Come fare il tuo lavaggio di frutta e verdura

I lavaggi commerciali di frutta e verdura non funzionano meglio dell'acqua del rubinetto, ma esiste una soluzione fai-da-te economica che potrebbe eliminare completamente alcuni residui di pesticidi.

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Questo è un po' un intervallo nella mia serie in 5 parti sugli alimenti biologici. Finora ho trattato le domande Gli alimenti biologici sono più nutrienti? ( e gli alimenti biologici sono più sicuri? (<br/>
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• Gli alimenti biologici sono più sani? (
• I vantaggi degli alimenti biologici sono sottovalutati o sopravvalutati? (

Il motivo più importante per lavare i prodotti alimentari è ridurre il rischio di malattie di origine alimentare. Ironia della sorte, i virus dell'intossicazione alimentare possono essere trovati nei pesticidi stessi. Guarda il mio video Norovirus Food Poisoning from Pesticides (

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Credito immagine: PublicDomainPictures via Flickr.
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77 Risposte a “Come fare il tuo lavaggio di frutta e verdura”

  1. I also read somewhere that the pesticides that remain on produce, without washing, isn't supposed to be that harmful. Basically, don't let pesticides prevent you from eating produce. I'll just use the salt water solution for the dirty dozen, because cooking is time consuming enough without having to double wash everything.

  2. According to a study conducted by an agricultural university in my state, washing vegetables and fruits in tamarind solution is found to be very effective in removing pesticide residues. To make the solution mix 20 gms of tamarind on 1 litre water. Hope this helps

  3. Everybody only buy ORGANIC produce all of the time! That way, farmers who spray POISON on one's food will stop, and the price of organic fruits and vegetables will not be high!

  4. So only organic food eater will live longer…

    NOT all people can afford Non GMO or /& Organic food as it is more xpensive than conventional ones., so  does it mean that vegan Non GMO & non organic food consummer will die sooner with cancer , MS, etc ? ? I hate organic food propaganda, it is UNFAIR for those who can not afford it .
    SO what the benefit for being vegan then ??? ….
    What left to eat for the marginal vegan consummer who can't afford organic's or non-GMO's ???.

  5. Thanks a lot for this video. I was thinking of asking you for this video now I get it. Live long and thanks again for your great work!

  6. Pesticides in plant food can easily be removed with salt water. Pesticides in animal food is impossible to remove because of build up of pesticides in the fat.

  7. I live in the US now so I really wash my produce very well with dish soap and rinse thoroughly; but in Africa, we use saltwater to wash our leafy greens/cabbages, to get the bugs out and plain water to get dirt from harvesting and handling, off our fruits and vegies…We do not have the pesticide issue since our farmers adhere mostly to organic farming or less commercialized systems of crop cultivation.

  8. thank you so much for making this video!!! I have always used tones of that special soap for all the food stuff that wasn't Organic because I was so freaked out and worried about the pesticides on it…… I will just use salt water now…lol



  11. Hi Dr. Greger. I'm a dietetics and nutrition student, interested in knowing your opinion on the new findings on eggs safety and cholesterol. I've been wanting to know what the whole controversy of eggs is all about! Please consider doing a video on that topic, I as well as many people I'm sure would be very interested in knowing your intake this information. Go breakfast!

  12. Hello, could you please make a video about the cause of a low body temperature? I am eating a plant based diet now for more than two years and I have recently noticed that my body temperature is constantly below 35 celsius. As far as I know it should be around 36.5-37. Can you give your thoughts on this? Many thanks

  13. One would assume that chemicals soak right through the produce. I am no chemist but I also assume salt water mix remove pesticides only from surface layers  I wonder how theses tests for pesticides where done.

  14. Of course, avoid foods from us, China, Russia.
    Just like corporate
    The bigger and more powerful, the more corrupt and deviant.
    The us is ground zero for gmo's

  15. I thought DDT was banned a long time ago?

    'Along with the passage of the Endangered Species Act, the US ban on DDT is cited by scientists as a major factor in the comeback of the bald eagle.'
    One should feel  relatively safe!

  16. Thanks, I was planning to make my own fruit and vegetable wash with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, water, and sea salt, with a touch of rubbing alcohol.  Right now I just dip most of my produce in an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide.  Seems to keep them from getting moldy much if at all.

  17. I disagree with the claim that it is not possible to be 10 times as effective as water. Say water removes those 80% of pesticides mentioned in the video. So it leaves 20%. If a wash were to remove 98% of pesticides it would leave only 2%. So the consumer would only be exposed to a tenth of the amount of pesticides (2% instead of 20%). So if this were to made clear I would be on board with calling a wash that removes 98% of pesticides "10 times as effective as water".

  18. doc G I wonder if my technique would be any of use.. I take all my new fruit and veg I buy and e500 there dirty assess then rinse dry and store..

  19. I used to call my mother crazy for soaking all her veg in salt water in the sink for hours before cooking. Looks like I owe someone an apology. It looks like mother did know best on this occasion.

  20. I use water with baking soda and soak it for 5-10 mins. It creates pretty strong alkaline environment and is known as the best way to destroy pesticides on the surface of fruits and vegetables. Also the alkalinity kills bacteria and fungus if there's any on the surface. Sadly they didn't put it to the test as the most famous way of washing off chemicals.

  21. when making this salt water solution, can it be cheap salt (like Morton's) or should it be good salt like crystal salt, sea salt or Himalayan?

  22. But I'm not just washing for pesticide removal. I am also washing off bacteria like e-coli. Then you're going to want something that breaks the hydrophobic membrane of the bacteria like a soap. It doesn't take much. =]

  23. Thank you Dr. Greger.
    I usually try to wash apples, potatoes thoroughly by rubbing them. But I think it’s impossible to rub things like grapes which is tedious and can squash the grapes.

  24. so much bias and fast judgement against meat… I watch this channel for the best of the plant world but not giving up meat and dairy in moderation.

  25. omg I just had a flashback to my childhood, my grandma always soaked fruits in salt water. she could never give me a reason why, but that's just the way they did it. I guess they knew something back then

  26. We have a water softener. Will softened tap water be effective enough as a sodium-based cleaner for vegetables? Will reusing the softened wash-water be harmful for watering flowerbed plants and the vegetable garden?

  27. My mother always let her leafy greens soak in a sink full of slightly tepid water with a good sprinkling of salt to kill any small insects. I don’t recall any concerns about pesticides by this was a lllooonngg time back. Great to know 😍

  28. on lemons(for zesting) or say apples with skin, etc.these solutions don't do so well to break the fungicide/WAX coating..iI think 'organic'' liquid soap, d-limonene and perhaps baking soda or vinegar would ''solve'' all

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