Autismo e caseina dal latte vaccino

Le casomorfine, prodotti di degradazione della caseina proteica del latte con attività simile agli oppiacei, possono aiutare a spiegare perché i sintomi dell'autismo a volte migliorano con un dieta.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Questo è il primo di una serie di 6 video sul ruolo del glutine e delle diete prive di latticini nel trattamento dell'autismo. Resta sintonizzato per:
• Il latte A2 comporta meno rischi di autismo? (
• Diete senza glutine senza caseina per l'autismo messe alla prova ( -per-l'autismo-messo-alla-prova)<br/> • I benefici della dieta per l'autismo sono solo un effetto placebo? (
• Studio clinico in doppio cieco della dieta per l'autismo ( of-Diet-for-Autism)
• Pro e contro delle diete prive di glutine e caseina per l'autismo (

La mia ultima serie sull'autismo ha esplorato la straordinaria storia dei germogli di broccoli messi alla prova per il trattamento dei ragazzi autistici:
• Benefici per la febbre per l'autismo in a Food (
• Combattere l'infiammazione cerebrale dell'autismo con il cibo ( -Infiammazione-cervello-con-cibo)
• I migliori alimenti per l'autismo (

Altri video interessanti sul latte e sulla salute di bambini e neonati includono:
• Perché le donne vegane Hai 5 volte meno gemelli? (>• Childhood Constipation and Cow’s Milk (
• Treating Infant Colic by Changing Mom’s Diet (

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Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.

If you’d rather watch these videos on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube Channel here:>

Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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• Podcast :>• Childhood Constipation and Cow’s Milk (
• Treating Infant Colic by Changing Mom’s Diet (

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99 Risposte a “Autismo e caseina dal latte vaccino”

  1. Maybe the drug cartels will be getting into genetics to have cows produce morphine like substances they can refine. Maybe they will find a way to do it with powdered milk.

  2. Thank you so much for what you're doing. People aren't ready to see those things yet.
    When they decide to take a look themselves though, your work leaves no space for misunderstandings.
    Much gratitude Doctor!

  3. So the prevalence of autism could be explained in part by increased awareness. Also less cruciferous vegetables and more dairy in the diet?

  4. There is nothing quite so peculiar as the human ingestion of another species' milk, the logistics of it are absurd. Also, when asking the average person if they would drink a woman's breast milk they would reply with disgust, but milk from a cow is acceptable?…What a concept

  5. I watch some customers in restaurant I waitress at. I observed that they are fine. Then I observe they eat cheese or butter items. I promise you, before they leave the. They are hacking, snorting, sniffing. They really don't get it was the dairy they've just eaten. I use to do the same. You've got to want change. OMG! Wake Up People!

  6. No wonder people hate us when we try to share the information that challenges their dairy. They're addicts.
    They don't have a monkey on their back. They have a cow on their back!

  7. I think it's more of the shots and Foods that they eat. People all around the world love and drink milk. I'm from Afghanistan and their cows milk tests and smells so good(all grass fed) It tastes so different from milks here.

  8. I have autism I was 100% cows milk formula feed and thru out my childhood I eat lots of dairy. I went vegan over a year ago my autism got a lot better I also had asthma and sinus issues I was also over weight I was only 11 I have none of those issues anymore. Thank dr Gregor for this video. Am gonna go eat some broccoli now.

  9. Hoping there will be part 2, where on the ramifications of a gluten spike in the urine of those with autism is discussed. I've known about the exorphin effect of dairy for years, but the gluten aspect is News.

  10. A gluten free diet definitely helped stop my son's meltdowns. We went GF when he was 3 and his daycare was stunned. "It's like he's a different child!" He stopped throwing things and screaming, and actually started talking to the other kids for the first time. We didn't go diary free until recently, but I haven't noticed an effect yet. But if it's helping at all, that's awesome.

  11. Thank you Dr. Greger for your informative videos! I for one am grateful to be learning this at a relatively young age (22), not only for my own sake but for the sake of my future children.

  12. Thank you so much for the video! I would love to keep watching your researchs on how plant based diet can help individuals with Autism. Great work!

  13. This is a sensitive topic that is consistently handled disappointingly poorly by Greger. I have an autistic friend who likes being autistic, considers it part of his identity, and detests the idea of this being changed by medicine or diet or anything else. I suspect a lot of autistic people share this view and it is vital to acknowledge that before discussing autism from a biomedical perspective.

