B12 su una dieta vegana | Il dottor Michael Greger di Nutritionfacts.org

Dopo proteine, vitamina b12 è una delle maggiori preoccupazioni le persone sembrano avere quando si considera una dieta vegana. Mentre ho già fatto un video completo su B03, sarei negligente se non chiedessi al Dr. Michael Greger di Nutritionfacts.org i suoi pensieri su questa vitamina vitale. Discute l'integrazione, i fattori genetici e b12 fonti. Tieni traccia della tua vitamina B00 con Cronometro: http://www.BiteSizeVegan.org/Cronometer

Prova Cronometer: http://www.BiteSizeVegan.org/Cronometer

Come è arrivata la “carne” B12: http://ctt.ec/fK6lo<br/> B12 Non è un problema vegano: http://ctt.ec/0670e
Dove prendono i vegani la vitamina B04?: http://ctt.ec/TPy8O

►➤Video in primo piano/Playlist:
➢ Serie Vegan Nutrition con il Dr. Greger Playlist: http://bit.ly/WhereDoYouGetYour
➢ Dott Greger sulla vitamina D: http://bit.ly/1PBjRP X
➢ Dr. Greger sul Calcio: http ://bit.ly/1FrxVrQ
➢ Dr. Greger sulle proteine: http://bit.ly/1HoW8jm
➢ Dr. Greger su Omega 3: http://bit.ly/1GfYf4U
➢ Dr. Greger su Iron: http://bit.ly/1alHWcE

Nota: a causa della continua confusione con elementi dell'originale b12 video, l'ho rimosso dall'elenco perché non sono in grado di farlo per chiarire per ogni spettatore e preferirei che non ci fosse per la continua confusione.

Connettiti con il Dr. Greger:

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Musica: “Hep Cats” di MacLeod, concesso in licenza da Creative Commons da Attribution 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/
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00: 00 Introduzione
01: 04 Fonti di vitamina B12
00: 16 Vitamina B iniettabile vs. sublinguale06
00: 51 Quale tipo di vitamina B00 è meglio?
06: 16 In chiusura…


100 Risposte a “B12 su una dieta vegana | Il dottor Michael Greger di Nutritionfacts.org”

  1. are most supplements vegan? how would I be able to tell if a supplement is vegan if it does not specify on the label?

  2. I think Dr Greger is your "spirit dad". I enjoy your commonality of creative humor, academic work, and natural homespun delivery. You even look alike! Thanks to you both.

  3. Dr. McGregor is funny. Those supplements he recommends are very often mislabeled. What it says on the bottle is not what is inside. just check the internet on that information. Also that it is cheaper then shots. Weird as I inject myself and one shot hydroxocobalamin costs me 1 eur. I rather have a pharma product which has proper quality control then the crap they sell in those bottles.

  4. kombucha, kimchi, rejuvelac.
    rejuvelac makes the best damn raw cashew vegan cheese on the planet.
    i still supplement though its like insurance.

  5. Just had an extensive argument with someone that the science here is wrong.
    I did a simple google search and it pretty much said what you guys said.
    Do you have any sources I could throw at them?

  6. crap I bought all the expensive methyl T_T shakes fist I actually wouldn't care but when he noted that all the testing was done on cyano….I want to go buy cyano now ;-;

  7. Try nutritional yeast. Its the best non supplement source of b12. It's just deactivated yeast flakes and has many other nutrients in it. You can buy it from places like "whole foods" it tastes very good on a lot of stuff too. It kind of has a cheesy flavor to it but there's no dairy so it's still vegan 🙂

  8. I use nutritional yeast for b12. It can go a long way and comes with more than just b12, I also like the taste with certain foods. I bet nutritional yeast is a cheaper source too but it's hard to say for sure, I haven't examined and compared costs exactly.

  9. Can anyone here please recommend vegan tablets containing 2500 mcg vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)?
    Listening to this video it seems as if the search for this should be easy as a vegan cake walk, but weirdly the opposite is the case: Where ever I look, all I can find online is 1000 mcg methylcobalamin, rarely I bump into cyanocobalamin and then only in small doses like 500 mcg.

