Aggiornamento sulla sicurezza del dolcificante eritritolo: ci sono effetti collaterali?

NOTA IMPORTANTE: Sebbene i dati osservazionali appaiano pieni di causalità inversa, un nuovo studio (https: // dati interventistici pubblicati nei topi e in vitro il 2/23/023 che suggerisce che l'eritritolo potrebbe essere effettivamente dannoso, quindi esorto tutti a smettere di consumarlo fino a quando non ne sapremo di più.
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72 Risposte a “Aggiornamento sulla sicurezza del dolcificante eritritolo: ci sono effetti collaterali?”

  1. IMPORTANT NOTE: Though the observational data does appear rife with reverse causation, a new study published interventional data in mice and in vitro on 2/27/23 that suggests erythritol may indeed be harmful, and so Dr. Greger urges everyone to stop consuming it until we know more.

  2. I wonder how many, if any, of these anti-erythritol studies were funded by the sugar industry, an industry with a rich history of malipulating both the media and the scientific literature.

  3. In rare cases, high erythritol blood levels may occur in individuals with a genetic disorder called Fanconi syndrome or in people who consume excessive amounts of erythritol or other sugar alcohols.
    Some studies suggest that high erythritol levels may lead to an increase in urinary excretion of calcium, which could potentially increase the risk of developing osteoporosis.
    Excessive consumption of erythritol or other sugar alcohols can lead to various gastrointestinal symptoms, which may indirectly affect NAD+ metabolism by disrupting normal nutrient absorption and utilization.
    A study published in PLOS ONE in 2015 found that erythritol increased the abundance of some potentially harmful bacteria in the feces of rats, including Clostridium difficile and Clostridium perfringens.

  4. This is not the first recommendation Dr. Greger has back pedaled on. He jumps to conclusions about what foods he should push and treats those recommendations as Gospel. How credible can someone be if one day they're advocating something to be entirely safe, and the next urging everyone to stop using it for risk of blood clots? This is the reason I'm not vegan anymore.

  5. I still use Erythritol its awesome in my vegan protein powder it taste like vanilla ice cream i love it so easy to add my flax seeds to it too

  6. The video title is misleading. This video is more about the production of erythritol in our human bodies rather than artificial erythritol sweeteners.🙃

  7. Every vegan protien powder out there contains this stuff…not that I use the powders very often but they are handy on days when I am really in a hurry and need something quick and easy on the go. Drat it all. They weren't cheap either!

  8. Wow it's clearly a literature review that was edited at the last minute with the new paper, the voice recording is noticeably different. I don't consume Erythritol so I have no skin in the game, but it seems like the literature review was going towards safety until that last non-human study. I wouldn't be too concerned, personally. Dr. Greger always cranks the caution dial to 11.

  9. Great! Yet another thing I can’t use lol! I’m primarily plant based but I’m leaning more and more towards honey as my sweetener of choice. Raw honey has so many medicinal uses. Thx!

  10. Thanks Dr. Greger. 🙂 I never liked the fact that I would get a weird taste in my mouth when I would drink water after having something with erythritol in it. Body sending a message? I am no longer using it.

  11. I was waiting for this explanation. Damn all that Stevia sweetener with it has been hurting me without me knowing….

  12. In my opinion, erythritol is great for mouthwashes, breath mints, and nasal sprays but should NOT be ingested in large amounts. Using erythritol for oral and nasal hygiene involves only small amounts. Using it as a replacement for sugar means ingesting large amounts, and that's what leads to the health problems.

    I rely on fruit and/or unsweetened apple sauce to sweeten foods. I'm sure that some of the sugary cakes, pies, and cookies I used to enjoy are too sweet for me now, because my taste buds have become more sensitive as a result of avoiding junk food for most of the past 3 years.

  13. So, since most people don't "chug" two tablespoons at a time of this stuff, I expect more analysis than the last two minutes from NF, and won't be sharing this, as everyone I know will be as baffled by the hasty conclusion as I am. A rare irregularity in the quality of info from this channel. Disappointing : (

  14. ok, I do like the definitive of stating to avoid Erythritol……as sometimes these vids aren't always as definitive in what to do, but this is definitely CLEAR CUT…..thanx!

  15. I truly do not understand the promotion of all this excess sweetness. Just stop. In a few short months your taste buds get used to the taste of unprocessed plant foods. You must stop adding in excess sweetener to get to that point. Fruit tastes delicious like never before. The French understand this well. They don’t drink coke because they know that the excessive sweetness ruins the taste of the other foods they are eating. Just eat unprocessed plant foods. It’s not complicated.

  16. I agree. I tried a pudding sweetened with it and on taste alone didn't like it. Looked up what information I could on it and decided it would be best to avoid it because of the lack of information too.

  17. Every time I used my monk fruit sweetener, which contains erythritol, I got a migraine within hours. So, I stopped using it.

  18. For something that seems to cause the least glucose and insulin response or fermentation it seems to have all sorts of weird side effects by all the testimonials out there… It was too good to be true as a sugar replacement, thinking, why would I get yet another sweetener derived from corn cough*HFCS*cough AND something the body makes in distress?

    I’ll just use allulose and less of it, thank you.

  19. Glad to see a balanced information that shows the flawed studies. We use erythritol as it helps managing diabetes. Without it, we would have to take other drugs. We don't feel side effects as we use it in moderation, but that doesn't mean there won't be long term effects.

