Ammine eterocicliche in uova, formaggio e integratori di creatina?

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DESCRIZIONE: Anche i vegetariani potrebbero essere potenzialmente esposti agli agenti cancerogeni tipicamente formati dalla cottura della carne attraverso le uova, formaggio, integratori sportivi di creatina e fumo di sigaretta. Può essere necessaria cautela anche con l'integrazione di proteine ​​atletiche. Vedi Metalli pesanti negli integratori proteici in polvere ( In generale, alcuni integratori alimentari possono essere più di uno spreco di denaro ( -a-waste-of-money/).<br/>
Ulteriori informazioni sulla campagna Meatless Monday sono disponibili sul loro sito web
Misurare i livelli di tossine nei capelli o nei tagli delle unghie è un modo non invasivo per misurare i livelli di esposizione a lungo termine. Vedi test dei capelli per il mercurio ( e test dei capelli per Mercurio prima di considerare la gravidanza ( per un altro esempio di dove viene utilizzato.

Le ammine eterocicliche non sono l'unica classe di cancerogeni della carne che si trovano anche nel fumo di sigaretta. Guarda il mio video When Nitrites Go Bad ( Mentre il corpo può disintossicarsi sia dalle nitrosammine che da queste sostanze chimiche a base di carne cotta in poche ore o giorni, alcuni inquinanti presenti nella carne possono persistere nel corpo. Vedi Inquinanti industriali nei vegani ( , Contaminazione chimica ritardante di fiamma ( e quanto velocemente i bambini possono disintossicarsi dai PCB? (

Questo è il video finale di una serie in quattro parti sulle ammine eterocicliche, o no? In Carcinogeni estrogenici per carne cotta ( abbiamo esplorato il ruolo di queste sostanze chimiche a base di carne cotta nella crescita del tumore. In PhIP: The Three Strikes Breast Cancerogeno ( /) abbiamo esplorato il loro ruolo nell'invasione del cancro. Quindi ridurre il rischio di cancro nei mangiatori di carne ( ha offerto alcune strategie di mediazione. Anche i prossimi due video coinvolgono questi agenti cancerogeni, ma solo come modello sperimentale di formazione del cancro per testare il potere di varie piante di fermare questa trasformazione.

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su -creatine/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Ano Lobb. @healthyrx e Gideon tramite flickr; PackaSG tramite Wikimedia; e The Monday Campaigns, Inc.
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36 Risposte a “Ammine eterocicliche in uova, formaggio e integratori di creatina?”

  1. "There is little data on the toxicological properties of IQ[4,5-b], and the potential risk of this HAA for human health is unknown. IQ[4,5-b] is mutagenic in the Ames reversion assay in strain TA98 in the presence of liver S9 obtained from polychlorinated biphenyl pretreated rats and a more potent mutagen in tester strain YG1024 (47)."

  2. so I should risk my health for some "unknown" risks, until they discover that they are not healthy? i've got one life, so i've got to be carefull.

  3. The paleo crowd doesn't have a leg to stand on anymore… it doesn't matter if you eat free-range or grass fed or whatever… the animal products themselves are toxic.

  4. they always have been. Leukocytosis occurs every time you eat any animal tissue, regardless of if it was cooked or raw, factory farmed or grass fed, etc.. We are simply not made to eat animals at all, never have.

  5. What does how old she is have to do with anything? If she eats meat then she gets a dose of heterocyclic amines, according to this video. That would be the argument of this video. Not how old she is going to live. :

  6. There are also other things to take into consideration as well when it comes to longevity, besides diet (amount of total calorie intake, fitness level, genes and disease risk factors, quality of diet, etc. etc.).

  7. So taking a creatine supplement is just as carcinogenic as eating meat?! I've been taking it off and on for years! I'm tossing it in garbage today!

  8. in this society we've been led to believe that living till 100 is somewhat of an achievement. IMO it's still young, and btw diet isn't everything there are plenty of other factors

  9. it appears that the guy's saying COOKED meat, and burned vegetable matter, is where these come from, the animal products, if not cooked, should be safe then.

  10. Although I am on a plant strong diet and don't smoke, I've been exposed to a lot of second hand smoke as it seems that where ever I go someone is almost always smoking something and so this leaves with some concern.

