Book Trailer for How Not to Age

Preorder my new book How Not to Age, out this December! (

I’m thrilled to release this trailer for How Not to Age, my new book coming out in December after three years in the making. There was so much juicy research on the many aspects of aging and longevity—more than 13,000 citations’ worth!—that I couldn’t even fit it all in. So, throughout the book, you will find links to special videos I made just for How Not to Age to provide you with even more life-changing, life-saving information.

Preorders are available now ( If you plan to buy How Not to Age, please consider preordering. All preorders count towards first week sales, which factor into the New York Times Best Sellers list calculations. So, the more pre-orders How Not to Age receives, the more likely it will make the list, which could help expose millions to the message of healthy eating. In fact, the book lands on December 5, perfect timing for holiday gifts for everyone in your life you want to live long healthy lives, so consider getting some of your holiday shopping done early by ordering a whole stack! <br />
As always, all proceeds I receive from all of my books ( are donated to charity.

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Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.

Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “Book Trailer for How Not to Age”

  1. Yes please! On audio🎉 Great job Dr. Greger! I’m in my mid 50s and still have my red hair 😂
    All my friends have lost their hair or turned gray. Must be something truthful to aging and diet 😊

  2. I'm looking forward to reading this book.
    It will be interesting to see how much new content there is in it. And how much of it has already been discussed in Dr Greger's previous books and youtube videos. Even if it's stuff that's already been covered, it's well worth getting reinforcement on the principles for a long and healthy life.

  3. Great stuff, within certain bounds.

    It seems to ignore, mostly if not entirely, the best of the more psychological, philosophical, and religious approaches.

    Developing a deep inner peace, abiding love, and freedom from worry and fear seem very worthwhile. So much so, in fact, that I lean strongly in this direction.

    Things like avoiding sarcopenia and other age-related physical and mental problems seem important enough, like a proper diet. But they only go so far. And they don't get to the essence of the best of life.

  4. The advert says "100% goes to charity" Which charity?… I have been following Dr G for years and this should be an excellent addition to the knowledg of living well to the very end.. I want to die young as late as possible!

  5. I've never managed to read a full book, but I am so excited, astounded and greatfull, that I think I'm gonna soak it up 🤩 Never did I think, I'd be so excited for a piece or literatur 😱

  6. Congrats Dr G! I am sure this is rewarding for you to accomplish such a broad goal. Can't wait to read it and share the wisdom with my patients!

  7. Having read a couple of questionable books on this subject recently, I am so ready for something based on …yknow…facts. Dr Greger – thanks in advance for saving my life! 😂

  8. Incredible incredible incredible work Dr. Greger!! Pre-ordered!

    On a side note, very interesting to see the parallel to Bryan Johnson’s Blueprint in some of your high level mentions in this trailer

  9. jep, very excited too; another genius work of a true genius. I wonder if you already started to put in into translation into german; it´s really hard to read those many pages, but if the gap for translation will be too long, I can´t hold still altogether; so any information about that?

  10. Really looking forward to this one! Pre-ordered on Audible (glad you are narrating once again). Thank you, Dr. Greger, and your team, for all you do to educate with evidence and not anecdote.

  11. You’ve got to be shitting me. I’m supposed to take advice from a dude five years younger than me who looks and acts older than my dad? Who uses an orange filter, who’s teeth are grey, who has zero colour left in his lips.

    This guy is a lying propagandist. My cattle-raising people regularly live into their late 90s. This man is a con artist.

  12. Let us guess- a low protein vegan diet and lots of cardio. Doesn’t work as you get past middle age. To age well needs intensity in exercise and more protein than is practicable on a purely vegan diet.

  13. I can't wait for this book. Already pre-ordered my copy.

    Everyday I'm making simple improvements to my diet. Now that I'm middle-aged (*sigh*) and have been eating plant based for the past 6yrs or so, I can truly see the benefits to my health compared to my peers. My bloods, which I do every 12 months or so are always perfect.

    Along with this, I'm averaging 10k steps are day but recently I've added resistant training, which I hope will pay dividends as I get older.

    My own three pillars of success are Health, Wealth and Happiness. If I can only recommend one book on health to friends and family, it would be "How Not To Die."

    Thank you to Dr Greger & the Team for all your hard work and making this available for the betterment of humanity.

    I look forward to the day where I can meet you in person and shake your hand, and give you a big bear hug, to show my appreciation.

    Much Love, Opi

  14. Top Causes: Debt, Divorce, Disease & Death.
    1. Smoking, Gambling & Theft
    2. Alcoholism, Lying, Porn/STDs
    3. Drugs/Cosmetic Mods, Aborts, Anxiety
    4. Diet/Circadian Errors @ Diabetes/Cancer
    5. Automobiles/Weapons @ Homic/Suicide
    – Dating/Divorce, War & Detention Centers

    – Dr. Obvious

  15. I was lucky enough to have been sent a pre-release of this book and while I haven't read the whole thing yet, the parts I have read are incredibly informative. Like usual, science backed information with a pragmatic approach on how to apply it to your life. Another banger Dr. Greger and team!

  16. You changed my life with how not to die. How not to diet was a masterpiece and I’m convinced this one is even better. Waiting for it a long time and looking forward to receive my copy. Wish I could personally thank you for your dedication. Am I going to enjoy this!!! Take a brake Michael, first of all it’s more than well deserved and secondly we are looking forward for the rest of the how not series!❤😊

  17. Thanks Dr Edos. Even when the world think there is no cure I'm still surprised how you cured me with your herbal medication #dredos thanks for the medication doc you are really a God sent..

  18. does wearing polyester clothes cause cancer? Also have bedding from polyester, can you breath in the harmfull cancer causing stuff when you sleep or only with skin contact? And can some colours in clothes harm your health??

