Ci sono benefici per la salute di trascorrere del tempo in natura?

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86 Risposte a “Ci sono benefici per la salute di trascorrere del tempo in natura?”

  1. I sold everything I owned, mostly musical instruments I no longer play because of my tinnitus, and built myself a tiny house on wheels and rolled it out to an abounded run down farm estate in the middle of the woods (I pay the landowner €50/month for rent and electricity), I've never been happier. Every time I walk outside I see different birds, deer, elk, foxes, squirrels, rabbits and wild boar. Very calming. 🤠

  2. "Nature-based interventions are low cost and non-invasive unless you count" a pandemic!

    I was thinking of a similar question? Are there health benefits of spending time outdoors? Does it have to be green and pollution-free to be considered worthwhile? Well, one thing Mr. Greger forgot to elaborate was the drastic improvement in the amount of vitamin D you can get. According to Harvard Health, you can concentrate better. Additionally, happiness and time spent outdoors seem to be correlated.

  3. Love you doc! Just started to do my recommended (by you!) 2 hourly walk in an extremely gorgeous GREEN PARK and the experience is amazing. The clean air I breath and the breathtaking GREEN views are simply doing wonderful things to my mental health.

  4. Hey Dr Greger, in your app « Daily Dozen »

    It seems strange that the app show that we need to eat more fruit than vegetable

    It should be more vegetable than fruit

    As fruits contains fructose

    In the app, I don’t see the followings foods:

    Leek, chayotte, young jackfruit, lotus, palm heart => is there any reason why?

    I see « dry » mushroom, why dry and not fresh mushroom?


  5. So surprised at how free chickens calmed my life!!! Wanted them since I was a child…Felt an instant and calming connection to nature. So grateful.

  6. I’d really like you to make a video covering the benefits of going barefoot, if possible. I know there’s plenty of people that talk about benefits of it, and I’d like to see actual studies with evidence on it.

  7. It has to do with grounding or "Earthing ".
    We need to touch the earth i.e. dirt not concrete, for over an hour a day. It may have something to do with c rhythms. Or not. I know it helps me. As much as we've been nurtured, we need nature more.

  8. Hello Dr. Greger,
    last Saturday i got diagnosed with Sarcoidosis. Did you ever had a Patient or heard of one getting better while experimenting with the diet? Sry for the Bad englisch and Grammar. I cant Seem To win the Battle against Autocorrect. Greetings from Germany.

  9. For Years, I have subscribed the Nutrition Facts and shared hundreds of videos. However, the new format is so cartoonist it is totally distracting. Videos long ago would be titled without teasing and the content answered the "title" which it describes. However, now the insanely annoying format rarely provides actually answers to the title. It is simply childish click bait and/or is teased to the next video. I also don't like how Dr. Greger ignores man-made chemicals, water fluoridation, and GMO/GM/CRISPR technologies as potential health hazards all of which defines ones health. It's been nice to be a subscriber, but I am going to unsub today and look for health information from other sources that have not be "paid off" to keep quiet about elephants in the room!

  10. Oh my gosh Dr. G 😂😂😂 you were the ultimate spazz in this one I’ll have to say lmbooooo XD the teasing from start to finish brought me some laughs~ 😂 Oh~ nothing like a fun educational video~ love it~

  11. Although it sounds very "woo woo", the simple truth of the matter is that we are natural organisms, the environment is us and we are the environment. There's no separation in our continued for insistence that there's nature separate from us is really the root of what ails us.

  12. Dr gerger you are so Great person in this world you discus all topic …tell about how can we become intellgent brain foods ?

  13. Perspective matters. Parkour athletes see a building next to another building and probably get the same health benefits as another person seeing the trees. One fantasy involves walking in the woods; the other involves running and jumping off one roof to the other. 😉

  14. The effects of Nature are way deeper than that. It has to do with ions, lower EMF exposure, and even the simple air quality, far greater than that of the city, puts you not only in a better mood, but your whole body just functions better (that's actually what gives you the better mood). Cities are aberrations.

  15. Quick feedback without giving too many compliments (although they are well deserved): the intro is too loud compared to the rest of the video. please adjust. otherwise perfect, keep up the great work <3

  16. What a great presenter. I mess up so much and stutter with umms all the time. You can tell Doc was prepared and ready to go when cameras were rolling.

  17. YES!!!!!!! Before I even view this. And I agree with just about everything Dr. Greger says. Nature has helped me to stay in balance while dealing with lupus sle.

  18. In Colorado right now and I am so happy being outdoors in nature. Went biking all day in beautiful Colorado fall colors. A short stay in Denver did not have the effect. Could not wait to get out of Denver.

  19. So glad your covering this topic! Could you cover a video on Grounding? There seems to be some interesting research already in this field to support the health benefits and I’d love to hear your view

  20. "Institutions for the care of the sick would be far more successful if they could be established away from the cities. And so far as possible, all who are seeking to recover health should place themselves amid country surroundings where they can have the benefit of outdoor life. Nature is God's physician. The pure air, the glad sunshine, the flowers and trees, the orchards and vineyards, and outdoor exercise amid these surroundings, are health-giving, life-giving.

    Physicians and nurses should encourage their patients to be much in the open air. Outdoor life is the only remedy that many invalids need. It has a wonderful power to heal diseases caused by the excitements and excesses of fashionable life, a life that weakens and destroys the powers of body, mind, and soul.

