Acqua di cocco e depressione

La scienza dietro la commercializzazione di alimenti con effetti antidepressivi.

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Ecco un link al video a cui ho fatto riferimento: I farmaci antidepressivi funzionano davvero? (

E l'acqua di cocco per le prestazioni atletiche rispetto alle bevande sportive? ( Guarda il video!<br/>
E l'olio di cocco? Vedi, ad esempio:
• Olio di cocco e aumento del colesterolo “buono” HDL ( -Olio e aumento del colesterolo buono HDL)
• Che dire degli MCT di cocco, latte di cocco e olio di cocco? (
• Trattamento dell'eczema con olio di cocco, olio minerale e vaselina ( Trattamento-eczema-con-olio-di-cocco-olio-minerale-vs-vaselina)
• Olio di cocco e grasso addominale (

Come possiamo migliorare l'umore in modo naturale?
• Dieta antinfiammatoria per la depressione (https://nutritionfacts .org/video/anti-infiammatori-diet for-depression)
• Diete vegetali per migliorare l'umore e la produttività (
• Antiossidanti e depressione (
• Esercizio vs. farmaci per la depressione (
• Combattere i Blues con i Verdi? ( )

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100 Risposte a “Acqua di cocco e depressione”

  1. the swim tests are stupid. coconut water may give them more energy to last longer but the environment is a protective one and not a growing one which is required (Dr. Bruce Lipton), as he says that you cannot live in a protective environment. mice cannot live in water, fish cannot live in air, etc., & get this too, Dr. Bruce Lipton is correct too when he says that nature eliminates the weakest, so it is not a matter of how strong you are, it is a matter of how weak you are not.

  2. WOW! So horrible, futile and cruel!
    I'm seriously considering never drinking the product of people who would dignify such mistreatment by quoting it to support their claims.
    Thank you for being the reader and bearer of such horrible news, Doctor Greger.

  3. I've got an interesting question for your next Q+A: how come it is deadly to drink seawater, but it is important to treat people with dehydration symptoms with salt and sugar water? how can one be so toxic and one so life giving when it's the same ingredients?

  4. Wasnt your heart wispering when you created this infovideo………."please let us put in a warning at the beginning, cos there could be young depressed, sensitive, and a lot of vegan people watching ……"

  5. I know. We can take two groups of research scientist. Group 1 receives a letter confirming that their grant application has been accepted and Group 2 receives a rejection letter for their latest grant application. They are then both tossed it a swimming pool filled with coconut water and timed to see how long they are able to tread coconut water before giving up to see if coconut water can help with feelings of depression…

  6. Welllll, I was not prepared for that. This reminded me of what you’ve mentioned on soy that I was meaning to ask about. I suffer from PMDD and I feel going vegan has helped it tremendously, but when I eat soy it sometimes makes my symptoms even worse. I’m wondering if it’s to the point where I need estrogen supplements to relieve my anxiety

  7. Wait a minute… are you seriously questioning the swim test as a valid metric? What exactly do you have a degree in? Anything? It really is the most widely used metric for depression studies… and it's been shown to be valid many times over. Aside from the ONE paper (paper, NOT study) you show questioning the swim test… do you have any actual evidence that the test isn't a valid proxy for human depression? No? Because there are DOZENS of actual studies showing that IT IS. This is clickbait with an agenda.

  8. These tests shouldn't be done on animals, imho these tests should be done on the kind of people who design tests like this and the kind of people who think this is ok. The fact that tests like this are so widely used and that the medical community seems to be filled with people who think this is fine and therefore lack compassion and morals (sociopaths?), now that's depressing to me. I've been vegan for 6 years (and vegetarian for 8 years before that), by the way, also because of things like this. As a side effect of my veganism I have better health, more energy and less depression (more gumption) and I haven't seen a doctor in years. Take that, Big Pharma.
    Thank you for pointing these horrible practices out in your video, a lot of people have no idea about this. I wish these scientists would do their tests on cells in petri dishes or volunteering subjects, pay people to be tested on, outlaw animal testing.

  9. I’d like to stick these scientists in a vat of water, or stick them in a well, and then see how long they last. They are some sick motherfuckers.

