to be a productive citizen by doing things to help make the world a better place for the animals, the planet and humans.

    There are many more tips online but hopefully, this is a good start.

    If you enjoy discord, you can find new friends here: discord.gg/vegan Tell them That Vegan Teacher sent you!

  5. I worked out even if TVT converted 1,000,000 people to veganism each day, it would take her 21.9 years to convert the entire human population. What's taking her so long ? Must be a lazy vegan ?

  6. As cows digest their food, they release methane, mostly through their gassy burps. But the methane they burp up is a powerful greenhouse gas that traps heat in the atmosphere.

  7. Heartbreaking footage and heartbreaking as well to hear the compassion and hurt in your voice. I am trying my best to diminish and eventually eradicate my animal-based food intake. Thanks for advocating for a kinder world 🙏

  8. That is so sad thank you for teaching us the real truth I cried, and watching that it was horrible. What they do to the animals.😢😭🥺😥

  9. It is actually good to take one or two eggs every once in awhile so that nests don’t get too crowded and eggs break and if your chickens eat the eggs it can cause them to have food aggression or animals will come and eat the eggs

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