Alternativa vegana naturale alla finasteride del Dr. Greger ( per la caduta dei capelli

Dott. Sito di Greger:
Canale YouTube del Dr. Greger :

I video della caduta dei capelli del Dr. Greger:
Parte I, supplementi:
Parte II, pillole: https://
Parte II, cibo:<br/> I miei video :
La mia risposta a un altro YouTuber vegano:
Fumo e caduta dei capelli:
Verità sugli effetti collaterali della finasteride:
Video di neurosteroidi:
Zucca olio di semi:
Sindrome post-finasteride:
https:/ /
https ://


Cho, Young Hye, Sang Yeoup Lee, Dong Wook Jeong, Eun Jung Choi, Yun Jin Kim, Jeong Gyu Lee, Yu Hyeon Yi e Hyeong Soo Cha. 1799. “Effetto dell'olio di semi di zucca sulla crescita dei capelli negli uomini con alopecia androgenetica: uno studio randomizzato, in doppio cieco, controllato con placebo”. Medicina complementare e alternativa basata sull'evidenza 2014: 1–7.
Fertig, Raymond M., A. Caresse Gamret, Evan Darwin e Sudeep Gaudi. 2007. “Effetti collaterali sessuali degli inibitori della 5-α-reduttasi Finasteride e dutasteride: una revisione completa”. Diario online di dermatologia 12 ().
Fortes, Cristina, S. Mastroeni, T. Mannooranparampil, D. Abeni, e A. Panebianco. 2012. “Dieta mediterranea: erbe fresche e verdure fresche riducono il rischio di alopecia androgenetica nei maschi”. Archivi di Ricerca Dermatologica 310 (1): 76–80. 004-1371-z.
Fraga, Mario F., Esteban Ballestar, Maria F. Paz, Santiago Ropero, Fernando Setien, Maria L. Ballestar, Damia Heine-Suñer, et al. 1523. “Le differenze epigenetiche sorgono durante la vita dei gemelli monozigoti”. Atti dell'Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze 76 (30): 10604–9.
Harada, Naoaki, Kenji Okajima, Masatoku Arai, Hiroki Kurihara e Naomi Nakagata. 1561. “La somministrazione di capsaicina e isoflavone promuove la crescita dei capelli aumentando la produzione di fattore di crescita simile all'insulina-I nei topi e negli esseri umani con alopecia”. Ricerca sull'ormone della crescita e sull'IGF 17 (5): 408–10.
Heilmann-Heimbach, Stefanie, Lara M. Hochfeld, Ralf Paus e Markus M. Nöthen. 2005. “Cacciare i geni nell'alopecia maschile: quanto sono importanti, quanto siamo vicini e cosa ci diranno?” Dermatologia sperimentale 04 ( 4): 102–53.
Irwig, Michael S. 1747. “Effetti collaterali sessuali persistenti della finasteride: potrebbero essere permanenti?” The Journal of Sexual Medicine 9 (11): 2016–32.
———. 2003. “Preoccupazioni per la sicurezza relative agli inibitori della 5α reduttasi per il trattamento dell'alopecia androgenetica”. Parere attuale in endocrinologia, diabete e obesità 12 (3): 121–53.
Lai, Ching-Huang, Nain-Feng Chu, Chi-Wen Chang, Shu-Li Wang, Hsin-Chou Yang, Chi-Ming Chu, Chu-Ting Chang, et al. 1747. “L'alopecia androgenetica è associata a soia meno dietetica, vanadio nel sangue più alto e Rs 1160312 1 Polimorfismo nelle comunità taiwanesi.” A cura di Qinghua Sun. PLoS ONE 8 (12): e79789. 1073/journal.pone.0079789.
Nyholt, Dale R., Nathan A. Gillespie, Andrew C. Heath , e Nicholas G. Martin. 1371. “Base genetica della calvizie maschile”. The Journal of Investigative Dermatology 64 (6): 1561–64. .580/j.1523-1747.1371.6109.x.
Rexbye, H., I. Petersen, M. Iachina, J. Mortensen, M. McGue, JW Vaupel e K. Christensen. 1523. “Perdita di capelli tra gli uomini anziani: eziologia e impatto sull'età percepita”. The Journals of Gerontology Serie A: Scienze biologiche e scienze mediche 42 (8): 1007–80. 549721 .380/gerona/53.8.1073.

