Come non morire di cancro

Cosa succede quando metti il ​​cancro in una dieta a base vegetale?

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Se ti sei perso Come non morire di malattie cardiache (, dai un'occhiata e resta sintonizzato per:
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• Come non morire di malattie renali (http://
• Come non morire di pressione alta (

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BRCA Geni del cancro al seno e soia (
Cancro affamato con restrizione della metionina (
Salvare vite curando l'acne con la dieta ( /salvare-vite curando-l'acne-con-la-dieta/)
Il colesterolo nutre le cellule del cancro al seno (
Cancro alla prostata e Latte biologico vs. latte di mandorla ( -milk/)
I raggi X dentali causano tumori al cervello? (
Fragole contro cancro esofageo ( video/strawberries-versus-esofageal-cancer/)
Quale frutto combatte meglio il cancro? (
Dovremmo tutti ottenere colonscopie a partire dall'età 50? ( -50)
Risolvere un mistero sul cancro al colon (http: //
Quali fattori dietetici influenzano maggiormente il cancro al seno? ( )
Rischio di cancro da patatine fritte (

Ritorno alle nostre radici: curry e cancro ( )
Uova, colina e cancro (
Vegetale di sopravvivenza al cancro al seno (
Sopravvivenza al cancro alla prostata: il rapporto A/V (
Anti-angiogenesi: tagliare il Tumor Supply Line ( taglio- off-tumor-supply-lines)
Perché i vegetariani potrebbero avere meno HPV? ( have-less-hpv)

Zeranol Use in Meat and Breast Cancer (
Proteine ​​animali rispetto al fumo di sigaretta (

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100 Risposte a “Come non morire di cancro”

  1. hey guys I would appreciate it so much if you would donate something to my little sisters fund, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and our family is not able to afford her medical bills. is the link. Thank you

  2. I'm vegan, but I consume 2 servings of soy protein isolate a day, plus one serving of tofu and one tablespoon of olive oil.
    Should i expect to drop dead any second now…??

  3. Can you tell me if they managed to check the pH of the blood? I'm pretty sure it's the pH levels into the high alkalinity levels that killed the cancer cells. I've been my own research vessel, and I'm 99.9% certain it's all about the alkalinity for every dis-ease. I check my urine and saliva pH regularly. And noticed that within an hour of having something with added sugars, my pH dropped from 7.9 down to 6.4. It's pretty repeatable too.

    I think it's prudent to view out bodies as batteries. (Chemical soups) When one system gets out of whack, the others try and compensate. If we focus on eating foods that help elevate our alkalinity, and stay out of the base acidic zones, I think you'll notice your whole body functions more efficiently. Also, you can't grow cancer cells (or fungi or bacterium) in a petri dish without a swipe of glucose on the bottom of the dish… right?

  4. Youe body has two ways of getting glucose, one is from directly absorbing from food, the other is from converting other compounds that already exist in your fat cells and muscle fiber. Unfortunatly cancer always chooses to get its nutriants from the second method. Which is why starving yourself of sugar does not work. And the same reason your misinforming video is a load of shit. Please dont give dying people shitty advice, please get proper medic treatment for you deadly mother in law is into this loony shit and shes dying. She has been a vegan her entire life, yet she still has stage 4 bone marrow cancer. Hmm..

  5. I really hope people share this on social media, to get this message across. It makes me so angry that people are dying of cancer every day when a plant based diet could offer such a massive solution

  6. Hello! Does anyone know why, when testing a drug, for example, randomized control trials use a placebo instead of no medication? If placeboes may enhance health. Why would they compare them together?

  7. As of yet there is no food out there that is a cancer cure!! There is ongoing research on all aspects of the diet but the only thing PROVEN to prevent some cancers is avoid processed meats ! Literally angers me when I read misleading articles claiming to have cures

  8. Dr Greger you're an inspiration to me . I'm vegan 20 years old however I've been diagnosed with a sinus pericranii . I've gotten bouts of dizziness and blurry vision before. I would truly appreciate any advice that you have to offer , I'm feeling very desperate .