    How grateful to the invalids weary of city life, the glare of many lights, and the noise of the streets, are the quiet and freedom of the country! How eagerly do they turn to the scenes of nature! How glad would they be to sit in the open air, rejoice in the sunshine, and breathe the fragrance of tree and flower! There are life-giving properties in the balsam of the pine, in the fragrance of the cedar and the fir, and other trees also have properties that are health restoring."
    – The Ministry of Healing (1905) pg. 263 – 264; E. G. White

  21. Dr Greger – I'm a little surprised – there is a whole body of work covering the (psychological and physiological) health benefits of 'Forest Bathing' researched in Japan. Please be aware this is more engaging than simply looking at trees or taking a walk in woodland – instead 'being still', mindfully engaging with your senses and contemplating the wonders of nature, the seasons and your place in the wider scheme of things. The general prescription in Japan – Forest Bathe for 20 mins each day, and if you don't have time and are stressed out – then Forest Bathe for 1 hr… Here in the UK, we are shortly to have available a Haynes Manual – 'how-to' on Forest Bathing – Haynes being famous for writing practical DIY Car Servicing books – so I expect it to be Step 1…

  22. The main benefit you actually get from being in nature is the contact with beneficial micro-organisms. Next step is when you go and stay bare-foot to collect electrons from ground. NCBI link – "The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases" –

  23. I'm a huge fan. And he's looking a bit tired recently. I saw an interview of him where he said he's not getting enough sleep. Please Dr Greger, get more sleep. The world NEEDS you at your best. And being outside more can help you sleep! Blessings…

  24. I followed this guy's diet recommendations some years ago then started losing my teeth enamel and all the freakin fiber put a strain on my colon and gave me diverticulitis… all because I followed a guy who is too scared of death and cites many "studies" from Iran and Chinaaaahhhh

  25. golfers also require a bunch of fertilizers and pesticides that leach into the air and waterways, oh those silly golfers and there silly little ball game, when will they learn

  26. I really wish this video were better. It skims over the topic. At one point he mentions nature having psychological benefits in controlled trials and later he says most studies didn’t have a control. Psychological benefits are great and important! There are lots of us suffering from depression or anxiety who need these benefits (and healthy people who just want a happy life). I wish he’d dived deeper into the potential psychological benefits as well.

    Overall tbh NutritionFacts has become really repetitive and narrowly focused. It’s absolutely great what he talks about diet but it’s like okay what about other topics like nature or I dunno how massage affects back pain. We all heard the “eat more vegetables” message already so it’s just distracting to get notifications about new videos that just say essentially “eat more vegetables”. More videos on how to be happy, relieve depression, etc would be really helpful. Maybe as a doctor he feels the mind is out of his realm of expertise but who else is there to do this kind of videos for psychology?

  27. I was really hoping this would be about grounding or earthing! So curious about what Dr. Greger thinks about those studies.

  28. I actually did a study on this exact topic for my undergraduate thesis. I will say that the images of nature are far less robust than actual physical immersion, at least as far as psychological stress. Also water seems to have a much stronger affect, enough so that you need to control for it in nature studies as it has a major calming effect all on its own.

    My biggest take away after dipping my toe into this field is that it still requires studies actually comparing directly viewing static images (sight), audio tracks (sound), viewing immersive video (sight and sound), actual physical interaction with nature (sight, sound, tactile, smell). Then need to determine what it actually benefits. Physical recovery, executive function, mood, or stress reduction through parasympathetic ns stimulation.

    I'm glad it's getting more attention, but (at least a few years ago) the field is definitely still in its infancy. It's also pretty difficult to get funding, though what field isn't these days.

  29. In Barcelona there is this historical hospital – Hospital de Sant Pau and it is so magnificent, beautiful, colorful; and it is not that way just because of vanity, but there was a real philosophy designing it that way (as I learned when visiting it). There was a belief, that beauty/aesthetics helps healing and I must say, being in that kind of facility, I definitely felt a lot calmer, at peace in that kind of environment, and I think that psychological state of patient is very much important in healing, so I think the philosophy was on point. I've had a few surgeries in not so nice hospitals (I am from middle/eastern europe), and the environment together with underpaid stuff really affected me.

    Also, when watching Blade Runner 2049, it's setting is way dark and industrial with harsh soundtrack, but there is this one scene where girl is making digital memories and the scene begins in sort of forest/greenery scene and for me when there was a edit cut from this dark industrial setting to this greenery scene I felt the contrast like a punch it the face, or rather like a sweet stroke of the feeling of greenery after the brutal industrial experience. So for me the nature and aesthetics definitely is important in (at least) mental well being. And I think there is some psychosomatic thing going on, where it can reflect in your physical well being (just like the placebo thing).

  30. Even if only mood is affected that will have a downstream effect of a more positive attitude which frequently leads to healthier choices 🙂
    When you're depressed you don't exactly feel like cooking healthy or exercising.

  31. I go wild camping. There's nothing more a wonderful way to just get out of the rat race and switch off and relax in the middle of nowhere in PEACE & QUIET for a while

  32. I have found grounding or earthing significantly improves how I feel both mentally and physically. That means being barefoot, my feet connecting with the earth. I know other gardeners who agree. Did you measure the barefoot factor?

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