Aggiornamento Sadhguru: FINALMENTE ha risposto a una domanda vegana

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A Sadhguru è stata posta una domanda sul cibo vegano sul suo Save Soil tour, e io sono qui per denunciare qualsiasi sciocchezza Sadhguru

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—— ——-Video e risorse per conoscere il veganismo————–

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100 Risposte a “Aggiornamento Sadhguru: FINALMENTE ha risposto a una domanda vegana”

  1. "I am not here to tell anybody what they should eat"

    Why are you campaigning to save soil/the environment then? 😟

    Its almost as if deforestation in order to make room for cattle and space to grow huge amounts of crops to sustain cattle ranching & animal farming is the leading cause of rainforest destruction which directly results in severe and rapid soil erosion 😐 Come on man, I learned this shit in school. Everyone should know this by now.

  2. He seems way too aware to not be vegan. I hope someone will confront him directly about what happens to the animals. Shocked that he stated what he did about the crops

  3. I don't get it David. How come you aren't a prophet by now? Everything that you just clearly spoke was from the heaven above. (chants) Hare Krishna believed in experimenting too when he positioned himself under the cow and began to suckle on the cows teet.

  4. He just doesn't get it that veganism is an animal cruelty issue. However he obviously has done some research. A really good assessment from David.

  5. What I see in his last point is that he tried to prove that having many choices of diets and lifestyle lead to bad health.
    He had to sound that he is saying something, and let people fill the gaps on their own.

  6. Mr Jaggi Vasudev and that woman — what a pair!
    Good work, Dave, keep it up. Major attitude-change projects take time; we're slow but moving forward nevertheless….support and respects! 👏👏👏👏👍👍

  7. Sad-Guru Fail moral consistancy. Respect my culture of boiling kittens alive for unessential broteinz. im so woke and awakened!

  8. I have been to Sadhguru's ashram. He will never tell a word against dairy industry since 100's of ltrs of milk are being poured over the deity every single day in his ashram. He tells milk is a lubricant and it makes sure the stone doesn't crack xD

  9. Survival is always on the table.. SadGuru is as fake as they get.
    Any Guru supposedly aiding in one's spiritual survival, should encourage what strengthens the subtle body and field integrity / integrity & empathy in general.

  10. Man Sadhguru is such a disingenuous clown. It's amazing people think of him as some kind of spiritual guide.

  11. dont see how his answer was wrong, but i can see how mad your face is. you literally brought up 0 points. Clout chaser for life this David Ramms dude.

  12. Great video, Sadhguru is a charlatan and needs his BS addressed.

    I did however notice some of your points having a bit of a right wing/Libertarian leaning (maybe you've been influenced by JohnnyHodl?). Please watch Second Thought as an explanation of why you're more likely on the left.

    Also AotearoaLiberationLeague to for vegan reasons to be on the left

  13. Sadhguru is a hypocrite who’s prone to ad hominem attacks on people who question his morals or oppose his views. Not very ‘guru like’. Thank you for addressing him…again 👍🙏

  14. why do they always assume vegans eat soy and avocadoes? They're expensive and not the easiest foods to store or travel with, yet non-vegans jump to those two foods as if those 2 are suddenly the only plants they can think of when veganism crosses their mind despite them eating many other plants in their own lives

  15. I appreciate your videos generally, and I'm no Sadhguru fan, but I think you misunderstood or misinterpreted him here. He very much wants people to aspire after affluence; he supports and endorses affluence, in the material and spiritual sense, as Osho did. But he suggests we (including Americans especially) go about it much more intelligently. My sense is that Sadhguru would actually agree with the point you made about healthy aspiration. None of that calls into question, however, that spending tons of money on health care while promoting unhealthy food and eating is indeed stupid. Still, for what it's worth, I'm in entire agreement with you regarding the animal issue and vegetarianism.

  16. Very cool that he brought up science for once that greatly favors the vegan diet. 77% of agricultural land used for growing animal feed or animals… No question that veganism is best for the planet and for those animals. 50% reduction is a joke, be vegan for those animals ya Sadhguru Chumps!!