  20. I guess people should just stop eating all together. No matter what people eat there is always some study done that says no do not use it. Meat is bad, too much fruit is bad, certain vegetables are bad, processed foods are bad. I give up, nothing is safe according to the so called experts and arm chair warriors. It's time for humankind to reverse evolution and slip back into the sea.

  21. That recent Erythritol study is BS. Whenever I’ve used Stevia I had 3 trips to the ER. Stevia is a vasodilator and a diuretic. So, beware of Stevia more than Erythritol.

  22. Another study that says it's bad for you, just like they said eggs were bad for you years ago. I figure, I not going to live forever, so what the hell.

  23. Thank you for following up on Erythritol. Two years after the HNTD book was published I was diagnosed with blocked Carotid arteries. After a left artery Carotid endarterectomy I read HNTD, and promptly switched to using Erythritol as a sweetener. A year ago, I became the proud owner of a pair of shiny new cardio artery stents. Hmmm, did Erythritol help cause the need for those? I'll never know. Now using date Sugar and raisins.

  24. ❤❤ Thanks, as always, ✨Dr. Greger✨ and ✨Nutrition Facts Staff & Volunteers✨, for all the life saving information and for putting it to the test! ❤❤

  25. This is the best analysis yet. I’ve seen many people come to the defense of Erythritol by noting the likely reverse causation. It’s a great point. The only real problem is the study showing the increased blood clotting – that’s why I decided to minimize the amount I’m consuming. And if you’re on a low sugar diet, check your labels because it is in just about every low sugar product. Normally I’d avoid processed food items, but the protein shakes and bars are critical for me when I don’t have time to grill up some protein during the workday.

  26. Another "throw out your healthy-choice foods" situation & once again, published studies & related scientific processes appear rigged to allow big companies to profit (& are still selling) "healthy" products containing Erythritol, let the class action lawsuits begin…

  27. Quite literally the day before I watched the video I was looking at a pack of this sugar substitute in my local supermarket.I didn’t buy it,and I’m certainly glad I didn’t now……

  28. Usually add to Natural Leaf STEVIA SWEETNER. FOR BEVERAGES, SODA POP, POP,
    ENERGY DRINKS, & BAKED GOOD SWEETS, CANDIES, MINTS, GUMS, PRODUCTS. Manufacturers must stop using harmful sweetners that raise blood sugar. Or display the risks of some ingredients they use to make their products for the inquisitive CONSUMERS. HEALTH RISKS. THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND TIME TO SHARE WITH US!!! 😊 ☺ 🙂 😀 👍👍👍👍👍👍

  29. When Debating NonVegan :
    Step 1 – Are you whiling to be intelectualy consistant or able to have intelectual consistancy

    Step 2 – "p1 p2 p3 c"

    Step 3 – There is no Step 3. Welcome New Vegan !

    P1: Animals have the capacity to suffer

    P2: One ought not inflict suffering unnecessarily

    P3: Non-veganism inflicts unnecessary suffering

    C: One ought not be non-vegan.

    Ecologie – Water and land usage deforestation for monocrop to feed cattle polution of more transportations (plant+meat)

    morality – sentient being unnessesary harmed

    health – easier to avoid early death and morbidity illness, but vegan die one day too

    cost – can be 2 3x cheaper and get full essential nutriments that body cannot produce

  30. Well, considering that erythritol is a lot more expensive than stevia, I e only been able to sparingly use stevia. But even then stevia leaves that metallic aftertaste.

  31. For the last 2 years I had been using Stevia packets (that contain erythritol) in place of sugar in coffee and tea. Also during that time I would occasionally wake up with 'muscle pulls' in the middle of the night (thats what i called them) deep stabbing pains in my legs but that didn't have quite the same feel as a charley horse. Id also have infrequent leg weakness.

    When the recent news about erythritol causing possible platelet/clot problems I stopped using the stevia sweetener and went back to using raw sugar, and haven't had a single late night cramp in over a month.

    I wonder if the weakness and those stabbing muscle pains were actually blood clots in my legs.

    This is just anecdotal, but something to think about if you have had similar cramps and use a sweetener with Erythritol in it.

  32. I mean, it’s basic logic. Erythritol is a body derived byproduct of too much blood sugar. Why did anyone think it was a good idea to start consuming this? Just use fruit to sweeten things. It ain’t difficult…

  33. Erythritol causes serious stomach pain, diarrhea, cramping in some of my family members. We avoid it 100% of the time. Not worth the pain & discomfort.

  34. I bought a case of drinks sweetened with erythritol. I like the taste. It took me some time to figure out that's where my headaches were coming from. No erythritol; no headaches. It was only later that I found out I'm not the only one that gets headaches from it.

  35. Was wondering if you guys are looking into benefits and any risks to mushroom tea. It's something that has been growing in popularity for the last few years and really curious if anyone's tracking that? Can you do a video on mushroom tea?

  36. Kinda sounds like with extreme comsumption, there are extreme problems. For the very occasional cake I bake, I still prefer a non-sugar, non-man-made sweeteners. But, occasional!

  37. Erythritol caused me intense cramping and gastritis. Stopped ingesting any and all erythritol and 1 month later all better.

    This isn't safe for everyone.

  38. 😄Causes clotting – How convenient.

    The only thing that could make this any more suspicious is if the study was funded by Moderna & Pfizer.

  39. I am currently suffering from food poisoning from JoJo’s chocolate. Oh my gosh I’m so dizzy and nauseous. I almost fell in my bathroom. Stay away from this chemical! It’s so dangerous l

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