COME NON DIETA dal Dr. Michael Greger, MD | RIASSUNTO DI 18 MIN | AUDIOLIBRO | Podcast

Scopri la rivoluzionaria scienza della perdita di peso sana e permanente

Immagina di fare domanda la scienza all'avanguardia dietro il successo della perdita di peso a lungo termine nella tua vita, in questo potente libro dell'autore bestseller del New York Times di “How Not to Die”.

Non hai tempo per leggere i best seller di autori esperti? Lascia che ti aiuti fornendo riassunti concisi e convenienti che puoi ascoltare sempre e ovunque.

Se vuoi conoscere la scienza della perdita di peso sana e permanente gratuita in dettaglio, OTTIENI GRATUITAMENTE l'audiolibro COMPLETO, “Come non mettersi a dieta”,<br/>
GRATUITO Versione Kindle, Come non stare a dieta,


Prima parte del libro – 03: 2a parte – 03: 42
Terza parte – 02: 24
Parte 4 – 05: 03
Dr. Greger Ventuno ritocchi – 03: 09
Analisi e punti chiave del libro – 06: 57
Punti chiave 1: L'epidemia – 07: 02
Punti chiave 2: L'industria della dieta- 07: 03
Punti Chiave 3: Cosa Mangiare – 07: 42
Punti Chiave 4: Cosa Non Mangiare – 09: 24
Punti chiave 5 : Come mangiare – 10: 24
Punti chiave 6: Quando mangiare – 11: 12
Punti chiave 7: Esercizio – 12: 15
Una breve recensione del libro – 15: 57

Dr. Michael Greger, MD “24 MODIFICHE DIETA” da COME NON DIETA Libro.>
Every month, new diets and weight loss fads emerge, yet obesity rates continue to increase along with health problems. It’s time to take a different approach.

Dr. Michael Greger, a widely respected nutrition expert, physician, and creator of the Nutrition Facts website, focuses on the most recent research about the causes and remedies of obesity.

He identifies the optimal criteria for weight loss while considering how food affects our health and lifespan, emphasizing the significance of plant-based eating.

How Not to Diet offers twenty-one weight-loss accelerators, incorporating the latest discoveries to reveal the factors that maximize our natural fat-burning capabilities.

Dr. Greger provides a timeless, proactive approach to building the ultimate weight loss guide that can withstand any new trend.

With practical advice and groundbreaking research, How Not to Diet replaces constant weight-loss struggles with a simple, healthy, and sustainable lifestyle.

About Dr. Michael Greger, MD

Michael Greger is a doctor and public health advocate who promotes a plant-based diet. He became a vegan after working at an animal sanctuary and went on to earn his MD from Tufts University. Greger is a founding member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine and founded, a non-profit that provides free information about nutrition research. He encourages people to eat whole foods and avoid processed foods through his blog, videos, and podcast. Greger is also a member of the True Health Initiative, a global coalition promoting lifestyle as medicine. He has authored several books, including the bestseller How Not to Die, and has spoken at events worldwide.


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