  17. There seems to be a schism between a philosophical approach to eating animals/consuming dairy and the actual reality. A lot of the comments seem to be focusing on the spiritual teachings whereby' ahisma' is a question of choice, as opposed to an individuals spiritual self determinism – as if the two are somehow separate. So, you can talk about compassion for self and others and all living creatures and how we are all 'one' and light your incense, whilst completely by passing the issue of how animals are reared and slaughtered and the mass production of meat/dairy for profit. Sitting on your meditation cushion/being mindful/living in the 'now' and striving to 'enlightenment' whilst simultaneously choosing to support animal suffering because it's a matter of how your consciousness might or might have developed, as justification. It's about ethics. When you know this stuff, truly understand what is going on, how can you continue to support it ? What are your ethics based upon? What are the 'ethics' of the people engaging in these businesses – the slaughter houses/butchers/farmers etc what kind of compassion are they embodying and when you buy your meat/dairy, knowing what suffering has been caused, where's yours?

  18. I read him (If can read anybody, like predicting a baby's gender, I am wrong 50% of the time) he just makes sure he does not alienate meat eaters but he subliminally encourages people to try vegan.

  19. I never saw a vegan saying anything against Zakir nayak and Muslims beacuse of animals killing in eid kurbani.
    Do you fear muslims

  20. Sad guru brings bad juju..

    Maybe his name is sad guru, because he brings sadness, and cruelty to the world, and so animals. Suffering is because he like a politician wants the world to be a lesser place to live for every animal on this planet(this includes humans). This is why his statements are confusing, and back & forth instead of being clear, and straight forward.

  21. 1 million views very nice milestone congratulations, say you got some flack from his followers but hopefully they will consider how their choices effect other animals once the knee jerk reactions settle.🌱🧠💚🌅

  22. It’s amazing how many people are so clueless that we feed 56billion land animals to feed 8billion people! What are we feeding them …SOY!

  23. Ive always felt queasy listening to Sadguru. He has always been a fake.. Im glad others are picking up on it. He thinks he is clever fooling people to make money and gain fame from it, what kind of GURU is that.. its the amount of people who really listen and admire him that gets me. Not digging this new style of his either.. I cant take him serious and never will.

  24. Eat whats best for them, then i would like to eat humans. An african guy ate humans heart and organs, he lived more than 96yrs healthy. Its called cannibalism but i support it. Earth has lot of human population time to hunt some humans and roast the organs. Toss the rest to wild animals.

  25. Gen21.19 gen1.29 Mathew 12.42 rev.4.7 one place where it is not Shiva poverty hid God only k I save the soil drackulah Azazel devils shaman Nickolas are not real gods Rev 4.7

  26. Dear david raams you said one side of Sadhgurus speech i am honestly saying you if you want to become famous you try another method but without complete knowledge of any subject or person you have no right to talk about that issue..
    Pls read inner Engineering book written by Sadhguru and then talk you cut videos some part and talk on that you are not showing remaining part or any other view of Sadhguru on that issue..
    Soo here i am writing some words from inner Engineering book so think on it..
    If your friend is sick, you definitely don't take pizza or roast meat to visit them. Take a fruit like orange or peach. If you went into the forest and got hungry, what would be the first thing you would eat? Of course a fruit on the tree itself (Adam also ate an apple so what happened to him… is unknown) then you eat the tuber. Then kill small animals and eat them. After that the growing of grain and its use will go in this order. Humans instinctively know that fruits can be digested very quickly by our digestive system.

  27. Simply..if he is ACTUALLY wants to Save soil, he should know how soil is degrading because of animal farming. 80% of the agricultural land is used to grow feed for animals not humans!
    91% of the Amazon forest is cut down to keep the animals they are producing and feeding them. The water bodies are being destroyed.. 60% of the carbon emissions are coming from Animal Farming. Does he really want to save soil..🌝

  28. People mention soy, non-vegans consume soy too..and they consume more as the animals are eating more soy than if the world would be vegan would have.

  29. 13:55 re the controversial opinion. It is an inescapable fact, that an increase in wealth, leads to an increase in consumption of animal products and, yes, in India that means an increase in dairy (e.g. ghee & your diabetes causing milky sweets). If you want a really controversial opinion, the surest way to reduce meat consumption, is to keep as many people as possible, as poor as possible. If that's not palatable, then the vegan movement's going to have to come up with a better global strategy that includes a degree of conditional redistribution of wealth. In short, reducing wealth in developed nations to increase wealth in developing nations.