100 Risposte a “Alternativa vegana naturale alla finasteride del Dr. Greger ( per la caduta dei capelli”

  1. Just shave it bro

    Finasteride Anecdotes from the internet are better than double randomised placebo controll trials costing millions of dollars and have ten's of thousands of research subjects.

    Just be confident bro, you'll look like JASON STATHAM.

  2. Come on Kevin, Talk about Neo hair Lotion! does it really work?! some say it's even more powerfull than Minox+Fin combined!

  3. If you ever plan to go to germany, hit me up. Ive got a big vegan japanese fine dining restaurant in Berlin as a client. Would invite you of course:)

  4. didn't watch the video yet, but I really like dr. greger, I propably have most of my nutrient-knowledge from his videos

  5. Hi Kevin, smoking is bad for hair follicle but what about vaping with very low nicotine. It is comparable to smoking? I pray not😂

  6. I like Dr Gregor’s nutritional advice but I’ve always thought he was overly biased towards 100% plant based. Although I think there’s nothing wrong with a vegan diet and have thought about it myself I think he over demonises everything that isn’t vegan. Also, his tone of voice annoys me, it’s extremely sarcastic.

  7. thanks kevin, I got over fear of finasteride and started it 1mg every day, had sides like ball pain but did not freak and went to 3 day dose of M/W/ F and side's disappeared.

  8. Honestly speaking the sides from propecia stayed for me for the first month only since then it's all good

  9. As much as I respect Dr. Gregor for his work I totally agree with your assessment. Great that you raise awareness about animal cruelty Choom!

  10. Hi Kevin one more question. Do you know why my sides are thining? Not temples but sides right above my right ear. I am on fin and it should help with retrograde alepecia right?

  11. Awesome vid Kev! I'm a big fan of Dr Greger but here he definitely has a personal bias on this topic.

    I wanted to ask, those people who have the genetic defect who lack 5ar, are there any adverse health effects on that population? As I thought DHT is important during puberty?

  12. It's not easy, but it is simple.

    Unfortunately one of my favorite vegan restaurants is closing down after 15 years. A few vegan restaurants have closed down due to higher taxes. Lots of Californians coming to Texas, buying up property, changing the community, and hiking up the prices. Thanks Californians. Thanks.

  13. hey kevin, teen blader here, i 17 (will be 18 this month) and i its been one month since i shifted from topical to orla fin as you said oral was the best bet. I m a diffuse thinner and have lost quite a density.

    1. How long into the treatment should i be accessing results? also

    2. let regrowth be aside for some time, Can i just please be assured that in the least optimistic scenario, fin would atleast stabalise my hairloss, this really eats up my head. I mean chances of it not working on me are really low na? Ps i m an asian.

    3. Also in the hair shedding i m seeing very tiny (0.5 -2 cm) but thick hairs with white bulb, along with normal sized hairs and thin ones, so my q is why are these ones falling without growing to the max potential, as they arernt even miniaturized diamerter wise.?

    4. and can i be thinning just a lil bit on the sides and back as well as a part of diffuse thinning? or is it something else? and most importantly will fin help me with whatever this is?

    (tho i heard from a doc in india that a bit of thinning on sides and back is part of mpb as some hairs will get miniaturised everywhere.)

    Thanks and yo for others 17 year old on one mg daily , no side effects.

