Come fumare nel 1959 è come mangiare nel 2019

Dato che la nostra dieta è la prima causa di morte e disabilità, sicuramente l'alimentazione è la cosa numero 1 che i medici imparano alla facoltà di medicina, giusto ? Sicuramente è il numero 1 di cui ti parla il tuo dottore. Come potrebbe esserci una tale disconnessione tra le prove disponibili e la pratica della medicina? Facciamo un esperimento mentale…

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

In questo video, cerco di rispondere alla domanda che sicuramente deve sorgere a chiunque si immerga anche solo nella letteratura sulla medicina dello stile di vita: “ Aspetta un secondo, se questo fosse vero, perché il mio medico non me l'ha detto?” Se, ad esempio, il nostro killer numero 1 può essere invertito attraverso la dieta, perché non sono le notizie in prima pagina, insegnate a tutti gli studenti di medicina, trasmesse da ogni vetta dalle organizzazioni mediche e dalle linee guida dietetiche del governo? Ancora confuso? Guarda i miei altri video per rispondere alla domanda: <br/> • Medicina dello stile di vita: trattamento delle cause delle malattie ( medicina-trattamento-le-cause-di-malattia/)
• The McGovern Report (http: //
• L'effetto pomodoro (
• Dieta ottimale: dammelo subito, Doc (
• Ai medici potrebbe mancare il loro strumento più importante ( -mancano-il-loro-strumento-più-importante/)

Per ulteriori informazioni sui parallelismi tra fumare allora e mangiare oggi vedere:
• Complicità dell'American Medical Association con Big Tobacco ( -compl icity-big-tobacco/)
• Big Food utilizzando il playbook dell'industria del tabacco (
• Collaborazione con i nuovi vettori della malattia (
• Quando basso rischio significa alto rischio ( /quando-basso-rischio-significa-alto-rischio/)
• The Healthy Food Movement: Strength in Unity (

Il rischio del fumo e della Dieta Americana Standard è davvero paragonabile, però? Vedi Proteine ​​animali rispetto al fumo di sigaretta ( ).

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100 Risposte a “Come fumare nel 1959 è come mangiare nel 2019”

  1. Thanks for watching! For more videos that touch on smoking, see the Smoking topic on our website. Please post your health questions over there as well, where our team of volunteers is more likely to see them. Team

  2. Michael thanks again great as always.Sadly family affair was mine in the 70's.Lucky our times are a changing.Now our families look to us for health advice.

  3. It doesn't matter how many times NF posts a survey of the advertising campaigns in aid of Big Tobacco, it still looks freshly insane! Thanks for making this salient analogy to Big Food.

  4. They really had all those ads for smoking back then? that's awful! I remember in the 70s as a kid I could walk in the store for my mom and buy her a pack. or get them from a vending machine. how times have changed. and not for the better.. i miss the 70s. much less mental and visual stimulation. all we had were 3 channels books and one house phone. today its pods and pads and desk tops and  lap tops  and  smart phones and video games etc… our brains are now bombarded like a 5 oclock traffic  jam.

  5. honestly I'm not sure if people don't know , don't wanna know, or just don't care. Keep up the good work ppl, spread the word and most importantly the facts. good things will come!

  6. A particularly good video (as a matter of interest, what software do you use to create the classy effects?), but I hope you can take some constructive criticism.
    So the animations in this video were top class, but for some reason, whenever you quote text from a publication (white block with black text), you never cleanly crop the text (partial line appearing top / bottom), which just looks sloppy, especially when it wouldn't take much more time to properly crop the text, even in MS Paint.
    On the nutrition front, whilst I acknowledge that if we all became vegans, we would likely be healthier, I and I'm sure the vast majority of the population are just not willing to completely give up dairy and meat, although cutting back, perhaps by only buying the best quality, is a good idea (e.g. organic, free range eggs and ideally, grass fed beef), you seriously undermine your case by vilifying say, premium eggs, when the science now doessn't support your stance, with Dr. Mercola being living proof, as he eats plenty of organic eggs (and butter from grass fed cows), and I believe his cholesterol levels are excellent. It just seems that you are sometimes trying to unduly scare people into going vegan, and it's simply the wrong approach.
    Regardlesss, keep up the great work. Daniel B·

  7. The challenge with the comparison is cigarettes only have tobacco as an ingredient. But Vegan diet can be healthy. LCHF can be healthy. There is not consensus on this so there is confusion.

  8. I can imagine this has a lot to do with the cost of health care and insurance costs going up in those states where the population is over weight.

  9. How about some vids about the HORRIFIC effects of (excessive) alcohol intake.  Smoke is terrible for the body, but alcohol damages the body and the mind, as well.  I wish society would be half as concerned about drinking than smoking.

  10. I still remember walking in the lobby of hospitals and seeing big Ashtrays and seeing Ashtrays in Dr's and Dentist's Offices and in the Doctors personal office and sometimes he's light up in the exam room after the physical when he would talk to my mom they would both light up! :))

  11. hey! could you please do a video on how sugars from fruit is not bad for you? my friend thinks fruit sugar is soo bad for you but still continues to eat meat and dairy? i dont even understand and need something to show her to prove fruit is not bad for you!!

