Antitraspiranti e cancro al seno

Radersi prima di applicare antitraspiranti sotto le ascelle può aumentare l'assorbimento dell'alluminio. Questo potrebbe spiegare il maggior numero di tumori e la sproporzionata incidenza di cancro al seno nel quadrante esterno superiore della mammella vicino all'ascella?

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• Broccoli vs. Cellule staminali del cancro al seno ( -cancer-stem-cells/)
• Perché le donne asiatiche hanno meno cancro al seno? (
• Semi di lino e prevenzione del cancro al seno ( )
• Cancro al seno contro funghi ( video/cancro-al-seno-vs-funghi/)
• Prevenire il cancro al seno con qualsiasi verdura necessaria (
• Albero Noci o noccioline per la prevenzione del cancro al seno? (
• Carcinogeni estrogenici per la carne cotta ( -cancerogeno-carne-cotta/)
• Fibra vs cancro al seno (
• Cancro al seno e alcol: quanto è sicuro ? (
• Il colesterolo nutre le cellule del cancro al seno (http://
• Quali fattori dietetici influenzano maggiormente il cancro al seno? (
• Il ruolo della leucemia bovina nel cancro al seno (
• Come bloccare Enzimi produttori di estrogeni del cancro al seno ( Cancro-Enzimi-Produttori-Estrogeni)

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100 Risposte a “Antitraspiranti e cancro al seno”

  1. BOOM! I stopped using antiperspirant deodorant in my teens, after hearing about the link between aluminum and breast cancer, kinda thought maybe it was just a rumor, but better safe than sorry. Glad I went with my instinct and stopped. Hard to find non Antiperspirant deodorant for women so I've been using mens for a long while, but now have discovered Toms brand after going vegan, I love and it works. Funny thing to is I also stopped shaving my pits a few years back. Guess being a hippie has its benefits. 😂😂😂✌💚

  2. Thank you doctor! Such scary thing… my friends have daughters 10, 11,13 years old and buying them like "Secret "brand stuff, when I told them about danger, some said that healthier versions don't work cause they have strong odour at that age , but they also not plant based.

  3. it's been known since at least the nineteen-eighties to also be linked with potentially causing Alzheimers. I stopped wearing deodorant altogether. smelly underarms are caused by bacteria breeding under your arms, because they consume the oil that is released by your body there. if you clean yourself twice a day you don't have to worry about it. why not spray the deodorant on your clothing instead of your skin…or use perfumery essential oils. For a while in the 80's I would simply put a couple drops of an essential oil mixed with a carrier oil under my arms. works well also.

  4. As far as I know antiperspirants also stop you from sweating which is not okay either!! I stopped using conventional deodorants and antiperspirants ages ago, now I simply use crystal deodorant made from potassium alum and it works just fine

  5. I don't want to smell so what do you recommend? And don't say aluminium free deodorants! They do not work at all!

  6. "Ironically, anti-perspirant's can make us stink worse, because they increase the types of bacteria that cause body odor. It's like the story with antidepressant drugs. How they can actually make you more depressed in the long run. The more we use anti-perspirants, the more we may need them—awfully convenient for $1 billion industry." —Dr. Michael Greger

  7. i have hyperhidrosis at pits, feet, and hands that is exacerbated by stimulants and stressors. what can i do other than healthy diet? i mean i literally can drip or have pits soaked in the right conditions

  8. What about man made deodorant crystals consisting of potassium alum? They are usually marketed as natural and safe ( I read the particles are too large to penetrate the skin) but actually they contain an even greater aluminum concentration than regular deodorants?

  9. I use some baking soda mixed with oil that is hard at room temperature. Some essential oil for subtle fragrance.

  10. Yes, I have had some experience with the antidepressants dilemma, so I know that is a thing. Thank you for this. I may be able to use it with my daughter.

  11. Laser hair removal is the answer to shaving damage.

    Magnesium oil (or Epsom salt solution) works as deodorant – not sure if this might also alter skin biome though.

    And here's an interesting question, are there any skin probiotics that work to restore healthy bacteria?

  12. I knew it – I always had doubts about deodorants causing breast cancer. I use vegan ones now, that don't contain aluminum. I do have a fibroadenoma (a benign lump in a breast), I've had it for years now, since highschool, but I think it is reducing in size since I've gone vegan, or at least, that it won't grow further.

  13. When I type this link into google, the first thing that comes up is American Cancer Society and they deny all of this and say that there is no link. Why are they doing this, Doc? (i have an idea why but just asking)

  14. post more videos like these!! they are wonderful! especially ones that are involving chemicals that affect our bodies such as fluoride in our tap water leading to neurological diseases over time. && plastic material in water bottles and foods such as BPA.

  15. no wonder it always stung when i used deo within 24 of when i shave. i ended up waiting at least a day to apply after shaving and it stopped.

  16. My wife made deodorant at home that took no joke 3 ingredients

    That bad boy works better than any deodorant she used baking soda, coconut oil, and something else

    I'll never use commercial deodorant again

  17. It's nice to see other women saying they don't shave either, it's such a silly custom. I knew deodorants were nasty but did use them when I was young. Now I scrub before I go out around other people. Sometimes I use magnesium oil, other times an alcohol and essential oil mixture diluted with water. Most days I use nothing.

  18. thanks for the facts Dr. buuuuut the comparison of antiperspirants to antidepressant medication was a horribly ineffective false analogy. ☹️☹️☹️

  19. Well, I started using this product because my armpits were smelling bad. After years using it, I tried to stop because of the relation between aluminium and breast cancer. So far I tried 3 different brands and types without aluminium and even coconut oil, but they don't work for me… I can't stop using antiperspirants unless I go 100% raw eater and go fasting regularly… I heard it helps, so I will stop, at least, shaving and applying it right after.

