Cioccolato Fondente e Funzione Arteria

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DESCRIZIONE: Cosa mostrano studi non finanziati dall'industria del cioccolato sull'effetto del cacao sulle arterie salute?

Ecco un link ai video che ho citato: Healthy Chocolate Milkshakes (http:// e A Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ( video/un-trattamento-per-la-sindrome-da-stanchezza-cronica/).<br/>
Maggiori informazioni sull'effetto corruttore di denaro nella ricerca nutrizionale nel prossimo video in coda, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Conflicts of Interest ( -and-dietetics-conflicts-of-interest/).

Ho già ricoperto di cioccolato, arrivo sostanzialmente alla stessa conclusione: • Cocoa Good; Chocolate Bad (
• Aggiornamento sul cioccolato (
• Correzione del cioccolato più salutare (

Quali effetti hanno gli altri alimenti sulla funzione arteriosa? Vedi:
• Il potere di NO ( -no/) • Noci e funzione dell'arteria (http:/ /
• Uova e funzione arteriosa (
• Basso Diete a base di carboidrati e flusso sanguigno coronarico ( /)

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Bob.Fornal tramite Flickr e Bronayur tramite Wikimedia.
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83 Risposte a “Cioccolato Fondente e Funzione Arteria”

  1. Interesting but I wouldn't eat cocoa on a regular basis if you paid me.

    Would like to see a study on cocoa and neurotoxicity.

  2. Would you make a video about cocoa being a neurotoxin.. I've switched to carob powder And would love to know if I'm really making a difference

  3. l'd sell my soul to the devil for chocolate,only dark of course,from 70% to 85%,milk chocolate is crap.l prefer some sugar inside.100% chocolate gets pretty sticky in mouth and hard to swallow down but raw cocoa powder is really not that bad.Eaten with some bananas and raisins or dates sugar doesn't need to be added at all.Thanks for the info,chocoholic 4ever.

  4. I regularly drink plain raw cocoa power with hot water.  You don't even need sugar or milk.  I don't have sugar in drinks anyway.

  5. Yes, theobromine is the key. It's a better and far more interesting stimulant than caffeine. It's a stimulant that also lowers blood pressure. As someone (Greger or CDC? I can't remember) already noted, it's oddly also an effective cough suppressant.

    What has to be mentioned about chocolate and cocoa though is the acrylamide levels, especially in "dutched" cocoa (heavily toasted fine powder). Certain cocoa powder, and chocolate made from that powder, can have sky high acrylamide levels (does California require acrylamide warnings on chocolate the way they require on french fries?).

    I think it's best to mostly abstain from stimulants altogether, but if you like coffee, organic cocoa is a better alternative, and if you like cocoa, the best form is raw cocoa nibs- the crushed bean (surprisingly mild and naturally sweet). Note that "toasted" cocoa nibs seem to be only very lightly toasted.

  6. When he says milk; is he referring to milk from animals? Almond milk or soy milk with cacao sounds like a pretty tasty combo

  7. Seems like a bunch of reductionist studies (according to Dr. T. Colin Campbell' book "Whole").Anyway, cocoa is a refined/processed food, not something humans would be able to have whitout the current tecnology. Certainly not a whole food.

  8. Yea, dark chocolate! eating some now 😛  I always check the label to make sure there is no milk in it, though.

  9. I do enjoy some dark chocolate every now and then.  It's rather annoying how manufacturers feel they have to add milk (and even eggs) to almost everything.

  10. I have high blood pressure (140/90-160/100) even though I'm on blood pressure medication. What I've found is that with dark chocolate it drops to as low as 128/82, even thought the chocolate is 70% cocoa/cocoa butter and 30% sugar. Because of the high fat content the GI of chocolate whether milk, dark or even white is actually a very low 20-30 although the GL may be somewhat higher. Also being in my late 50's I'm getting to the stage where keeping my weight low is getting harder and surprisingly chocolate helps here too. I don't why, but when I went from a low calorie/low GI diet with 20g of dark chocolate daily to the same diet with 100g of dark chocolate daily I've actually lost 2kg in that 2 week period. I've got to stop eating so much chocolate, and I've got to find a more effective blood pressure medication, but I thought I'd share my experiences with you given your knack for research.

  11. How can you be so awesome but neglect to mention Theobromine?

    Even if you believe it is safe to consume 1 serving of cocoa powder, how can you do an entire video about cocoa without even mentioning once the neurotoxicity of theobromine? Many viewers will understandably deduce from this video that the more cocoa powder the better.
    Say as a result, they drank a smoothie a day with 5 tablespoons of cocoa powder. Say they had 2 smoothies like that a day because they Really wanted to get even more arterial health. What do you think their theobromine levels in their blood and tissue would be?

    Maybe theobromine is a myth and cocoa consumption is totally fine.

    Or maybe, cocoa is fine, and even good, but only in moderation…?