  9. Shame coconut oil is a lot more expensive than beef dripping 🙁
    I do think cutting back on animal products is possible and the potential money saved, wow.

  10. Thank you for posting this! I'm currently listening to your audiobook and I love your work. Could you perhaps talk about preventing ovarian cancer? My doctor told me I'm at an increased risk for it due to endometriosis but I've been vegan for 6 years now and eat a Whole Foods plant-based diet along with being lightly-moderately active.

  11. Even if your cancer grows slower, you still have cancer and it's growing. Are you saying everybody should be on chemotherapy drugs? Maybe the normal cells also suffer from this blood that kills cancer cells?

  12. Low IGF-1 has it's downside also: it makes you more frail and older looking. IGF-1 does not cause cancer. It only promotes growth. Too low IGF-1 is not a good thing.

  13. I only have to quit some dairy products now. So I'm still a vegetarian 🙂 Thank you Dr! You're awesome! Do you have any special plant based diet recommendations for people living with undetectable HIV? I would also love to hear your thoughts on WFPB diet and HIV

  14. October 2011: PSA 4.7. Had biopsy done. Cancer in a few samples.Gleason 3+3, t 2.
    PSA has been slowly increasing (sometimes up/sometimes down) to what is now 10.3.
    Presently still in “Active Surveillance” but have refused any new biopsies. MRI done back 3 years ago showed nothing to be alarmed about. Urologist said, “if PSA continues to go up we will do another MRI. Based upon the results we may need to do treatments”. Next PSA: July 2018.

    I have been on a “Plant based diet” (mix of raw and cooked) for at least the last 4 years. I drink 2- 8oz glasses of vegetable juice a day (first 2years 6 glasses a day). No meat or sugar (except stevia), negligible amounts of dairy and bread (will probably stop them soon).
    I drink some coffee and a lot of green tea. I am 68…feel great…and consider myself to be fairly active walking 35-40 minutes many days a week.

    Everything I read or view on YouTube leads me to believe that my cancer should be at least in remission with PSA going down. I know that not every protocol works the same for everyone so I am thinking of adding some different protocols. Something simple I can do right now is fast 18 hours a day…I’d fast a number of days but don’t want to lose too much weight. (only 155 lbs.). Any thoughts on why my PSA continues to go up?

  15. This is nothing new. Gerson has been curing cancer for nearly a century with a plant-based diet. Dr. Greger should retract what he said about its being quackery.

  16. After watching this short video and seeing that it is fully backed up by studies (al presented in the video) one wonders what stops people from completely, totally and absolutely adopting a plant based diet. Does this problem have to do with insecurity? Sadly, we have been bombarded by diet suggestions that have hardly ever worked.

    This is not a diet suggestion, this is information that should make it clear for all of us that there is something wrong in humans eating animal protein. We know that cats in general do not do well at all with plant based diets. They might even die prematurely. Dogs do well; no problem.

    But humans… that is an entirely different story. Everyday one or two very solid studies are indicating that we do not need any kind or quantity of animal protein to do well in our lives. This is dangerous territory; a country, the USA was sold on the idea that to be masculine and brave and strong, a man must eat lots of animal protein. Then women decided that they should do the same, since they changed their way of seeing themselves. Then breast cancer became a problem, almost epidemic.

    Two weeks is all you need to reverse the situation. That is a dangerous piece of information: “I suppose that I can continue enjoying my delicious meat and then, if I get sick, I will be all right in 2 weeks…” That is what usually happens.

    The worst part is that they do not believe what they hear and they do not have the will to even try those two weeks.

