Come cambiare il tuo enterotipo

Cosa succede al microbioma della nostra flora intestinale quando seguiamo diete a base vegetale rispetto a quella animale?

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Qual è il tuo enterotipo del microbioma intestinale? (

Ho anche una serie sull'epica battaglia della fermentazione nell'intestino tra proteine ​​e carboidrati che offre molti spunti sul perché è importante chi viviamo laggiù:
• Prevenire la colite ulcerosa con la dieta (
• Guerre intestinali: acido solfidrico vs. butirrato ( butirrato/)
• pH delle feci e cancro al colon ( video/stool-ph-and-colon-cancer/)
• Trattamento della colite ulcerosa con la dieta (

Hanno una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e proverà a rispondere!

Credito immagine: Loesjex via Pixabay.
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25 Risposte a “Come cambiare il tuo enterotipo”

  1. Dear Dr. Greger I love your videos and I recently read your book in it you talk about a daily dozen list that you aim for and I want to do the same however I am a 5' tall and 112 pound female so I wanted to know if for my size I should be getting so many calories?

  2. So this has nothing to do with veganism. It doesn't even mention it. It just said eating plants alone is better than eating only meat/animal products.


  3. Prevotella increase isn't a result of eating more fiber in general but of eating more whole grain or bran fibers. People who do not eat those and instead only consume an abundance of fruit and vegetable fibers (fermentable fibers) won't develop Prevotella well but will develop Ruminococcus while at the same time suppressing Bacteroides even with consuming animal products. Prevotella is supported by non-fermentable fibers while Ruminococcus is supported by an acidic environment which is a result of consuming a bulk of fermentable fibers. Bacteroides (which is minus the clumping you found with Ruminococcus in the other video) thrive more in an alkaline environment which is a result of not consuming enough fermentable fibers. You could create an environment that fostered both Bacteroides and Prevotella by simply consuming whole grains and avoiding fermentable fibers even without consuming animal products.

  4. I could (to my surprise) not find any information on your site about Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and hyper mobility. I have a good friend that suffers from this and would love to get some information how to treat it.

  5. Hi there, extending the topic here: I have access to cutting edge supplemental and vitamin supplements that deliver serious results worldwide. And much more (innovative make up technology, skin care, Energy and Fitness). Have a nice day 😊👋🏽

  6. I eat meat, vegetables and starches. Does that mean I'm a carnivore? Does that mean I'm on an all meat, animal based diet? What if I get some good bacteria from yogurts?

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