Calorie liquide: i frullati portano ad un aumento di peso?

Se il nostro corpo non registra anche le calorie liquide, i frullati inibiscono la perdita di peso? E perché le zuppe frullate sono più sazianti degli stessi ingredienti consumati in forma solida?

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Adoro i gialli! Posso immaginare video come questo frustranti per coloro che vogliono solo che vada al sodo: dovrei bere frullati o no? Ma non voglio che tu faccia mai niente perché io o qualcun altro te l'abbiamo appena detto. Questo è il problema nel campo della nutrizione. Tutti sembrano ascoltare i rispettivi guru che a volte possono semplicemente fare dichiarazioni dall'alto senza spiegare il loro ragionamento. Riesci a immaginare che volare in qualsiasi altro campo della scienza? Non è ciò che ha detto o ha detto lei; è che il miglior equilibrio di prove disponibile lo conferma. Due più due fa quattro, non importa cosa dice il tuo matematico preferito.<br/>
Abbiamo quasi finito con Smoothiefest 580! Ecco i primi tre nel caso ve li foste persi:
• I frullati verdi fanno bene? (
• I frullati verdi fanno male? (
• Frullati verdi: cosa dice la scienza? (

Chiudo con un ultimo prima di tornare al nostro programma regolarmente programmato: The Downside of Green Smoothies (

Altro controllo del peso argomenti per il tuo piacere di visione:
• Le barrette di frutta e noci causano aumento di peso? (
• Il cioccolato fa aumentare di peso? (
• Nuts and Obesity: The Weight of Evidence ( peso dell'evidenza/)
• Come la soda dietetica può farci aumentare di peso (
• Come Molto esercizio per sostenere la perdita di peso ( )
• Grasso bruno: perdere peso attraverso la termogenesi (http: //
• Aumentare il grasso bruno attraverso la dieta (

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Credito immagine: Skitterphoto via Pixabay.
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100 Risposte a “Calorie liquide: i frullati portano ad un aumento di peso?”

  1. Nice that we have science to prove this, but our grandparents & great grandparents knew this of course. I'm willing to bet that the obese are much faster eaters, and this may be one of many reasons why.

  2. Another tedious ritual for health nuts; Sip your smoothie over 15 minutes, chew every bite at least 35 times, drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day, eat enough fiber, take a B12, exercise, meditate, think good thoughts, volunteer at the senior center, etc. Somehow my working life is in the way of this check list for "optimal health." Why don't people give the credit to smoothies for what they are… liquid dessert.

  3. Maybe thats why prisoners are always fed soup – its cheap sure, but it also makes them feel full and complain less? until they waste away to skin n bones.

  4. For all-fruit smoothies, like people should be consuming at least once a day, the remedy for this is not to drink them slower (since they oxidize so quickly) but rather to prepare much smaller amounts and consume more than one over an extended period of time.

    Great video, good to know – although it seems a bit intuitive yeah? We've always been told that it can take up to 10-15 minutes for the stomach to signal the brain that it's satiated. If you're pounding a smoothie down in 10 minutes or less, the brain doesn't have time to catch up.

  5. that was interesting, I am a truck driver and I take my smoothie on the road with me and sip it most of morning. I never finish it till I get home. that's all I have all day and I never feel hungry.

  6. If it wasn't for huge banana dates smoothies and eating starches till i'm disgusted of food, I don't think I could of stayed high carb whole food vegan, In the beginning without smoothies I was intuitively eating around 1500 calories a day and lost 10 pounds than i started tracking my calories and forcing in 3000-4000 calories a day and my energy as been much greater, it been 2 years and I haven't gained any weight. I do work in construction though installing 90 pound sheets of fire rated drywall all day, anyways so it works both ways smoothies can help you get more calories when you need it and dates help when you don't want to eat 15 pounds of food everyday.

  7. That 35 chews test didn't take into account that it takes longer to chew 35 times and there IS a relationship between how quickly you eat and after how much food you swallow.

    Oops! typed this too soon, I had paused it and typed my comment too soon.

  8. that was a really good one. I've actually been drinking smoothies slow for years. I used to put some organic cocoa nut sugar in them so would drink them slow. Ive since realized that sugar is not good so don't add sugar bur still drink them slow.

  9. The information represented is amazing. And I really do appreciate the service you do for us viewers here on YouTube especially given the fact that it's free. Thank you and keep up the great videos!

