Are Happier People Actually Healthier?

The burgeoning field of positive psychology is based on the understanding that mental health is not just about the absence of disease.

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OK, so if happiness improves health, how do we improve happiness? That’s the subject of my next video: Which Foods Increase Happiness? (

I’m as guilty as the rest of my colleagues for focusing on mental illness rather than mental health (though my video Laughter as Medicine is a rare exception). It’s a consequence of what’s out there in the medical literature, though I’ll make a special effort to highlight new studies in this area as they’re published. But I do have a bunch of videos on preventing and treating negative mood states such as depression and anxiety: <br />• Fighting the Blues with Greens? (
• Aspartame and the Brain (
• Improving Mood Through Diet (
• Antioxidants and Depression (
• Can Dehydration Affect Our Mood? (
• Music for Anxiety: Mozart vs. Metal (
• Plant-Based Diets for Improved Mood and Productivity (
• Anti-inflammatory Diet for Depression (

What about psychiatric medications? See my videos Do Antidepressant Drugs Really Work? ( and Exercise vs. Drugs for Depression (

Other ways to improve our immune system? Check out my recent video Using the Produce Aisle to Boost Immune Function (

Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and he’ll try to answer it!

Image Credit: Condesign via Pixabay.
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56 Risposte a “Are Happier People Actually Healthier?”

  1. thank you! you have inspired me to open a all-natural vegan food and vegan restaurant store (not yet but sooooon!) in saudi Arabia what you are doing is quite huge please make more videos for the whole globe to watch… just one thing to ask? do you have a daily meal plan like specific recipes?

  2. What we learned, being healthy can lead to a happier life, but the other around too! Do not neglect any of them assuming one leads to the other.

  3. Happy health vegan ! This does seem like the first scientific evidence to support the law of attraction as some call it. Happy vibrant people, make happy vibrant lifes…

  4. Hi Dr Greger,
    I'm 17 and from the UK, and I've recently received an offer from a university to study medicine. Researching the impact of a plant based diet on health is a huge passion of mine, however I'm terrified that a career in medicine will end up as me pushing pills and ignoring the effect of a persons lifestyle, as this seems to be what happens within the NHS here. I was wondering if you could offer some insight into the doors a career in medicine will open, other than the stereotype that springs to many people's minds?
    Thanks so much, you have been a true inspiration.

  5. But I can't be happy knowing what is happening right now (slaughterhouses). I exercise, eat whole food plant based, but "Earthlings" is like playing over and over again in my head, even thought it's years since I saw it. How could I be happy?

  6. One link between mental and immune health is the endocannabinoid system. CB2 receptors are found on immune cells, and cannabinoids are known to affect both physical and mental states.

  7. I believe I read something that was saying that being pessimistic and or angry is actually good for the immune system. It sort of acts the same way that exposure to bacteria helps you get immunity towards certain things. Anyone know anything about this?

  8. It's amazing how much our mental state influences our health. This is why people get sick and diet of cancer or whatever, no matter what they eat.

  9. good talk!  I'm not sure 800 is worth getting sick.  definitely not the flu.  money isn't as big deal to me.  I would suggest watching the TED talk "moneyless man"  very interesting.

  10. Is it possible that the feeling of "happiness" or "wellbeing" is largely a result of a strong immune system? Have there been any studies on this?

  11. Doctor Greger, has there been any study comparing vegan and omnivore athletes and their results on an identical exercise routine after a period of time? If so, could you make a video on it? It would be an extremely interesting issue for most of your viewers!
    Thank you for educating me, I can't express how thankful I am! All the best from Poland

  12. I came to this video while searching for health benefit of Happiness, really nice presentation based on scientific evidence. Even now evidences are emerging more on happiness; preventing and slowing dementia, help in stroke recovery as well as in curing cancer along with recovery from TBI and PTSD. Being happy is being healthy…

  13. Nice one.Happy life don't just come, we walk for it not by having all we want but appreciating what we have. I will always emphasize on this. On my channel

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