Carnitina, Carnosina e Creatina OH MIO! | Il dottor Michael Greger di

Carnitina, creatina, carnosina e taurina non sono le prime preoccupazioni dei nuovi vegani avere. Di solito vengono alla luce alla fine dopo aver letto abbastanza articoli e siti Web che mettono in guardia gli aspiranti vegani delle insidie ​​nutrizionali intrinseche del loro modo di mangiare. Ma i vegani sono destinati alla carenza? Qual è il vero caso della carnitina? Scoprilo in questa puntata nutrizionale finale con Tieni traccia della tua nutrizione e fitness Cronometro:

Prova Cronometro: Cronometro

I vegani ottengono abbastanza carnitina?: Accendi il tuo appetito per il fantastico:<br/> Diventa un carnivoro carnivoro carnale con la CARNITINA !:
Noi Non mangiare animali:
CARN the F-UP:

➣ Serie di nutrizione vegana con playlist del Dr. Greger :

➣ Dr. Greger su Protein: http://bit .ly/1HoW8jm

➣ Dr. Greger sullo iodio:

➣ Vegan Health, Nutrition & Fitness:

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Entra in contatto con il Dr. Greger:

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90 Risposte a “Carnitina, Carnosina e Creatina OH MIO! | Il dottor Michael Greger di”

  1. Carnitine, Carnosine & Creatine OH MY! | Dr Michael Greger of
    Carnitine, creatine, carnosine and taurine aren’t the first concerns new vegans have.  They usually come to light eventually after reading enough articles and websites cautioning would-be vegans of the inherent nutritional pitfalls of their intended way of eating.  But are vegans destined to deficiency?  What’s the real case with carnitine?  Track your own nutrition and fitness Cronometer:  With 
    Do Vegans Get Enough Carnitine?:
    Spark Your Appetite for Awesome:
    Become A Carnal Carnivorous Carnivore With CARNITINE!:
    We Don’t to Eat Animals:

    Featured Videos:
    Vegan Nutrition Series with Dr. Greger Playlist:
    Dr. Greger on Protein:
    Dr. Greger on Iodine:
    Vegan Health, Nutrition & Fitness:
    More About Cats Needing Taurine:

    #vegan #carnitine #nutrition #nutritiondfacts #health #diet #weightloss #bitesizevegan

  2. I would love to share a moment with you.
    has a moment
    Great video, sharing this to facebook (=

    I still think you should make a parody-video on "Where do you get your cholesterol and hearth-disease"

  3. I wouldnt worry about carnitine, or creatine to much because, as the doctor said, out bodies make it. One more thing miss bite size vegan, creatine, along with carnitine and other amino acids(animal meat) , when cooked at high temperatures, create what is called Heterocyclic Amines. They penetrate the cell wall and combine with the cell nucleus, this damaging DNA. Damaged dna=cancer.

  4. Amazing video really! So sad that this series is over but it's been really great hearing your and Dr. Greger's thoughts.

    I heard about creatine a while ago when I stumbled across a popular nutrition website that seemed to really hate vegans and in their arguments to why you couldn't apparently be vegan, creatine was brought up because "it's only found in animal based foods". Well, it's not an essential nutrient so that doesn't even matter, does it? The entire website was just a big facepalm all together and them bringing up nutrients that we don't even need to consume just goes to show how uninformed they were…

  5. I of course paused the video for a minute when you said we should have a Moment now^^…as entertaining, well researched and intelligent as always! 😉 your dog is also a good actor…^^

  6. Thanks for posting this, Emily:  Doc G's explanation this time, as with so many other times, is elegant in its simplicity.

  7. Do you think you could make a challenge video about vegan fast food challenge? So like your gas station challenge but instead at a fast food place.

  8. I actually didn't know taurine came from animals–it's present in a lot of those over-caffeinated gas station energy drinks, which my not-so-healthy (but vegan) partner occasionally chugs. One of us definitely should have been tipped off by the etymological link to "bull" though. How did both of us miss that? This should be enough to put an end to all those sugar comas though. Thanks–watching these nuggets is making us better vegans.

  9. I was just wondering, as a vegan is it ok for me to own a Venus Fly Trap? I love owning plants and I think they're intriguing but I don't want to seem like a hypocrite because they obviously kill insects.

  10. Lol carn the f up =D I had heard about creatine before, but only in the context of cats needing it. I absolutely loved this series Emily! It was awesome that you got Dr. Gregor involved too, he's such a knowledgeable nutrition wizard. The quality of your videos is outstanding and I love your sense of humour! I can't wait to see what your next series will be about. Thank you for all you do and keep on being awesome! ^^

  11. Can you please do a video about being a vegan in the military? I enlisted a month ago and am a bit nervous about how to eat vegan while I'm in.

  12. I take creatIne and l-carnitine as supplements to my vegan weight training programme. I've checked them out and they are vegan, also most taurine in energy drinks is synthesized so also vegan. If I'm wrong please tell me and i'll drop them.