    In India & Bangladesh, meat consumption is around 3.5 to 4kg/pa, malnutrition rates are around 20 to 35%, & real starvation is just around the corner (as many as 2,500,000 die of hunger), therefore there's an entirely different equation going on there with people who have never had, struggling to have enough or any. It will be a hard message to push, to get people who have never had, to give it up. Like being the kid who arrives at the party, after all the cake is nearly finished, & being told they can't have any.

    Up until recently in the West, meat consumption is around 100kg/pa, or 25 times higher, dairy is an effortless, 365 days per year supply, & most vegans, even those growing up on welfare in housing estates, have had their binge on unlimited choices of food & animal products. For most, food insecurity is unknown, therefore to renouncing excesses is not a difficult thing, it's a relief. A cure from illnesses of indulgence. Many (admittedly not all), have the money to experiment & buy expensive alternatives.

    It's a very different equation we're selling.

    Putting aside our lack of influence at such a level, if we truly believe in & want a "vegan world" like we say we do, then we have to start from the acceptance that veganism is a very long way way off even conceiving a global strategy, and if is to happen, it will only be achieved with a socialistic redistribution of wealth & food resources from wealth nations to poor.

  30. I catch cockroaches in live traps and I transfer them to a larger container with food and water. And then when I get a good amount I take them all to the garden and let them go. I am also a vegan but it's not about nutriton. I don't listen to this guy now I realize he is not a compassionate eater.

  31. Meat was never truly necessary to survive even back in the prehistoric era. Why? Plants were around back then too and before that! There were and are all kinds of plants to eat. ⚡⚡ ⚡ Plant power ⚡⚡⚡

  32. Actually what is the problem in eating products like curd and milk which doesn't harm animals?? I have seen my friend trying to become vegan as she saw some animal being slautered for eating…but she even quit eating eggs and milk products.. ultimately her hair started turning grey and she became very fragile and so she consulted a docter and he told her that she needs to take some injections periodically inorder to completely turn into vegan.since that injections are very much painfull for her now she started eating egg and milk. What is your opinion on eating egg and milk products??

  33. Sadhguru has always been a hypocrite. I don't understand why or who called him Sadhguru in the first place! There's nothing 'Sath' about him. All lies, manipulation and politics 😡🤬
    I am such a glad Vegan! Ramms, you rock as always! 👏

  34. He will definitely talk about Veganism when his nipples' were pulled out… he was talking about one side of the coin, may be he just have the conscious of human only…!! 🙂 teaching about humans to humans is…😱

  35. David, I disagree that humans obtain any "nutrients" from eating meat (or milk or eggs). Our systems were never meant to consume it and there’s nothing good in it for us. We simply need to replace the calories & bulk we became accustomed to with plants. That’s just another lie, like vegans need to take synthetic supplements.

  36. Fresh meat will increase ILGF and turn on mTOR just as much a packaged old coloured fresh-looking meat. This is something that helps cancer grow.

  37. There are other spiritual concepts to consider other than your view. When a person eats animal products or plant foods on the spiritual path, and then the person prays, meditates, chants mantra, does spiritual study, seva etc… the energy of the animal is used for a divine purpose, which is to serve God. The energy of the plant or animal becomes elevated when used for this purpose.

    An animal on it's own is incapable of doing that. With that being said, this comes with a lot of caveats. Eating animals from factory farms would not be considered fit for such a task. The animal has to be raised with respect and sacrificed to God.

    In some systems of cosmology, an animal is elevated when eaten by another animal of a higher order. Minerals eaten by plants, can reincarnate as a plant, plants eaten by a bug can reincarnate as a bug, a bug eaten by an animal can reincarnate as an animal. An animal eaten by a person, can now be reincarnated as a human.

    When ever something lower is sacrificed to something higher, it gets spiritually elevated. Just like how when we sacrifices ourselves in service of God, we too be spiritually elevated / evolved.

    It's not always what you are doing, but why you are doing it. If you eat meat with an express aim of elevating the divine sparks in the animal, then fine, but very very few people eat meat with anything other than carnal desire in mind. This is one reason why meat is included in certain Buddhist rituals such as tsog, even Judaism has shabbat.

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