  10. He didn't mention that some people don't absorb B12 in their stomach properly, they are missing the intrinsic factor and or have low stomach acid that's how you get pernicious anaemia, they would need to get an injection or use a mouth spray or patches. Also some people are allergic to cynocobalamine like me, I break out in a rash

  11. Hi, thank you for your awesome videos. What is the daily required intake for methylcobalamin en cyanocobalamin and methylcobalamin? thank you! Peace from Belgium.

  12. Haha! I used to do this in class when a teacher was reading answers to a worksheet and they´d say B 5 I´d always yell bingo! nobody got it until a new student transffered who laughed histerically when I did that.

  13. does it has to be sublingual? I live in europe and in the instructions it just says to swallow it, 30 micrograms a day. It also says it's 1200% the recommended dosage I'm confused 🙁 it is cyanocobalamin

  14. Great video! Thanks for asking the right questions. You have a new subscriber.

    That being said, I wasn't convinced about the cyanocobalamin vs methylcobalamin part. I tested positive for a very common gene mutation called MTHFR and from reading I've come to the conclusion cynanocobalamin is the wrong choice for me. Any thoughts? Thanks!

  15. I love your videos they are so spot on. I've been doing research of my blood and other people with the rare resilience and came to a dead stop. You were my inspiration for this research

  16. Why does my organic baby bella mushrooms boxes say that they contain vitamin "D" ???? 🍄🍄🍄🍄
    As for my B12, I INTENTIONALLY do NOT rinse my vegatables (especially my celery, spinach, potatoes,🥔🥔🥔🥔 carrots, 🥕🥕🥕🥕and more…) in ORDER TO GET MY Vitamin B12,l FullyRawKristina style!!🍒🥕🥔🥜🥑🥒🍅🍓🍒🍒🍑🍌🍌🍌🍌🍊🍋🍍🍎(Look at her B12 vlog on her channel )

  17. I am newer to a vegan diet and have a specific question about the B12. I have heard that if our B vitamins are out of balance, that it can cause health issues. For example, most multivitamins skimp on the expensive B vitamins, like biotin, and add a lot of B12, because it's so cheap. So I'm wondering if it would be better to take a balanced B complex, rather than taking B12 all by itself.

  18. You're so creative, I went vegan because of your lovely nuggets, you're so inspiring person, I wish one day I'll have this power to be an activist and to meet such a lovely person, much more power Emily!! 💜

  19. We collect rain water, it goes down to a pre-built well, we then pump it to tank on top of the house and use it for drinking after it passes through a water filter (no sterilization), would it have B12 that way?

  20. Hi your video had some great information. 😊

    Is there any research on how to activate b12 in our food?

    I fear about b12 supplements because makes me ask the question: Where did the b12 supplement come from, how did they get it, and did they do it without extracting b12 from beef, chicken, ect.????

  21. @ 4:13 if you were B 12 deficient you would take 2,000 mcg (of cyanocobalamin B12) per day for two weeks to restore your levels

  22. Human body CAN PRODUCE and absorb vitamin B12. Check study "Vitamin B12 synthesis by human small intestinal bacteria" with following abstract: "In man, physiological amounts of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) are absorbed by the intrinsic factor mediated mechanism exclusively in the ileum. Human faeces contain appreciable quantities of vitamin B12 or vitamin B12-like material presumably produced by bacteria in the colon, but this is unavailable to the non-coprophagic individual. However, the human small intestine also often harbours a considerable microflora and this is even more extensive in apparently healthy southern Indian subjects. We now show that at least two groups of organisms in the small bowel, Pseudomonas and Klebsiella sp., may synthesise significant amounts of the vitamin." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7354869

    5 years ago, when I started a Raw Vegan diet, my B12 was very low (probably I was deficient in the first place). It was only 126. I had tingling fingers, foggy head and I had very difficult time to concentrate. I took different B12 pills supplements, but nothing helped me, until I tried to eat SWEET CABBAGE. I eat it raw without processing or mixing it with anything else. Just take it and eat it. I felt so much better!!! My anaemia was gone! Since that time I had never took any vitamins supplementations, including B12. I live active live. I run 5k every day and I have long runs 20-30k each Sunday.

    According to this study, and my personal experience, you should not have any vitamin problems if you eat raw greens and fruits, and avoid preservatives, drugs, acids and other chemicals that can damage lumen of your intestine, because vitamin production and absorption takes place in lumen!