  13. Can you please make a video on what you eat in a whole day? Im unfortunately not a vegan nor a vegetarian but strongly considering to become one..need to be fully ready so i can give it 100%.

  14. The real question is: Where do those people get their Vegatine? Thanks for this one! Those foods you mentioned around 2:55 are my staples and favorites (except for the white bread). When over the animal foods addiction we crave what our bodies need rather than goofy unhealthy cravings like McFlurries and such. And thanks also, Dr. Greger: Another of those vegan bashers' "gotchas" that's all full of big holes 🙂
    PS: I forgot to add about how when all else fails, plant foods suddenly become indigestible anti-nutrients, then any supplements become fake and/or non-absorbable. LMAO! But add some pink slime mcnuggets to your diet and everything suddenly becomes okay. Ugh.

  15. Hi Emily! I just wanted to know if you knew anything about the claim that having a certain blood type means that the person HAS to eat meat? A few f friends have said this and I don't know if it's true or not. Thanks and great video!! 🙂

  16. Vegan for 3 years and never heard of it.  Great info on the occurrence of Carnitine transport protein disorder in 1 in 40,000 people.  It would explain why a very very small percentage would do worse when switching from a high meat SAD diet to a balanced vegan diet.

  17. Thanks for this video Emily. It couldn't have come at a better time. A guy I work with mentioned that he wouldn't be vegan because he believes we need small amounts of meat for our health. And after explaining that we can not only get everything we need from a plant based vegan diet, but thrive he mentioned creatine. I had only heard about people taking it as a supplement before a workout before so knew it was something I needed to research to understand. Thanks for presenting us with this info today. Very helpful in my ongoing 'veganism is the best thing for you' debate at work.

  18. I'm a whole foods plant based vegan, I supplement with Acetyl L-Carnitine, Beta Alanine (for the conversion to carnosine) and creatine. Studies have shown that vegans/vegetarians tend to have lower levels, and that supplementation benefits us more than meat eaters. Creatine isn't just for exercise benefits, check out pubmed for studies on working memory in regards to vegetarians and creatine supplementation. Carnosine helps prevent glycation, and while we eat lower amounts of AGEs, we tend to have higher endogenous levels which is not conducive to optimal aging. I think you can live a darn good life on a vegan diet without supplements (save b-12), but I don't want a darn good life, I want the optimal life.

  19. Not sure why the troll version of you didn't like your Iodine intro. It was just as terrible as all your others. P.S. I wasn't aware of the C's, but it looks like I didn't need to be… Dr. Greger threw down like the fucking boss hog that he is. 5:08 #truth #ftw

  20. Just a question because I think it fits the topic, is your dog nurished vegan or was he brought up omnivorous?

  21. Thank You! Could you make one open user-sourced question nutrient based video with dr michael greger? for example my gf is anemic and has a low red blood cell count, so she is lets say at least very reluctant to go vegan while she agrees with me in principle. Is this something a strict vegan diet can manage or will she have to supplement (and what would be best with a long-term view)?

  22. I feel like non vegans just make any excuse to excuse their behaviour such as oh u need protein…. That's bs lol do u think non vegans are worried all day long of ooh dang I might not be getting enough protein lemme shove some more animal parts in my mouth, carotene or whatever the heck these vitamens are meant to be … Come on if we haven't heard of it we don't need to worry about it lol.

  23. As a vegan that's into fitness I do take creatine and carnitine but at low doses (like a third of the recommended dose). Creatine is proven to be safe and very effective for many bodily processes but carnitine can probably can given a miss – I'm not super convinced about it's efficacy. You know that scare about carnitine causing atherosclerosis? Yea the research seemed not too convincing to me and apparently vegans given carnitine do not have the gut bacteria to turn carnitine into TMAO (the bad stuff that causes artery clogs) – well not as much as meat eaters at least (from some research). Point is, stay away from whey, casein and eggs but exercise discretion when using creatine and carnitine. Taurine I don't even bother with!

  24. Thank you Emily for spreading veganism and answering our questions, even though we might not have asked them yet :p
    I've read that our body produces 1g/creatine per day and that we usually get from animal products also another gram. I'm a little bit concerned not for my health but athletic performance, since i went vegan. I'm considering supplementing on creatine to re-balance it in my body and push my limits. I might take 3g/day of creatine monohydrate. Will keep you posted if you want 🙂

    Thanks again!

  25. @***** I'm not worried about carnitine, but the video made me wonder about cat owners who want to feed their pets with vegan food but need to be aware that cats need taurine. Dogs are more adaptable so it's less of a problem. Can Taurine be produced synthetically? I'm a dog owner anyway, but I was just wondering.