  11. true, some people think that living long is a measure of life that's important, what's more important is to be happy, if someone's got to eat something risky, that makes them happy, does it really matter if their life is shortened? it's a fact that eating food you don't like causes you to absorb less nutrients from it, and that controlling cholesterol only gains a few months, for a few months i'll relax a bit. soon as i can, i'll grow my own food, that'll fix a lot of the modern food problems.

  12. So, was there any data on the creatine supplementation or was it just a presumption? Would love to know, I'm a vegan but I supplement with creatine. Cheers for any responses.

  13. "You get pointless fluoride from city tap water" Not all places fluoridate the water and besides,you can get a filter,not drink tap water,and eat foods that chelate chemicals like fluoride(sea vegetables with iodine,chlorella,etc.)

    "Your shampoo is full of bad chemicals" Implying that one doesn't check the ingredients on the shampoo and get organic/natural shampoo(which you're implying that there is no such thing as,but that differs from the reality),let alone that one even uses…

  14. rationalization for flesh consumption which leads to the things just listed so that it can seem that "everything" harms you and that you should just eat flesh anyways(which is foolish and is ignoring the other things it causes).Also,if you were healthy and consume a high raw whole food vegan diet then your body would be optimal at defending itself from such toxins we experience

  15. " Hahahahah the body was made to eat meat."(your message)

    Considering that the human body is physiologically the same to that of a herbivore.Also,the top flesh consuming countries are those with the most cancer and bone disease and they have the same high rates of diseases that the Inuits had and the Inuits were high flesh eaters as well.

  16. "And I guess a mothers breast milk is vegan as well…. morons…. o and supplements grows on trees lmao."(your message)

    So are you saying that we should all be drinking mother's breast milk?

    Supplements as in what? Herbs are considered supplements and gingko biloba is a herb and is the leaf of a tree so technically some supplements do grow on trees.And you're also using projection and assumptions again and implying all vegans use supplements and considering the fact that the…

  17. I like how my professor called this "theoretical meat" – the kind of meat that even if it didn't have the bacteria, cancer sores, shit, rats, and carcinogens that are sold to us along with meat would still be bad for you.

  18. You're right. One outlier that could be due to factors like genetics completely disprove thousands of scientific controlled experiments on other factors like nutrition and make their findings totally BS. I'll get your comment out to the scientific community as soon as possible so they can finally stop wasting their time with their silly "science"! Thanks for letting us know about this!

  19. Damn, why do they get B12 injections? How do animals normally get B12? …i guess probably from their natural diet that they aren't being fed. They also give pigs antidepressants.

  20. they are just trying to justify their eating habits somehow.. i always thought it was ridiculous to have a person zoom across the atlantic on a plane, browsing their ipad while glancing over and saying "i'm a paleo" lol. yeah sure whatever you say

  21. The actual paleolithic-era hunter gatherer's diet was recently proven to have been almost all "gatherer" / very little "hunter", ie: virtually vegan. Paleo's point re avoiding refined sugars grains & oils still stands, but -that- never -was- in conflict with a -healthy- vegan diet.

  22. For those who are concerned about creatine supplementation and HCA's I found a study that explored this:

    "This study provides compelling evidence that both low and high doses of creatine supplementation, given either acutely or chronically, does not cause a significant increase in HCA formation."

    Supplement on my friends!

  23. Well Vegans are worse when it comes to inflammation. We are lead to believe that eating a lot of vegetables is healthy. Eating meat is as natural and healthy you can get when it comes to diet. Processed meats, sugar and vegetables really is the problem in high amounts. Even fruit sugars are bad in high amounts. Maybe it's because when we cooked back in cave men days and heated meat it was hanging over a fire and not made with all these types of cooking ware we have while heating meat. That could also be a contributor. But what is stupid is all these groups and ideologies blaming each other like Vegans despite being ignorant about us needing meat in out diets. When animals are killed it should be done with respect because it is a part of life. Fake Ideologies and fake knowledge is what really is the problem. Just get to the point and truth and find a solution. It's ridiculous and people are wasting their energy on simple answers to a simple questions by bickering on who is right and wrong lol

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