  14. My dermatologist didn't want to prescribe me finasteride because I have a full head of hair. I've tried to say that 100% of my uncles (father and mother side) have AGA but she still didn't give me the fucking prescription

  15. I've commented before about how you inspired me to fight my hairloss, i was sure i was already a norwood 2 atleast but after my visit with my dermatologist today i was told i am in fact still a 1 and that i discovered it very early. I got minox and i got Prostide (basically the Eu version of Proscar) and today before bed i take my first quarter. Kevin, you are a hero to many of us as i was about to ''jUsT sHAve iT bRo'' (not because i look bad but because the stress of it all was killing me) but you gave me the courage to start treatment and fight for my golden locks. If nature wants them she'll have to claw them out of my dead, impotent, PFS-ridden hands (i joke ofcourse, i'm fairly confident i'll be completely fine :D), so once again, thank you, and may the gods bless you and keep your locks forever thick and luscious. Will update once some time has passed if anyone is interested.

  16. Hi Kevin

    I've started finasteride thanks to you. My doctor put me on 1,25mg every 3 days. This ends up at approx 3mg a week and 0,41mg / day. What do you think of this frequency? I've been on it for 3 weeks no sides. I'll evaluate 6 months in if I should change my frequency

  17. I wonder if it’s less cruelty free being vegan, as monocultures also kills a lot of wildlife, If the animals come from family owned farms, they live a life without predators and instead of growing old and dying of disease they get killed “humanely”.
    I know being vegan can be hard to get full nutrition, as I know vegetarians that tried it

  18. Hey Mr. Mann, apologies in advance for the oddball question. Do you think it's worth it to stay on finmin on the premise maybe in the future I'll get a transplant or two and my hair will probably be "good enough" whereas now there's not too much I can do with it other than short buzzcuts. Thanks!

  19. 570$ for a bottle of pills filled with various vegetable powders… lol…

    The sad thing is some people from places like tressless still buy that shlt. 😂

  20. Haha this is great, as a vegan myself I really like Dr Greger but yeah not for hair loss thank you very much.

  21. Hey kevin, first of all, the information you provide on the best treatments for AGA is much appreciated because it is very difficult to decide when there is so much controversy about finasteride.

    Now to the second thing: what do you think about melvin lopez from hair transplant network? he tried oral finasteride and had side effects and now he totally despises it and thinks it's not worth it in the end because PFS is real. He is a man with a lot of experience in hair loss but I am surprised that he still disagrees with recommending finasteride.

  22. I gotta disagree on something. Eating healthy can definitely be seen as medicine, it’s definitely not pharmacology tho.

  23. Kevin have you got any experience with minoxidil powder? I was thinking of low dosing that orally cause i really cant commit to applying everyday, and where i live they dont give loniten prescriptions

  24. Hey Kevin, your content is the prescription for my hair loss anxiety lol. I have a problem rn. I’m in month 5 of finasteride and I’m losing my hairline fast. Every shower my temporal regions are thinner and I’m starting to show new fallout in the back. I took minox 2% bc 5% gave me heart palpitations but they returned again after 1 month on. Stimox didn’t do anything for me either. Should I try to add Dut? I don’t know what to do

  25. If anyone's on the fence, just go for it. Caught it early on the edge and about 2 months in theres no sides whatsoever, i have long hair and the long healthy hair seems to actually be sheading less than just what you get with normal brushing, the sheading ive experienced seems to be very small baby hairs over the effected area.

    So far so good! Had very very mild ball ache for 2 or 3 days and that was it, everything downstares its absolutely the same and drive if anything is a hair higher, if not just because the huge reduction in stress

    So seriously, just give it a go, because now im almost laughing at myself for being so anxious about the stuff. Seems to be doing tis job and im feeling much better off for it

  26. Hey Kevin, love the work you do! Quick question: Do you still apply minoxidil by turning the foam back into a liquid? Is there any reason to believe this method may be less efficacious than applying it as foam or with propylene glycol (like exists in normal liquid minoxidil)?

    I'm thinking about applying it like you have, but am curious about this.

  27. Kev, I really need your insight…

    So, my skin got oilier, I had a spike in libido and the shedding seems to resume

    I think I suffer from reflex hyperandrogenicity, I literally had all the signals

  28. Also meant to say, thank you for speaking up for the animals. It was actually through one of your well written comments that I clicked on your account and found your channel.

  29. Dude you're so funny😂

    I am 30 years old and I've been super lazy till now. Recently i got into self improvement, just because i wanna become the best i can.