  12. Dr. Gregger you just answered your own question "the practice of medicine". Doctors go to school to simply learn how to treat physical trauma and how to treat people with medication. When the pharmaceutical era came about nutrition and healing people with plants went out the window and was described as being snake oils.

  13. John Wayne couldn't risk throat irritation so he smoked Camels . That is so messed up I can't even find an analogy for it.

  14. Tomorrow, 4 November at 8pm GMT I will celebrate 36 years of quitting smoking. My reason? Because on that day and at that time I heard incontrovertible evidence that my smoking was causing harm in the form of passive smoking to my family. I am proud of it and think of it as one of my greatest achievements – beating my hitherto weaker self!

  15. This is one of the few Dr. Greger videos that I gave a thumbs up.  It's factual, interesting, and quite entertaining.  I remember most of those smoking ads from when I was young.  Good stuff and solid logic.

  16. This is unrelated, but is supplementing with pea, brown rice and hemp protein isolate bad for my health? I know it's not necessary to supplement protein if your diet is decent, but I want to gain more muscle mass to impress the ladies and get some action (at least before my full-bodied boisterous farts scare everyone away).

  17. @3:02 that's Farah Fawcett modeling before Charlie's Angels fame. A 1962 tobacco company memo stated, "we are in the business of selling nicotine, an addictive drug – and the cigarette is just the device thru which we deliver it". Some, like Dr Robert Lustig argue that sugar is addictive just as nicotine is. I don't think it's the same, but I get the analogy

  18. I bet In the future people will still eat junk food even with cancer labels and and stuff like (MSG is addictive) they still smoke cigarettes regardless of the dangers they know about. Chemicals make the mind weak, thus unable to quit what they are used to.

  19. Its funny all those adds for smoking (subliminal mind-control programming) yet cannabis adds were completely the opposite when evidence today shows proof its backwards.

  20. We've come a long way (baby!😊) in a short time recognizing the dangers of cigarettes. Now let's see how far we can can come with our diets. Most of us reading these comments are ahead of the game, eating whole plant based foods, congrats! This website is playing a key role! Thanks.

  21. awesome video!! as a medical student this just makes me feel it is my duty to inform people about diet dangers as my mother who was in me school in the 70s did about smoking and second hand smoke she fought and now i fight i am up against a lot! i am the only vegan in my class but the truth will come out!! . we can make a difference! thank you dr. greger you inspire me !

  22. FYI: John Wayne did not die from lung cancer. He did have lung cancer for which his left lung was removed. He later contracted stomach cancer which was his cause of death.

  23. Dr. Greger mocked John Wayne out and basically laughed about his death from cancer but many of us at one time were addicted to cigarettes and or alcohol and we beat it only to suffer negative health impacts later. John Wayne had a lung removed and lived more than 10 additional years until he died of stomach cancer. He worked to help others quit cigarettes towards the end of his life and he funded a cancer charity that is still in existence today in Southern California. Everybody's got to go sometime and I hope the good Doc gets plenty of laughs in because there are going to be a lot of people laughing at him if he happens to go (for whatever reason) from cancer or cardio vascular disease. lol Incredible how corrupt the AMA has been and continues to be. In some ways it's like satan dressing up like Little Bo Peep. The US Government at Federal and State levels is just as corrupt and involved every step of the way. The Feds in fact just stopped subsidizing tobacco farmers with tax payer money in 2014…

  24. I was talking about this issue with my sister today! The similarities between "Big Tobacco" and "Big Food" strategies to delude the consumer.
    Thank you very much for putting this together in such a clearly form.

  25. I had a dream about you last night! I fucking love you so much, thanks for changing my life for the better! When I first went vegan it was purely for the animals so I was still eating pretty unhealthily (lots of potato chips and other junk food) but now, after watching a lot of your videos I have realised that this is stupid and am now eating only plant foods (healthy foods)! Thanks for all the info!

  26. I've smoked cigarettes for 10 years. On the first day I quit, I looked outside my window onto the street and saw a man lighting up a cigarette. Out of nowhere, smoking struck me as such incredibly bizarre behavior and such a peculiar phenomenon. To have a factory produced stick which sole purpose is to channel smoke into your lungs… And it doesn't even make you high, yet still a billion people do it all day long and can't go without it.

  27. Interessante! Escrevi no Galactolatria: mau deleite exatamente isto: fazem propaganda medicinal do leite e dos laticínios como fizeram propaganda medicinal do cigarro há 50 anos. Quem precisa de fumantes? Os produtores de cigarros. Quem precisa de galactômanos? Os produtores de leite e os fabricantes de queijos. Nenhum humano precisa do leite ou dos queijos feitos com o leite da vaca. Cálcio? De onde a vaca o obtém? Das plantas que ela come. E de onde as plantas o obtém? Do solo onde são cultivadas. Coma plantas e terá cálcio biodisponível suficiente.

