Cancerogeni nella carne

Otto metodi di preparazione per ridurre l'esposizione ad agenti cancerogeni nella carne cotta.

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Un altro un modo per ridurre l'esposizione è passare a una dieta più a base vegetale. Ad esempio, dai un'occhiata a Come non morire di cancro (

Restate sintonizzati per il mio prossimo video: La carne biologica è meno cancerogena? (

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100 Risposte a “Cancerogeni nella carne”

  1. How about safety of grilled onions or corn on a charcoal fired outdoor grill? Sure, I picked the corn I grew this year and ate it within minutes of picking. It was too good to cook.

  2. YOU SHOULD CARE ABOUT WHAT YOU PUT INTO YOUR BODY…..YOU SHOULD TREAT IT LIKE YOU WOULD A NEW CAR….AFTER ALL, YOU CANT TRADE IT IN OR BUY A NEW ONE WHEN IT DOESNT WORK ANYMORE! Put lousy cheap oil in it and ignore the troubled ahead warning signs, just turn off the…. check engine light! See how far or how long you can go before you need repairs….(Diseases). I would rather pay extra for decent food than eventually give it to a doctor as a Co-PAY. HE DOESNT CURE YOU….JUST PROLONGS THE BREAK DOWN, WITH HIS DRUGS. This is just food for thought. Your peanut butter, all has RAPESEED IN IT….(AKA CANOLA OIL. ) NEUROTOXIN TO THE BRAIN….we feed it to our children and elderly. Research it.

  3. It's a shame that it tastes so nice though, im a vegan but i still miss eating meat now and again. I get cravings for it when my family is having a bbq.

  4. That wasn't an autocorrect error! The scientist preparing the paper spelt it "dairy", and it slipped through autocorrect!

  5. I see a growing number of people trying out carnivore diets, Jordan Peterson and his daughter are eating a beef only diet, the guy is famous and made a lot of people curious and try it out, even though he doesn't recommend the diet, he and her daughter feel amazing, what's weird to me and to him as well, how did his daughters arthritis get cured by that diet. I see no carnivore trials on pubmed, can anyone find any studies about this ? It's a dangerous diet, especially if it starts trending.

  6. There are plenty of studies that show eating animal parts and drinking their liquids at every single meal improves health and longevity. Why don’t you report on these studies ? Totally biased plant based vegan propaganda here cherry picked data

  7. Whether it's cigarette smoke or bbq fumes.. I hold my breath and quickly remove myself from the area.
    I've this automatic warning sign that lets me know as soon as toxic fumes are nearby.
    I'm also known for waving my arms sometimes frantically to clear the stenchy polluted air.

  8. It's always like this, isn't it:

    Research: [meat] + [ignore everything else] = blame meat.

    But just for the sake of it, research the other side of the spectrum as well. Lots of plantbased foods have unhealthy aspects as well. Depending on preparation it is worse. High Glycemic carbs, like pasta increase risk for lung cancer for example.

    But combine these high glycemic carbs with vegetables and fiber, prepare it the right way and the risk drops significantly.

  9. well yea meat is bad
    cooked meat is worse
    go figure

    so plants are good
    and cooked plants are better!
    ohhhhh wait a moooment

    (do u guys actually think our ancestors ate a vegan diet?…humans r smart and can get their hands on animal products every day if they want – and have since like 2.6 million years or so……..COOKED IS THE BAD THING THAT HAPPENED NOT ANIMAL CONSUMPTION U DERPSORS……….once or twice meat a month is much less harmful than eating cooking food every meal!!!! no science required for that)

  10. Ahem…Greger’s background is in zoonotic disease without any clinical practice (Greger is not Board Certified in anything related to internal medicine)

  11. It is a complete paradox, we have canine teeth, do better on plant food but grains are very unhealthy to eat due to the insulin spikes , what the hell is that all about

  12. For all the idiots on this thread impugning Dr. Greger's credentials: Dr. Greger has an army of paid and volunteer reviewers combing through every medical and nutritional journal in the world. This is about his 20th video showing the link between meat and cancer. In each video he shows you the source peer-reviewed academic journal articles, go read them yourself! His conclusions and recommendations are inescapable.