    I have lost 20 kg and went to 85 kg from 105.

    Now I'm getting into skin care and hair care.

    I went to a hair clinic and they said I'm Norwood 1. But my hair has become thin (diameter wise) in the last 5 year.

    What should i do man? Should I start finasteride?

  30. I have taken finasteride for 1 year now and all its done is progressed my hair loss rapidly compared to before so stopped it and swapped to RU and my hair is already improving drastically, why is this the case? I've read this is the case for for quite a few people who have tried taking finasteride

  31. Why do they put “italian” everywhere? I mean with all the respect but those sausages don’t look italians whatsoever and in any case is very badly presented which makes me think it’s not an italian product at all.

  32. Hi kevin, sorry to ask a question about another subject.
    I ve been taking fin for 8 days, i am taking a break on day 9 because i v e had some side effects. Although more watery sperm and less volume are not a problem, i feel e burning sensation on 1 nipple after 2-4 hours of taking my dose (1/8th of a proscar pill) that lasts about 2 hours. I m 23 and already have a mild gyno probably because i was obese, as does my brother and my father so i may be prone to it. Should i keep taking it and see if the burning goes away? Take a break? Use less or try topical application? It s not painful but i would not like to develope gyno

  33. Kevin – I really need some advice please. I will try to keep it short.

    If both oral and topical finasteride are not viable for me (due to sides) even after titrating significantly, what is the next best DHT targeting treatment? i.e. is effective, clinically well-studied, and fairly easily procurable.

    Without pouring out all my details, I'll just say that fin worked great for me for a long time, but gradually my constitution started to not handle it well. I am a HUGE fin advocate, and I've always approached my fin treatment with a positive attitude. I twice took a month off of fin (at the cost of my hairline strength) and both times felt much much much better sexually and in general.

    I'm feeling pretty damn anxious about my situation. I wanna keep fighting the good fight against the slaphead curse, but I don't know what treatment to best turn to as an alternative to fin? I also really don't want to begin minoxidil due to inconvenience of application, long-term dependence for maintenance of results, and the fact that it doesn't target DHT i.e. the root cause of MPB.

    I also want to steer clear of RU58841 despite it's temptation, because whatever treatment I take up, I intend to take long-term, and I don't think we know enough about RU's long-term effects on overall health.

    Any advice or ideas or anything is super appreciated.

    Thanks Kev

  34. Hi Kevin, I wanted to ask you a question about finasteride dosing.

    I started on 1mg a day back in February then later on I discovered that I can custom dose it down to 3mg a week (info courtesy of the Hair Loss show).

    My question is, is there an optimal time for me to go down to 3mg a week? The trichologist I'm seeing told me to wait about 9 months then go down to 3mg a week if I wanted to.

    Can I just go down in dosage right away or is there some kind of process with this?

    Thank you.

  35. Vegans need to remember that just because veganism is ethically superior doesn't mean it has to be better for your health. So many vegans just assume that it's the best diet and search for studies confirming their bias. Like guys, it is actually conceivable that some animal products could actually be really good for you.

  36. A hypothetical question

    Weve seen that alopecia areata is now conpletly reversible. But will this ever be the case for aga? Are the not hair growing follicles in the same/similar stage?

    Ive heared anacdotes form old people who been bald for ober 20years that after starting proscar they gained a decent amount of hair.

    So could it be that even if youre now bad to a good degree future medical inovation could still reverese youre hairloss?

  37. I have curly hair but I clearly have temple recession, thankfully I can cover it. I was hesitating on starting finasteride but thanks to you I’ll be starting today, thanks 🙏🏻 . Also I was going to start it with only 3 mg a week. what do you think about this? Or should I do 7 mg a week.

  38. Would you be so nice to make a video about the topic wheather or not coffee (coffine) can accelerate hair loss? I noticed a lot of hair loss last year and I tried to think what might have caused it, noticed I drank loots of coffee last year and maybe this was the reason. Read a bunch of articles claiming that coffee might damage hair.