  14. cant believe Gregor says dont eat alfalfa sprouts,,( best source of amino acids on the planet) only 100 cases of salmonella in a whole year compared to 118,00 cases from eggs ,,, i guess durianrider was right for once,,,,, what a jerk you are gregor …

  15. I can't recall where I heard recently that cheese converts to morphine when it has been melted and browned such as on a pizza, and that's why cheese pizzas are so addictive.
    As for the autism, it'd be interesting to find out if those children with autism also received any heavy doses of antibiotics as I've heard that there are strong links between intestinal flora decimation by antibiotics which means the bodies not able to get the nutrients from the food, which means the body, and much more importantly, the brain, aren't getting any nutrients to allow proper function of the most complex biological super computer known, causing a condition they named Autism. The brain uses between 25 to 50% of the bodies blood, it circulates through, bringing new nutrients that were extracted from the food and beverages we consumed. Obviously the more nutrients, the more power the computer has and the more effective it is in running your entire body.

    If someone doesn't have enough stomach flora to create the enzimes required to digest and extract useful nutrients from the food, it won't reach its genetic potential.

    It'd be interesting to know if parents with autistic children recall if their child suffered badly from stomach pains and diarrhoea often before they worsened and disappeared.

  16. These videos are answered prayers. We will be removing dairy from my Autistic son diet starting immediately. Once we master that then we remove gluten .

  17. The article is from 2003 and there has not been any further evidence for it. This is all speculation. While soy is related to male sperm reduction and female cancer. But if you believe in vegan religion rather than science go for it!

  18. Why did you delete my comment? Here it is again: Casein and Glutin can be ok for some but contribute to develop autism /other disease to others- proved. Vaccines adjuvants ( like aluminum salts which are an inorganic substances ) are safe and can never cause autism, but milk and bread can, but wait vaccines cannot…

  19. Very informational video, but the comments demonstrate what is known as " Conformational bias" , see everybody saying how milk is bad and how these studies confirm their believes about how bad is milk , but you wont find somebody saying: well similarly bread is as bad as milk. We choose to believe what best fits within our already formed believes

  20. Of all doctors offering science based advice on nutrition, you are the best Dr. Greger. You offer it for free, where some others restrain some of this crucial information behind a VISA garden wall…. That's why your reputation is getting more stellar by the day

  21. Hey Doc, what's the best (least harmful) milk I can give my 20 month old…she was breastfed for the 1st 12 months, the next 4 months was Rice milk -but the arsenic…so this last 4 months on cows… please help!!!!!! Is almond the best choice?????

  22. i don't get it. is this some kind of joke or satire? or is this really thought to be taken seriously?
    the scientific content is obviously bullshit, but on purpose???

  23. Also, constipation after ingestion of cow's milk. Constipation — common side effect of opioids. I remember vividly how it was strong to eat a lot of vegetarian pizza, consisting of milk and bread with the feeling afterwards. Something opioid. I know how it feels because I tried opioids in the past.

  24. I am curious whether the recommendations for “gluten free” may actually be because of yeast intolerance (yeast and gluten being typically found together in bread).

  25. how to reduce amount of casein in milk ? does heating denature the protein , does long fermentation reduce the content , does adding something reduce content

  26. Why is living with autism as a woman being undiagnosed all my life having no social care so common in the UK that because my parents were advised to drink cows milk for bones that caused my autism in the first place a life long disability that is not being cared for I have to suffer with something I never asked for and have zero access to financial support pip writing autism off as not a disability that I'm not even coping this is not fair

  27. My son have suffered autism spectrum since childhood and Have battled with it all his life. But recently taking of Dr Oyalo herbs have help his get rid of it completely, his speech is vibal and his social skill is perfect. I’m so glad and happy now

  28. Using doctor Isibor Herbal treatment helped my child diagnosed with autism in less than 3 weeks so happy 😊😁 I can in contact with doctor Isibor natural herbal treatment on his YouTube channel

  29. My son have been using this herbal product for 1month now , so far it has cured his ASD and eliminate his lack of social skill as well , now he is verbal , I got this herbs from Dr imenherbal on his channel and it work perfectly . Now he is completely free

  30. Have you come across Alternative Herbal supplement on youtube, it did alot for my non verbal son who was diagnosed with Austin.

  31. Have you come across Alternative Herbal supplement on youtube, it did alot for my non verbal son who was diagnosed with Austin.

  32. Glory to almighty god after many years i finally found joy with the help of #DrOZESS on YouTube great herbal doctor help me cure my Son Autism , with herbal medicine product i ordered

  33. My son have been using this herbal product for 1month now so far it has cured his ADHD and eliminate his lack of social skill as well , now he is verbal , I got this herbs from Dr imenherbal on his channel and it work perfectly . Now my son is completely free

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