    Which side are you on? To not address it is potentially harmful if the people who are taking their health into their own hands end up overusing cocoa.

    Please address the question of theobromine, dear super doctor – you are such a beneficent person. I hope cocoa consumption is fine, but please, just address it 🙂 I would love to add it to my smoothies again 😀

  12. If a person were consuming a tablespoon of cocoa powder a day 30 to 60 minutes after drinking a quart of yogurt, kefir, or buttermilk, are the benefits of the cocoa negated?

    Better than a large side of BACON, a large HAMHOCK, or pint of ICECREAM washed down with quart of HEAVY CREAM I suppose?

  13. I am a serious chocoholic, originally born in PA. LOL. Love dark chocolate with a small amount of sugar even in small amounts. Must have it everyday.

  14. Yea veggies are really good for you, too. Like the ones found on pepperoni/sausage/veggie combo pizzas and pasteurized V8 veggie drinks!!! Fruit's good, too. Like lemon-lime sodas and fruit-flavored Jelly Bellies!!!!

  15. Love it! Just eat the 90% cocoa bar- low sugar, no milk. Cocoa is like wine or coffee- rich flavor that doesn't need to be covered up.

  16. On Wikipedia it says that the longest living human ate 1 kg of chocolate a week and the source of that info was from a newspaper. She also smoked, but many did back then, so it could be a statistical anomaly but eating the amount of chocolate that she supposedly did is very rare so there could be a chance that chocolate is just that good. French Jeanne Calment lived healthy and mentally intact until she died at 122.

  17. "Eliminating sugar appears to amplify the beneficial effects of cocoa" Or you could just state more clearly that the ADDITION of sugar decreases the effects of cocoa. Sugar is pretty terrible stuff.

  18. Cacao is so toxic that body have no choice, but to pump blood harder in order to get rid of this toxic stuff from your body as quickly as possible! 😉

  19. This man sounds whiny, bitchy and smug! He also appears very blasé, or tired because he fails to enunciate properly and therefore non-English speakers have trouble understanding what he says half the time!

  20. Maybe they should study me… For years I have added a teaspoon of pure cacao, unsweetened, unaltered and unmilked to my coffee. It was my passed ketogenic diet that helped me rid myself of any need for sweetners. Real or artificial. It's nice to find I've inadvertently helped my heart.

  21. Well cacao plant grows in the rain forest of central america ( mexico, belize etc) , south america (guatemala, peru etc), most of the caribbean islands (jamaica, st lucia, dominica, st vincent, trinidad and tobago etc) and africa naturally for centuries. Ancient mexicans eg mayan, incas etc used cacao as currency and for ceremonial purposes and still use it till this day. People in the caribbean use cacao often, picking and eating the fruit off the cacao, drying the cacao beans in sun, toasting them and hand grinding them, mixing them with other spices and molding them into balls or logs and this is then grated into hot water to make cocoa tea. Almost Everyday children and adults alike from greatgrandparents time drink cocoa tea in the morning or at night traditionally for years ……

  22. Pure coco tastes like shit…. what a shame… I love dark chocolate with a little sugar. Dark chocolate with no sugar not so much…

  23. Chocolate does contain caffein which will disrupt your neutransmitter pathway process.

    same story you get healthy heart with neuro problem. 😁

  24. I don't have the means or inclination to test this theory, but a possible mechanism for chocolates benefits MAY be this:

    Dogs are killed by chocolate, especially dark chocolate, and it occurs because a chemical in chocolate (theobromin I think) weakens the wall of the blood vessels causing internal bleeding. The literature suggests that dogs can't break this down quick enough to avoid damage, where as people can.

    What if in people the effect is not strong enough to cause bleeding, but compromises the integrity of arterial walls resulting in plaque build up?

    I think it's an interesting thing to investigate, as I have had a very good diet over the years, with the one exception of probably too much chocolate. and yet I've ended up with significant heart disease. What if this is the mechanism??

    Anyhow like I say no time or ability to research this just questioning it.

  25. You can purchase organic cacao nibs and add 10-20 grams to your daily cup of oatmeal, that way you get even more benefits and you manage to fulfill the goal of incorporating sugar free cacao into your diet, I do this myself and it makes oatmeal even more pleasant.

  26. I really enjoy dark chocolate 🍫 I much prefer dark chocolate than milk chocolate thank you so much for the beautiful interesting audio video 👍👍😀😀🌹🌹♥️♥️👍👍🍫🍫

  27. I was eating pure cocoa powder with melted butter, thinking I had removed all negative elements to get the pure effect. But now it seems that dairy blunts the effect.

  28. I recommend psychedelics ☝️☝️look up that handle, he sells shrooms,dmt, indica,salvia, ayahuasca,lsd,mmda,psilocybin,infused chocolate bars
    ,he's got alot🍄💊🍫🔌and ships swiftly

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