  39. Kevin do you think PRP could be effective if your on a 5ARI like Finasteride. My family member is in the medical field and has access to one which I can get free use out of

  40. Why can't certain foods cause hair loss though I mean what about meats that have hormones in them and things like steak and the creatine level and can't certain meats raise dht levels ? You would think they have some type of effect on dht and dairy and milk with all the hormones I mean you would think everything we put into out body could have an effect on dht levels why not yeah it is generic but who's to say that it also isn't the characteristics of your family that has been passed down including diet and lifestyle and you have just no control over that at all I mean it's all so confusing you would think eatin fruit and vegetables woildnt have such an impact on your anabolic hormones that same way as if you consumed allot of eat man I understand the science you speak but I think it can go both ways and this needs to be a little bit more open minded on the possibilities and not everything is just only science and it can go both ways and either way man the only people I seen finasteride worked great for is people with hair transplants such as yourself and not because you started off baseline so it's easier for you to say and I have yet to see any impressive before and after that I think is reliable but as far as stopping hair loss sure maybe it does slow it down but to expect results of growth na not really much at all and I know for a fact for myself my penis for sure gets way smaller on it and no not because it's small lol and my voice for sure loses its bass to it. I just know it to be true not just placebo because I've tested it more than enough to realize unless I get a hair transplant I'm fuked but can't afford it and finasteride just isn't impressing me enough man we need a real cure for male pattern baldness

  41. Hi Kevin ! I hope you are having a prime week !

    I saw you are pretty enthousiastic about verteporfin, I personally am a bit skeptical but I really hope it could work well.

    Talking about wound healing and hair regrowth, have you heard about 4-aminopyridine ?
    I red about that on follicule thought website. This drug woulw play in the same category as vertoporfin if I got it right

  42. Hey, a new viewer of your channel. I'm wondering what your thoughts are (or if you addressed it before), regarding the possible brain-related effects of finasteride (e.g. dementia). As someone with a not-so-distant family history of Alzheimer's I'm curious what your reflections on the subject are. There appear to be some studies indicating that there could be a link between the two.

  43. Kevin I have one very strange question does semen reduction no fap and no sex for 6 months has any impact on hair ? While you are on dutasteride or finasteride therapy. Just curious

  44. Kev, I’d love to see a video about serum DHT vs scalp DHT. There’s a lot of misinformation and understanding around these two functions. Even til this day I have confusion with the suppression of scalp DHT. Is Dutasteride enough of a suppressant at the scalp level to stop miniaturisation (0.5mg daily)?

  45. Could you make another ''What I eat in a day for health and strength'? Loved the recipes and meals from last time and would like to try even more!

  46. Hi Kevin! Just wanted to say, youre my hero! You got me on finasteride!

    Ive been applying minoxidil foam like you. I liqiufy it by using a lighter on the bottom of the cap for like 5 seconds. Do you think this is ok?
    And do you really think it is still as effective as liquid? I mean isnt it a foam for a reason? I mean delivery wise?

  47. hey kevin,
    today I went to the best hair doctor in turkey and he said you are norwood1 , I am 18 btw, and recommended me minoxidil. I learned from your videos that the effectivenes of minoxidil does not last forever and we should target the underlying cause.
    so I wanted to learn your opinnion . should I listen the best doctor or start Fin?

  48. Hi Kevin, my erection after 2 weeks of fin is so bad. I've tried at least 20 times off and on. Currently 1 mg , i've tried all down to 0.1 mg and while erection get better they aren't like after 2 months that i stop fin. Have you got any suggestions? Thanks. Maybe i'll try duta and see how my body react

  49. Hi Kevin thanks for all your continued videos and advice. I have a question:

    Derek from MPMD suggested that you should start hair loss treatments BEFORE you notice hairloss since you would've lost too much ground by then—how would you suggest diagnosing if androgenic alopecia is occuring? By counting your weekly hair shed? Taking monthly photos? Or having a dermatologist/hair specialist look at your scalp with a microscope?