  10. this topic is amazingly interesting, and I love the way you present all those studies 😀 another good thing about watching your videos is that I learn english :3 so I'm studying biological science and English at the same time 😀

  11. But I don't understand
    Is this about calorie restriction ?
    Cause if I don't eat until I hate myself, the next day I have less energy to go about my busy day ….

  12. I got fat as fuck eating plant based for a year (17 kg gained in a year) and chewing all the real, plant based food, listening to your bullshit advice about vegan diets that won't make you fat. You are wrong as hell, sincerely fuck you from the bottom of my fat-filled heart.

  13. well, i can eat 1800 calories in 1 meal and eat about 3-5k calories in a day and never gain weight. i dont exercise often either. i eat lowfat vegan diet. confused on this calorie in vs calorie out deal. people say it like its exact science, but i cant ever gain weight id of some disease caused by eating too much fat/protein before getting fat.

  14. hey if any of you guys know how I can gain weight fast in a way that actually works because I can't ever find anything that works.

  15. This makes complete sense! I started eating acai bowls and noticed I felt a lot fuller than simply drinking the identical form with a straw. So anyone that doesn't want to give up this delicious fiber and antioxidant filled treat, make smoothie bowls instead!

  16. If your trying to lose weight The best way to make your smoothie or juice is to only use 1 fruit such as apple, orange, or strawberry with a choice of 1 veggie such as kale and spinach or cucumber do this For lunch and dinner. Breakfast time just drink coffee with no sugar or creamer only 1 stevia or plenty of water with lemon, honey,ginger, and ceyanne pepper u can also use a tea green, oolong, dandelions tea with those same ingredients. 1 or 2 liter until lunch. That will also help detox ur body.

  17. The trick to a filling smoothie is using chia seeds and a few tablespoons of oats , don't forget the goji berries . I know this works for me , that's just a base you can add anything to that combo I even add half teaspoon of matcha with bananas blueberries , blackberries …. that fills me up for the whole morning .

  18. What if one would swallow some capsules of flea seed husks after gulping down his green smoothie? After that a couple jumping jacks maybe.
    Who's in for a little experiment? I'd surely be, srsly 🙂

  19. I'd say the addition of corn syrup to soda's is a reason it doesn't suppress the appetite. Corn syrup is added to soda to mask the sweetness to allow consumers to drink more and not feel sick.

  20. What about the ‘cooked’ factor? Less enzymes make it stay in your stomach longer because less enzymes? So you fill fuller?

  21. i actually usually sip my smoothies while i'm preparing oatmeal and making my lunch, so i don't actually gulp it down. takes me about 30 minutes to drink lol

  22. You are my hero!!!!!! I love your sarcasm!!!!! A laugh and some knowledge in an 8 minute video!!!! Amazing!!! Thanks for all you do!!!

  23. My morning smoothie : 2 🍌 1 cup of spinach and 1 cup of blue berries blackberries raspberries and 1 cup of water. Keeps me full for hours. Lunch/ dinner is a large Eat to Life Salad.

  24. This is true: in the evening after dinner, I have fruit smoothie which I eat with a spoon, it is is my version of ice cream. This is my treat; I eat a high carb diet. I have lost 14 pounds in 3 months, and I don't feel hungry on this diet, I can sustain it for as long as I want. The reciper for the fruit ice ceram was in Dr Gergors book!

  25. I started using frozen fruit to avoid aggravating my yeast allergy. It had the added benefit of making the whole thing like a bowl of sherbert. I eat it with a spoon and it is much more slowly absorbed and doesn't spike my blood sugar like the smoothie did.

  26. Rate of smoothie ingestion affects satiety. But…. Does it lead to weight gain or not??? He never answers the fucking question!!! So annoying…

  27. The reason for that may be because smoothies are usually made with water. From my experience that hinders the digestion and prevents a sufficient calorie intake.

  28. most so called "Healthy" smoothies contain over 100g of sugar next to no fiber and close to 1000 kcal . So the answer is depends on how the smoothie is made . My advice Learn about nutrition and stay way the hell away from places like Juice it Up .

  29. Smoothies are not liquid food. Theoretically yes, but they contain fiber unlike juice or soda, so the effect of eating more will not occur.

  30. I guess they should’ve take a look at the saliva as well! This is quite important as it is stated by many dieticians, doctors and even throughout history by alternative nature based medicine. Saliva might be the key!

  31. I’m trying to find the best pancake syrup replacement. Am doing blended berries with chia seeds to thicken.
    Is there a better way?

  32. I think this is the only channel that is helping me to answer my questions about smoothies, satiety and insulin response..! Thanks for making them 🙂

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