  19. North American Sally K. Norton, master in Public Health and author of 'Toxic Superfoods', breaks all beliefs about what is healthy. Also on her "black list" are chia seeds, raspberries or sweet potatoes.

    "I am an oxalate overload survivor. For much of my life I have unknowingly consumed excessive amounts." Thus begins the groundbreaking story by Sally K. Norton (Syracuse, New York, United States, March 10, 1964) in Toxic Superfoods (Alienta Editorial).

    Despite having a degree in Nutrition from Cornell University and a master's degree in Public Health Management from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, she had to relearn how to force eat due to her own difficult personal experience. She gave up veganism and smoothies, which she blames for her low bone density (osteopenia) and kidney stones. "The modern diet is making us sick," she states emphatically, relating foods that anyone would classify as healthy with problems such as pain, poor digestion, lack of energy or depression. "Potatoes, peanuts, raspberries and even superfoods like spinach naturally contain huge amounts of ignored toxins: oxalic acid, oxalate salts and oxalate crystals," she denounces. "They are toxic and consuming them is harmful to health."

    To write this book she has relied on scientific data, studies from medical journals set out in heavy volumes that she, she explains, she has "carried up and down stairs to the library scanner so you don't have to." And she even documents herself with true stories of patients whose lives she has changed.

    That is why the lack of knowledge on the subject in the tangle of nutritional information on the internet is so surprising. Why is it "risky" to be modern when choosing the menu? How is the immense variety of symptoms possible? Am I poisoning myself with my morning smoothie? But even Popeye ate spinach to have energy and beat the bad guy! Norton understands that everything her book says, translated for the first time into a language other than English, is causing so much controversy. "The version in Chinese, Vietnamese, German and Polish will arrive soon. And they ask me a lot in France", she comments, proud of her revolution, which she describes as "necessary".


    The first question is very clear. In a world with so many problems of obesity, sedentary lifestyle and cardiovascular diseases, should we declare war on the green leaf? "Absolutely, because if you are convinced that spinach cannot be bad, you eat it without limits. It is difficult to relate physical pain or anxiety to diet, although they are very connected," she says. "I myself ate sweet potatoes, blackberries and quinoa every day and I realized that something in my body was not working and I felt worse, without spirit." A suffering, she describes, that the doctors did not even know how to see.

    In addition to her example, she gives that of well-known personalities to highlight the chronic damage caused by oxalate consumed for decades. "Actor Liam Hemsworth publicly blamed spinach smoothies for a bout of kidney stones he suffered in 2019 that required surgery." In fact, in Men's Health magazine, the Australian said that he considered his green handful added to almond milk, peanut butter and vegan proteins super healthy, until a kidney stone prevented him from attending a movie premiere and he required surgery. . "The role of these well-known figures as speakers on the wrongness of detox cleansing is very important," warns Norton, who encourages all influencers' smoothie videos that flood the networks to be sent to him and praises the model and presenter Jorge Fernández upon learning of his case with heavy metals and fish. "In America, coach Tony Robbins drank a lot of emperor and they came to think that his wife was poisoning him due to the high toxicity that his body had."

    The disturbing thing about the message is that if we already know how bad ultra-processed foods are and real food poisons us, how do we feed ourselves? "The role of nutritionists is not to create confusion. I am not saying that you should not eat vegetables, but if you know that you cannot abuse industrial buns without having to look carefully at a label because they are junk food, the same happens with foods with "oxalates: they must be treated as toxins. Antibiotics come from plants."

    It is especially critical of vegetable drinks, "water with crushed almonds", for example, which do not provide much. "By crushing the oxalates, our body assimilates them better," she warns. The same goes for smoothies: "Chia seeds are horrible for your colon, but you would never think that there are toxins in a vegetable because we have a pro-plant mentality."

    If people cannot assimilate such a resounding criticism of something they have been hearing all their lives, in part, it is because nutrition seems to move by currents or fads, we ask Norton. From demonizing fats to praising them (they don't contain oxalates either, by the way). "We do not know how toxins behave in the body because research is decided according to the available funds, and oxalates are known to be there defending plants, but they are not of interest. Now we are focused on other problems such as diabetes, cancer or the microbiota and that is where more money is being put". And he draws attention to how eating so many vegetables makes us feel so bad: "Now there is a lot of arthritis, osteoporosis and osteopenia, which I suffered at the age of 48. We are very dependent on anxiolytics and live with inflammation. All of this has not improved by eating a lot of spinach. "he says with some sarcasm.

    She points out that certain metabolic alterations could be enhanced by the damage caused by oxalate. That is why she calls for awareness and better decisions in food. "Start the day with protein instead of carbohydrates so as not to trigger insulin spikes and take the time to eat calmly, as you do in Europe. We run down the street with fast food and even in the car," he admits. the Americans.

    In the book she questions all diets, even the Mediterranean, in which experts usually agree, calling it very healthy. "We talk about it in an artificial way, because it mixes many countries and in all of them they don't eat the same." He does recognize a common base: "Fish, lamb, dairy and olive oil, but there is also a lot of marketing and interests in this industry. They went to Harvard with ideal bottles where they sold the benefits of their Greek oil but there is not a very clear definition. It is an idea created as if by drinking cups and cups of oil you would be very healthy," he reflects.

    In short, according to Norton, no one knows why we talk so much about all this and so little about oxalates, present even in rainwater. "They have always been surrounding us and it is impressive how science does not pay attention or resources to it." It happened to her and they sent her to a psychiatrist. With her investigation she hopes it doesn't happen to anyone else. "They have to be aware. This is not overnight. Detoxifying for years takes time."

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