    I'm 31 now and still have a full head of hair, but I have no idea if I had more hair when I was younger since I never paid much attention to it. Figure I should be proactive since I'm getting older. My dad started losing his hair after 40 I think

  50. Hi kevin, i have an important question. I got back acne which is ofcourse a sign of high DHT. But when i am on Finasteride the acne seems to be getting worse. Where fin should decrease it, its increasing it do you have any idea about it pls let me know?

  51. In youre video talking about the risks associated with aga were in the scale if 10-20% most of the times. This is of corse a significant increase but not really huge i mean its still not guaranteed if youre bald that youll get all this stuff. But could it be that some of those increases were epigenetic since most bald men are maybe more depressive? There fore more drinking alcohol smoking not exercising or eating shit?

  52. Hey Kevin nice video! I’m 18 years old and beginning to notice hair loss on my temples and Random spots throughout my scalp. I’m looking to start treatment, however I have psoriasis on the scalp and am curious if psoriasis is the cause of my hair loss or at least playing a role.

  53. Um… his baldness means nothing, he hasn't been vegan his whole life and he was genetically predisposed to go bald early, so yeah, moot point and definitely a shameful cheap shot.

  54. Funny calling non-vegans insecure when vegans are constantly trying to mimic the look/texture/taste of meat lol. Just look at all the ingredients of those ultra-processed fake meats and tell me it's about health or the environment and I'll laugh in your face…

  55. I saw a few videos on finasteride usage. MPMD said that reducing DHT in scalp increases testosterone in the scalp.
    Is this true?
    Also, will test also cause hair loss?
    If yes, how to minimize testosterone in scalp?

    Please guide, my man✊

  56. Kevin, you are the voice of reason! I wish I had your videos 10 years ago when I was losing hair but too afraid to take finasteride because of all the hysteria online. Younger me believed it and I lost a lot of hair as a result. It’s crazy just how many people go out of their way to try and stop others from taking it, even though I think often they never even took the drug themselves. Keep fighting the good fight.

  57. even the doctors from "the hair loss show" (one of them was involved in the minoxidil trials) admitted that inflammation can accelerate hair loss. they had patients that changed their lifestyles and slowed down the progression remarkably

  58. Quick question not related to this video. Do you believe that Rob England actually knows he's lying to and scamming people, but his business model makes money so he's continuing with it?

  59. I'm super new to this stuff so I've been reading on finasteride side effects.

    Some people say it was originally designed for an enlarged prostate so it's gonna effect a normal one too.

    They also say it hampers sexual performance and guys are never the same animal they once wefe in bed.

    Is this true kevin, my man?

  60. Kevin I’m SERIOUSLY in distress here. So I’m 20 and my beard is slightly coming in. Dad says he had a full beard mid 20’s. The past year I’ve been experiences massive hair loss and I feel like I’m either gonna have to choose beard or hair, and I’d rather go hair. I still want to grow a beard though obviously. Do you think it’d be worth it to try a topical finasteride at maybe a .005 or .01 concentration to not crush my systemic DHT and still give me a chance for a beard. My other option is .25 mg finasteride 3-4 times a week

  61. Hi, Kevin thank you for the advice! I have a question. I started taking Finasteride and Minoxidil two years ago but stopped at month 5 since I saw regrowth. Biggest mistake ever! My hair started to fall gradually six months after I stopped taking them. Then I started to take them again and my hair was looking fabulous after another 5 months, everything was great then my hair started to shed 3 months ago…But this time I didn't stop the routine and I am still taking them daily…Do you think it's just the shed cycle or Finasteride and Minoxidil are losing their effectiveness on me? This is just so depressing…

  62. started taking finasteride 2 weeks ago, no side effects thankfully but I’m still obsessed with my hair loss. How do I just trust the process? I caught my hair loss quite early (NW1.5/2) btw

  63. Hi Kevin ! Nice vidéo Concerning bullshit treatment ! I had hair since 19 and i started finasteride since 2 years now and i’m still losing ground…i can try minoxidil but im afraid cause my scalp is very sensitive and i had itchy scalp by past so what can i do ? I cant have dutasteride in m’y country (France)…

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