  13. Dear nutrition facts team,

    my family and I have only been vegan for just over 9 months and your videos and website have been extremely helpful in the process. The "daily dozen" video was one of the best explications, on what's best for us to eat, that I have come across this far.

    I have a 3 year old and all the information suggests that toddlers have different dietary needs to adults, could you pls do a "daily dozen" type video on:
    at what ages, which foods parents should be focusing on?
    Kind regards

  14. meat is the most disgusting thing ever………and on independence day so many people will swallow grilled and barbecued body parts ……URGHH!!

  15. I'm making the transition to become vegan.  Certain vegetables also have protein. You don't have to worry about too animal much animal fat or antibiotics etc.  Vegan burgers are pretty filling.  If you don'tget certain vitamins from vegetables, you just have to take supplements.🤠

  16. This video has taught me …. Uh mmmmm uhh hmmm … NOTHING I HATE HIS VOICE ITS LIKE HIS DYING WHILE TALKING SMH LMAO ITS BEEN PROVEN MILLIONS OF TIMES MEAT IS HEALTHIER THAN GMO SHIT PLANTS YOULL NEVER FIND IN THE WILD you shouldn't be eating plants unless you got big ass eyes on the sides of your heads and Miller's all over your mouth with a large snout and hooves smh lmao even gorillas that eat 90% plants every minute of the day still eat bugs that are attached to the plants there's no such thing as veganism in nature #govegananddie please people do your research don't be a sheep be free and live till your 100th birthdays on meat like the natives of our past

  17. Love that the key results are highlighted but regardless of who published it i would love to see a quick run down of the type of methodology that they used to conclude these findings. Maybe we need a traffic light system for scientific vigour, green for double blind randomised controlled studies, red for non controlled epidemiology studies perhaps??

  18. Don't forget to mention the daily bombardment of cancer radiation from your cellphone you get everyday. No one wants to talk about that though.

  19. So upsetting when I was working at a school were kids are fed processed meat every day! The parents don’t care/know about what the WHO says… The kids have no choice but to trust them. I didn’t hear of a single case where a parent told the school to not feed them this crap…

  20. Plants are sentinent aswell you piece of shit, they cry when you rip them off the ground. Better eat a nice beef steak, that suffered not. Ofcourse all you vegan fanatics ignore the studies that show plants have feelings while you jump over them that state they dont, fucking hypocrites, thats why everyone hates you.

  21. 3:50 it says lamb should be limited in adults (ONCE in 4-5 months), and severely limited in children (isn't once in 4-5 months already severely limited?). Also says charcuterie is fine and can even be increased? Huh? I thought those processed meats had a higher chance of causing cancer?

    What does lamb have that beef doesn't? And how is charcuterie ok?

  22. Dr. Greger can you please comment about this Dr. Gundry character and his new book claiming lectins from beans are killing us? You are my guru. Can you please comment, or review his claims? Inquiring minds!

  23. In less than fifteen seconds of his video he says something that invalidates his entire point. He tells you…when you cook. Well don't cook it, problem solved.

  24. I make fire without charcoal lighter fluid. I use tinder, clean paper, and a magnesium stick for sparks.
    AZO dyes are still allowed in the casings of sausages. AZO dyes are carcinogenic.
    I think AZO dyes are contaminating a lot of foods and food ingredients.

  25. Eat raw organic pasture meat and raw organic eggs, nothing is more natural for humans as that’s how we were eating from the start. Cooked meat and dairy are dead foods.

  26. Hasn't dawned on people that for millenniums man has cooking meat over open fires without cancer problems and only now does there seem problem thus some other factors are involved.

  27. I recall barbequing and smelling afterwards like a BBQ. Ugh! Thank you for the amazing content, Dr. Great job!!!

  28. So….fully Cooked meat is bad while half done meat is ok and then it’s said that meat that is raw has Carcinogens in them which medium rare and rare meat is partially raw which in turn can give a person parasites or salmonella This stuff makes ZERO SENSE. if meat is bad it’s not because of the animal itself but the stuff the animal is fed. This same rule applies to vegetables pesticides are sprayed on the crop or already added to the seed before it’s planted so in actuality NOTHING is safe because man is Poisoning it

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