  10. Can you review JAMA internal medicine paper “The Carbohydrate-Insulin Model of Obesity
    Beyond ‘Calories In, Calories Out’ “

  11. What they do in the name of science….so that lends the question how can we trust what science says? Ah yes Dr. GREGOR thank you.

  12. What about a vegan diet when you have a stoma? Usually they restrict your fiber intake wether it's from veggies or beans.
    Also, does ulcerative colitis have any relation to diet and/or can be improved with diet

  13. If you read the ingredients, it doesn't take long to figure out that coconut water is just glorified sugar water. I can't understand why people get so religious about it. I once heard a girl claim it was more hydrating than water, which is literally impossible. I had a good laugh over that one.

  14. I can't believe scientists will lock a baby animal in solitude for 45 DAYS just for a bogus science experiment. Why are there no morals in scientific testing?? Makes me sick.

  15. Researchers too stupid to distinguish panic from chronic depression cannot possibly have anything of use to say to the scientific community. What a waste of life, resources, and money.

  16. This is what some people are all passionate about when they worship at the alter of science. They just assume that all doctors and researchers are some kind of superior moral and intellectual class. Hogwash. In the future men will look back on much of what is being done today in the name of science and they will see barbaric ignorant treatment of people in the name of science and healthcare. I appreciate what Dr Greger is doing and I have come all the way over to a plant based whole food diet. However, I am not convinced that his "based on science" mantra is all it's cracked up to be. This video is just one indisputable example of that.

  17. Most animals die from unnecessary test like these.
    This is not science.
    This is give me more money for testing things on mices so I can boost my career.

  18. I think that scientist should be put into a small cramped windowless cage for 40 days and see how he likes it.

  19. Your Videos are always awesome. I really Love to watch it first when it uploads. For Health-Related Videos You Can Visit Channel By Click on My Name

  20. Can you please do a video on Pedialyte vs alternatives like fresh fruit + green smoothies? Do I really need to give my toddler Pedialyte?

  21. I would have absolutely ZERO qualms with putting literally ALL of those research scientists into a deprivation chamber, or a forced swim test. I understand the logic behind testing a new experimental drug on an animal, but the tests I just mentioned are obviously a sick fascination for these bizarro freaks.

  22. The swim test was debunked decades ago as of scientific value because it's very easy to be manipulated.
    They showed that if you test the mice but save then before they drown, the next time they perform the test, they swim much longer times before drowning (maybe they know that they can be saved if they try a little harder?). See how easy is to manipulate these tests?
    And that is the reason why it's still used, so you can manipulate it and say it was science. Welcome to "science" in 2018.

  23. All of these videos are quite common sense to someone who understands the simplicity of nature. Its all common sense, eat what nature has grown in its natural state without changing, processing or manipulating it in anyway and you will experience vibrant health. You cannot do better than a living organism that's been perfecting life for billions of years.

  24. I pick fleas off my cat and use water to drown them. Some fleas stay alive longer in the water. Now I know which fleas are happy fleas and which ones are depressed. Lol

  25. Thank you for reading all the articles so we can save our money to …. donate to Nutrition Facts or an animal rights organisation fighting to end such senseless and cruel animal testing practices.

  26. Even if I'm signing on to animal research for effects on humans what the eff is that..? That could have nothing to do with depression, maybe you just gave them something healthful for the first time in their sheltered lab rodent life and now they can panic longer, maybe they're actually more depressed but their depression keeps them scarred longer where as more psychologically stable rodents can just kinda accept their fate more readily, I could go on but that's just…. When did we establish the validity of the supposed causation there..? I must have missed another memo… And when the eff did we decide we should use rodents to test coconut water? Did somebody change my mailbox number? Am I being pranked? Where are all these memos?

  27. The sad part it probably does help with depression and could have been demonstrated in a much more peaceful and respectable manor. Rip.

  28. Does not surprise me one bit that they use the rodent swim test because so much of “modern medicine” goes completely unchecked especially psychological medicine which is one of the most lucrative drug sectors. Most of those antidepressants, anti anxiety medications are highly addictive and if people have been taking them for years they can’t even stop taking them because there are not tapering doses available and there are very dangerous rebounding side effects. It would be interesting to see long term studies on success rates of treating depression.

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