  26. Vegans seem to be answering the question "how do I avoid deficiencies on a vegan diet?" Or "can a human be fully healthy on a vegan diet?" The answer is yes in nearly all circumstances. But this is not the question non-vegans are asking. They want to know what diet maximizes human health, muscle mass, athletic performance, weight loss, etc. Just telling them a nutrient is non-essential isn't answering the mail for them. In this video, Dr G grants a 1/40,000 risk of extreme deficiency and mild deficiencies may be more common and hard to detect. I think it needs to be recognized that metabolism is different for different people.

  27. Creatine is demonstrably lower in vegetarians and vegans who do not supplement it. I love the vegan diet for its ethical and environmental values but if you want to put on muscle while following a vegetarian/vegan diet then it wouldnt hurt to supplement creatine! It is not necessary but it will most likely speed up the process. I do not think that that is a valid criticism of a vegan lifestyle because morality and environmentalism is more important than how fast you can put on some muscle, but creatine is cheap…

  28. No fresh fruit up in the arctic so i googled where the Inuit got their Vit C from. Turns out they got it from fresh raw meat & fish, beluga whale skin and caribou liver……all eaten raw of course. YUM!!!!!
    Also, can someone please explain Dr Greger's example of the boy?/young man? who had a genetic defect. Doesn't make sense to me. Why would he be in & out of hospital if he was already eating meat b4 becoming a vegetarian?

  29. I'm about to do a video on carnosine and other so-called vegan "caveats." I just got my blood work done and it was impeccable as a vegan. And that has armed me to slam the hell out of the broscience meat-eating propaganda nonsense being pushed out there. My B12 levels were normal too. Like your videos. You tackle important issues.

  30. I just came from James Aspeys recent interview w Dr. Klaper where he touched on this when asked what could be hard when going vegan. I don't remember, being vegan for 13 yrs.. But we have been fed animal foods 3-4 times per day for, 18, 30 or 50 yrs and so out bodies stop producing these enzymes and it might take time for our body to understand that the old source is gone and we need to start producing it ourselves again.

    Awesome video as always! 💚🌱 The most creative and pro looking vegan channel I can think of! 👍

  31. I feel very happy when I was eating meat and fish and now I know why, is these nutrients what was make me feel very strong mentally and happy, I need it but I dont want to eat meat!!! I will never eat meat again, but even if our bodies produce it is not the same!!

  32. Thanks for the video. Yes, my husband who is not a vegan yet! Brought it up last night. I haven’t though about it until then🤔thanks for the info, as always fantastic!🙏

  33. LMA!!! That's why I love watching your show… It's funny and the informative. I love that you use your dog. HIL-AIR- EE-US!!!

  34. I know that before I went plant-based, I would eat red meat cause the thought was it has Carnitine and Creatine in it. But I also knew that our bodies make it. So, it wasn't a big deal to give red meat when I made the switch. So I'm trying to workon my body's natural way to build the muscle. As well as the aminos that I get when I eat.

  35. A family member with Autism was put on Depakote for seizures and developed carnitine deficiency from that. He was weaned off the Depakote and supplemented with carnitine for a few months and hasn't needed it since. I wonder if others might have this problem from drugs. I know that statins can cause coenzyme Q10 levels to be low. It makes me wonder if a lot of our need for supplements is caused not just by lifestyle, but also how we use drugs.

  36. You'll still have some of these compounds in your body but arguably not optimal amounts and the fact remains that your body (as research has shown) will still benefit from supplementing

  37. When I was having brain problems, I was vegetarian and briefly supplemented Taurine and Creatine, because of watching the video of how the Paleo lady reversed her MS.

    It turned out that I had heavy metal toxicity and drinking silica water and going off cheese and correcting my copper / zinc ratio and learning how to supplement B12 in an effective way and lowering my fats to stabilize my blood sugars all worked. Totally forgot about the Taurine and Creatine, and don't think I need them.

    Interestingly, my dog has an aggressive Cancer and was given a weekend to live, and I quickly moved him to vegan as close to vegan keto as I could figure out how to do without adding in oils, because I saw the benefit to not giving him sugar, but I also saw the benefit of not having him have IGF and I couldn't figure out whether to Dr. Barnard's logic was the way to go, but I decided to do vegan low oil, but still low glycemic index. He gets the supplements, because he ain't getting any meat, at least not until the basketball sized tumor is gone. The "death sentence diagnosis" came almost 6 weeks ago and he is still with me.

    He hadn't been vegan before the diagnosis and I decided to go that way, because I read a sentence that 60% of dogs get cancer. Made me want to go away from what everybody else was doing.

  38. That arguement with "gues what, we are a animal ourself" does not count, as he says himself, most animals produce vitamin c, we as animals dont produce vitamine c. So if his logic was correct, we also would produce our own vit c. So you cant compare animal a with animal b. One animal produces vit c, the other does not. One animal produces carnitine, the other not. As a ethical vegan I will never stop being vegan so I supplement.

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