  23. Methylcobalamin is more expensive because the methyl group takes more energy and processing in order to get a methyl group CH3 which is non-polar, its harder to get the functional group on to the cobalamin than the much more polar CN cyanide

  24. Deficiencies in B-12 can result in fatigue, megaloblastic anaemia, early dementia, increased risk of heart disease, nerve dysfunction, forgetfulness, lack of coordination, and psychiatric disorders, as well as the possible development of neurological disorders in babies of breast-feeding mothers.
    This nutrient is only found in animal products (apart from some types of algae), and so it has been shown that as many as 92 per cent of vegans are deficient in this critical vitamin.

  25. Hi! I have a question concerning biotin (B7) vitamin, I just started to use cronometer it seems there is not much biotin in anything that is vegan, it always comes out very low like 1%. Why is this because I looked up the vegan biotin food sources and introduced it to cronometer and is just not changing at all. Do you have issues with this?

  26. Are there any reliable sources that I can refer a friend to in order to present the information about cattle being ROUTINELY supplemented B12, whether by injection or in their everyday feed??

  27. there are so many b12 supplements on the market. And as Dr. Greger said, you need “a reliable source” of b12. Many people can not integrate cyanocobalamin, and get severely mentally ill on a vegan diet. I personally think the methylated version is the best, and I would NEVER take a supplement with a cyanide precursor.

    Vegans: this is why meat is the safest source of b12. Because it is pure cobalamin. No one disagrees with this. That’s why we have to try harder than non-vegans.

    So just a head’s up for you guys 💗
    & if you are feeling sluggish and mentally weak, try switching to the superior methylcobalamin. (cyano = cyanide)

    ideally: don’t supplement, be natural.
    but if you are vegan, make sure you are ABSORBING your b12

  28. At the 2:40 mark [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvpePfC9hh8&t=2m40s ] dr. greger says simplest thing is to take 1 x 2500 microgram [mcg] tablet a week which is 2500/7 = 357 mcg/day but when I do search on "daily vitamin b12 recommendation" the mayo clinic hit [ https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-vitamin-b12/art-20363663 ] says "The recommended daily amount of vitamin B-12 for adults is 2.4 micrograms" which is over a 100x less than what's being suggested here unless I have my units messed up. Can someone shed some light on what the appropriate b12 rda really is?

  29. At least he doesnt encourage people not to bother like Gary who thinks that bacteria in our body can produce it and we can benefit from it. I would like to ask the doctor how to switch to butanoic fermentation in our guts instead of acetic one which is harmful to our body. All this fibre turns out not to be good for us as acetates are cause of inflammation.

  30. i take methylcobalamin.. WHY IS IT SO DIFFICULT LOL this is just more reason to somehow get b12 naturally im so sick of worrying about fucking b12.. i heard cyanocobalamin has cyanide with it.. i cant even with this shit!

  31. cant believe i just barely found your channel. Im about to complete my first year as a vegan and your channel would have been so helpful a year ago. very informative, educational, and well presented.

    Wheat grass is RICH in Vitamin B12 and it is a wonderful vegan source for B12. I grow wheat grass in my own garden and have been vegan for years. I incorporate wheat grass into my daily diet by inserting it into my smoothies, juices, salads, soups, stews, buddha bowls, etcetera. I have never had a deficiency in B12 in my life. Why do people keep claiming that vegans have ZERO access to B12 when wheat grass literally exists? I have been vegan for years and have been consuming wheat grass on a daily basis for years as well – never met a B12 deficiency in my entire life. (Without taking supplements). And yes, wheat grass is very much edible. Also, it is an amazing source of protein as well. Why is no one ever talking about it?

  33. So glad I was brought up from a toddler to love Marmite on toast – masses of B12! Have it about 5 days a week for breakfast. Now I also use nutritional yeast as a condiment as well. Engevita is really good on pasta.

  34. Newly subscribed, very much appreciated already, great channel. As a guy, I notice girls are programmed to choose taller mates because of some type of internal programming thing to better protect young or whatever, but if you look at it the heart is the same size whatever your height, 5'6" is about perfect they say. It's tough now because lots of kids are super-tall with all of the growth hormones and toxic things in the diet like sugar and everything. Seems to make children prematurely age also. It's so great being vegan now, eggs and meat and stuff have made me nauseous every meal of my life, it's a crime.

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