  20. I'm often around a lot of Indians and Africans who don't ever use any type of deodorant, yet you can clearly smell them from across a room. Is being abstinent really a better option than just using aluminum free deodorants?

  21. Thank you so much for making videos on cosmetics and self care products, we have them on ALL the time and we even use them on babies. Thank you for giving us the info we deserve, industries don't seem to care at all!!!

  22. How about buzzing your pits with hair clippers or a moustache trimmer? Shaved armpits is such a stupid thing anyway. I know ppl who have weened themselves off of deodorant and eventually stop smelling.

  23. Do you have a book about reducing oestrogen levels ? I have the levels of menopausal women and I'm just 23, I can't do anything, I used to be a dancer and study hard at the university (maths). Now I had to drop out of my master's degree. I sleep a lot, I have heavy bad cramps during period, 2 weeks cycles, cramps during pms, weight gain, cravings, I'm developing chronic back pain due to this excess upper body fat (15 kilos of fat gained on my upper body) T.T I don't know where to start, I don't recognise myself in the mirror anymore.

  24. Very scary. I've been using a lemon every day for over two years. Not stinky and the color of my underarms are like the rest of my skin. Works great!

  25. I found that cleaning up your diet can help reduce the stench of your body odor. the less junk you put into yourself, the less you're going to smell as you're burning it off and sweating it out. but if you're watching one of Dr gregers videos I'm sure you're already eating pretty healthy

  26. I think women should dry brush the skin and particularly in the areas of the lymph nodes. Also we should be eating a very healthy diet loaded with fruits and veggies as most of us will probably not stop using antiperspirants.

  27. Smell solution: make your own antiperspirant with coconut oil and baking soda… no smell at all for me if I apply it, and Store bought ones made me smell so much more

  28. My experience is indeed that I smelled worse when using deodorant then when not using it.
    Lemon can be a natural alternative if you are looking for something.

  29. I never liked the thought of using chemicals and aluminium .. I switched to a salt crystal stick and I defiantly notice I don't smell as bad and to my amazement I actually perspire less… Did take a few months to adjust but all good .. Glad I did ..Thanks for confirming thy thoughts Dr Gregor 🙂

  30. antiperspirants and deodorants make you dependant on them, I stopped using them about a year ago, the first month or so I did stink, after the it suddenly stopped.not kidding.

  31. With not using anti-p deodorants and eating vegan, even though I sweat a lot when I run or do smtg else, even when I don't apply deodorant I rarely smell. (warm country btw) I think I finally understand why.

  32. Try lemon. That simple. I thought it was crazy too but it works even in the most intense activities. Take a fresh lemon cut it in half and squeeze it while rubbing it under your arm. Just don't use it directly after shaving because it could burn. Either wait an hour or shave with an electric razor.

    True about antiperspirant, bacteria, needing more to rid smell. I stopped using antiperspirant and it took a while however no smell. When I exercise and sweat, doesn't smell bad. Good diet lifestyle helps what smell comes through pores too. I've had laser hair removal, haven't shaved my underarms in years. My armpits are like a hairless Chihuahua… that and other parts lol

  34. I ended up with razor burn under my arm that turned into a rash, that traveled to my other pit. I couldn't wear deodorant at all for a week, and only natural after for a while. At first, I smelled, but after two weeks (unless after work out/before shower in summer) i barely had a smell. Thought I had just gotten used to myself, but hubby commented on it too.

  35. My bulletproof home deo:
    1. after bath, apply apple cider vinegar to cotton pad and rub under pits. Will BURN if recently shaved (I've gotten used to it).
    2. after acv is dry, apply VERY thin layer of coconut oil, your pits shouldn't feel oily (I usually apply body lotion right after this step)
    3. small pinch of baking soda rubbed over fingertips and applied to underarms

    ACV kills odor causing bacteria. coconut oil is antibacterial, but also serves to moisturize and create a thin 'barrier'. baking soda keeps you dry. Expensive to start, BUT these ingredients last forever. Expect a period of detoxing during the first 2-4 weeks. Also if worried about something going wrong, try it out when you don't have to go anywhere (; Keep tiny vial of baking soda and scrubbing rag on hand if worried for stinky emergency.

  36. I've found that epilating the armpits and just washing them every day + maybe spray on a little natural body mist I like works wonders. If I one day suddenly do use the deodorant I have, I feel like I start smelling! Epilating is so great cause I only have to do it every 1-2 weeks😁 Hurts in the beginning but you get over it pretty soon😊

  37. thats not the worse part! All commercial deodorant are extremely bad for our healths!! That’s why I make my own at home.

  38. Why use deodorant? After all Napoleon wrote to his Josephine “Je reviens ne te lave pas! trans. I’m coming back, don’t wash.

  39. Of course, most people also don't interpret 'do not use on broken skin' to mean 'do not use on shaved skin'. Most people I have known, have always interpreted 'broken skin' to mean skin that was actually cut, or punctured, and/or bleeding.

  40. This is what I recommend: Only hang with people who are not brainwashed and don't mind you smelling like a human. The billion dollar deodorant industry are laughing their way to the banks. We smell like humans, that's what we are. We are animals. Stop pretending like we are not you meat eating hypocrites.

  41. Just went to the bathroom to check if my deodorant (anti-perspirant) has Aluminum in it because yesterday I shaved my arm pits and applied it today and now I have severe brain fog. It contains Aluminium chlorohydrate. The manufacturer actually changed their formula from a year ago.

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