Approccio dietetico al trattamento naturale dei sintomi della menopausa

In studi randomizzati e controllati è stato dimostrato che alimenti specifici migliorano i sintomi della menopausa come le vampate di calore.

Avrò molto altro da dire nel mio prossimo libro How Not to Age (in uscita tra 2023), ma, per ora, potresti essere interessato a In che modo i medici non sapevano dei rischi della terapia ormonale? ( e fitoestrogeni di soia per le vampate di calore della menopausa (

21 Risposte a “Approccio dietetico al trattamento naturale dei sintomi della menopausa”

  1. I'm a little confused by the ending. Was it the omega-3s they think that reduced their symptoms? Because walnuts and almonds don't have a lot, but olive oil has some. Obviously flaxseed oil has the most, so it confuses me a little why one group would have done significantly better than the other. Both were consuming oils, both were consuming omega-3s, and both were consuming omega-3 rich oil. Maybe one group was getting substantially more than the other. That's the reason they think?

  2. It’s fascinating how much diet affects such things. Your mileage may vary…. I’m a female, almost 1 year post-menopause now, have been WF vegan for several years, including flaxmeal and chia meal, and have vasomotor symptoms, hot flashes, as well as the lesser known cold flashes, which interrupts my sleep . Have added soybeans, from a study by Dr. Barnard, black cohosh ….one can see why it’s called “the change “😅

  3. Thank you for this video. While focusing on the symptoms of menopause is important – they can be debilitating and life altering, I’d like to see at least as much attention given to the fact that menopause / estrogen deficiency comes with real heath risks for women. They are osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease/heart attack, dementia (Alzheimer’s), and more. The risk for these conditions are independent of symptoms a menopausal woman may experience.
    There are estrogen receptors virtually everywhere in a woman’s body, meaning the hormone serves important functions other than those needed for reproduction. The question is whether (the right) foods alone can fulfill all these functions optimally and from what we know at this point, the answer is no.
    In an ideal world (for women), we would get comprehensive information/education about the consequences of the loss of ovarian function and women would have a choice of affordable hormone therapy with body identical preparations (estradiol and progesterone if needed). Equivalent to giving thyroid hormone or insulin when needed.
    I wonder how the loss of an essential hormone would be approached if this happened to men! It’s an interesting thought experiment, in my opinion. If men lost virtually ALL their testosterone within a few years around midlife, had a long list of debilitating and life altering physical and emotional symptoms, which on average could last for many years. Many would have to quit careers they had spent decades to build because they are unable to perform as required, etc., etc. And on top there’d be significant risks to their overall health. How do we think this complete loss of testosterone in men would be “dealt with” in medicine? Society? Amongst men themselves? Would we hear “oh well, that’s how it is now; we’ll just have to live with it for the remaining 30-50 years of our lives.” 😂 I’m pretty sure I know the answer!
    Healthy food is essential, yes, but food is food, and hormones are hormones. Expecting one to do the job(s) of the other is wishful thinking, in my opinion.

  4. My menopausal symptoms are extremely triggered by nightshade vegetables, so even on a plant based diet there can be foods that need to be tweaked.

  5. I'm 1 1/2 years past my last cycle and I feel being vegan (11 years now) really helped me have an easier time of it that I have heard from most other people. I also took Black Cohash to help with the night sweats which are infrequent now.

  6. I’m 50, whole food vegan. I’ve never experienced any menopausal symptoms. When are they supposed to start, and how or when will I know that it’s over?

  7. Just got done listening to a man, who recommended global flesh consumption.
    Because we plant people, are deficient in nutrients.
    He has 8.7 million subscribers, all his hair and decent eyesight.
    Where are we, going wrong?
    The vegans, look worse than the carnivores.
    I don't get it…
    And no one, where I live agrees that a plant based diet is superior.
    I mean no one….pretty alarming.
    They bring up Ghandi.
    Bald, blind and scrawny…when you say vegan.

  8. I had hot flashes-not bad, but annoying- for a couple years and they disappeared a couple months after going vegan. I ate some dairy cheese pizza (messed up order) two years later and my hot flashes returned for two months! They're mostly gone again but that was a lot of time for two slices of pizza.

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