  28. If a physician talks to a patient about better nutrition, and that patient gets healthier, then that physician may lose some business !

  29. it is the entire fda, lobbied by literally poisoning so called foods, the entire central isles of Walmart and other criminal corporations are literally full of processed foods, not only genetically engineered or full of antibiotics, but also full of salt and to hide added poisons like aspartame and or corn sirup, then subsidized alcohol, then the drug manufacturers, with way more serious, often life threatening side effects than actual effects, then vaccines abuse, stress, a completely profit based medical system where the doctors are not innocent, but definitely way less guilty than their not even doctors middle men in hmo(s) making literally 10-100 times more money. these are all text book examples of fast falling empires. I am not happy about that. the cancer and diabetes epidemics are the firs killed, then the hearth diseases. from the diet narrative, corn sirup (containing fructose) and criminal imports of aspartame, made by animals that non only are enjoying freedom and political favors (when in fact they should be pushing up daisies, after slow deaths on continuous current Charlie, trying hard to be polite). on top of that, the opioids and prescription drugs are number one in the criminals top ten. cigarettes and alcohol too, even now, alcohol's clear carcinogenic effects are hidden by corporations. capitalism rocks.

  30. the whole thing with low fat resulted from an imbecile, mediocre like hell, who invented this over night because one of the White House ass wholes (thing was Eisenhower, can never spell presidents right) had a heart attach. what followed was reduced fat foods. but they tested really bad. in order to make them eatable, manufacturers added msg and salt. but in order to hide salt, they needed to neutralize it and add sugar. sugar is expensive. in order to optimize profit (the capitalist way to go, kill you own people, with premeditation, for profit, one citizen at a time). in order to make sugar cheaper, the corn sirup had to be made sweeter, so they turn glucose into fructose (on the most terrible substances, not only criminal, but also addictive, in a normal place, the ones doing this should be given Charlie right away, or life sentences, cheaper and more effective. then, a completely different level has been reached when criminals from criminal bush administration imported aspartame. but the extermination for profit does not stop there… like it would not stop here and now either. planet is on the brink of extinction. something should and will be done, to save the earth (from us).

  31. Donal Rumsfeld is definitely one of the core aspartame genocide architects. Monsanto is currently owned by Bayer, a corporation founded by Hitler with Mondial Bank money, architected by the father of Bush senior. Bush senior ran the CIA then managed to push his son in the office for fucking 8 full years, 9/11, Middle East "for sales" episode and animals like Bolton, still at highest levels. Indeed very nice place

  32. there are many sci-fi future paths. the most documented one, however, predicts that in less than 200 years, incarnation (and re-incarnations) of sapiens sapiens species will be illegal, then a slow process of planetary cleansing (from us) will take place, around 900 years from now, most species will be rebalanced, a green completely non profit based earth will take place, naturally the un-natural satellite (in reality a galactic wreck) and especially Saturn (and moons) will be destroyed and truly intelligent life will fill in earth, only that, it won't be us…

  33. are we all the same? Clearly not! do we deserve to exterminated? NOT all of us. unfortunately saving a planet cannot be done at a higher granularity. infestation will clearly be taken care of, perhaps even sooner than we think. I wish none of these were true, but just look around. the ones living in the states, with kids at home, protecting and loving their neighbors and planet are less and less settled, less and less heard, while farm of animals politicians… well, let's just stop right here, look around!

  34. a more optimistic approach already described the fact that 90% of our body are are human, foreign / shape shifting dna, including the mitochondria non human dna are currently investigated. almost 70,000 people stopped eating and drinking (the human dna body does not require any nourishment, just solar light and un-interrupted chakra based exchange) and those are the indigo faith which already reached critical mass. the moment when this truly free humans (biologically speaking) will decide to end the bacterial infestation may be just around the corner! and this information is not sci-fi! I give you one hint. university of Washington…

  35. but the most important thing is: remember who/what you are. stop thinking on weird revolutions or other violence based actions, these will only make it worst. start from inside you and go from there. and mostly, be good

  36. I'm so glad I'm a fitness junk and with that comes a strict healthy diet otherwise all that training would be for nothing. Even alcohol is something I never touch, I recently found out this is called being a teatotaler. That's a funny word.

  37. Where’s the part you display all the ads about eating shit foods leading to diabetes high blood pressure high cholesterol and cancer?

  38. That's all well and good and I'm not one to argue. But frankly, I find this "fact" a whole lot more disturbing:
    "…According to a recent study by Johns Hopkins, more than 250,000 people in the United States die every year because of medical mistakes, making it the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer.

    "Other studies report much higher figures, claiming the number of deaths from medical error to be as high as 440,000. The reason for the discrepancy is that physicians, funeral directors, coroners and medical examiners rarely note on death certificates the human errors and system failures involved. Yet death certificates are what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rely on to post statistics for deaths nationwide."
    Wait. I'm hearing something off in the distance. Yes, that's it: "Physician, heal thyself."

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