  17. My Aunt has Cancer, she's going through chemo. I immediately told her to go plant based….. now her iron is low. She tried all the iron rich foods and it was still low. Her doctor encouraged her to eat meat. I'm so upset. I feel like meat may exacerbate her cancer. I've seen so many videos of people going through cancer that go plant based and their cancer shrinks. What have you read or experienced with other cancer patients and low iron. THANK YOU 😢

  18. Just a question: Is the improvement in the blood due more to the lack of bad food consumption, the increase in good food consumption, or a combination? I ask because I live pay check to pay check some months. I’m vegan, so I’m not eating the bad food, but sometimes I have to fast for a few days and I’m not getting enough of the nutrients from fruits and veg I would usually be getting. So, this made me curious if fasting can also have a positive effect in improving the blood. Is it cutting out the bad, getting the good, or both? Thank you!

  19. Mm I spent three months on plant based diet and intermittent fasting ( cheated a couple of days) , Result PSA doubled . Conclusion plant based did not stop progression. Also because of eating lots of sweet potato and other starchy foods really upset my blood sugar levels. Wished it was not so but it is what it is.

  20. So, what were the diets before switching to plant based diets? Ham and cheese sandwiches, chicken wings? Maybe cleaning up your food sources and not eating out every meal helped. More information desperately needed before jumping to the conclusion that a vegan diet cures/prevents cancer.

  21. I've been a meat eater all my 21 years. I used to mock vegans. With this evidence, I'd rather admit I was wrong then die of cancer when I get to 60.

  22. How about Fish in relation to IGF1? what is considered eating animal protein such as fish considered to much that provokes cancer growth/re-growth?

  23. Brian Novak
    15 minutes ago (edited)
    I've had two different cancers (colon/testicular). I had genetic testing done and it was determined that I have Li-Fraumeni syndrome, a genetic mutation that predisposes me to a variety of cancers. I'm wondering what I can do (besides the obvious not smoking, etc) to limit my risk of developing another cancer despite having LFS.

  24. Ich essenplantbased seit 3 Jahren…habe leider nie abgenommen. Letztes Jahr kochte mein Mann viel mit veganen Fertigprodukten und ich habe noch mehr zugenommen. Jetzt habe ich mehr mir nahrstehende
    , die Krebs entwickelt haben, das holz mich zurück auf den Plan gerufen. Versuche jetzt 800 g Gemüse und 250 Obst, besonders Beeren, sowie 200 bis 300 g vollwertige gekochte Kohlenhydrate sowie 200 -300 g gekochte Hülsenfrüchte am Tag zu essen und viel zu würzen,, auf die Hoffnung kein Krebs zu entwickeln.
    Hat jemand Tipps, wie man Krebs besiegen kann, angefangen von Lungrnkrebs über Unterleibskrebs zu Darmkrebs?

  25. nice vid, but not so fast…..yes, the data does show that being vegan helps to fight cancer, but as you say in this vid, lets keep things in perspective……it does not cure or prevent cancer….and vegans can get cancer….which, after watching this vid is kind of scary….because if a vegan gets cancer….what kind of a cancer is it???? Sounds like it could be a very aggressive cancer sadly……anyway, the reason I'm commenting is that I have a relative that was recently diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer…..and is being treated now…..and we are praying for their recovery….and it will be interesting to see how well they respond to treatment and if being vegan aid in their curing process any differently than a non-vegan…..finally, I'm slowly becoming more and more a whole food based plant diet as to me there is no doubt its a healthier way to go….so not trying to rain on the parade here, but to me, unlike heart disease and stroke, vegan diet is not the ultimate destruction of cancer….its good, but its not something you can think completely eliminate you from the risk of getting cancer…I would have like to have seen the stats for non-active vegans on your chart….as you showed active non-vegans stat compared to active vegans….I'm wiling to bet that non-active vegans cancer fighting was the same as active non-vegans…..

  26. Hello, when ever I see any cancer case I always want to say a special thanks to Dr. Hopkins for helping me get cured from colon cancer and chicken pox i was tested Positive 11months ago, I contacted him base on the testimonies I'm seeing about him
    on the internet, I was cured too by him, he can help you, these is my little way of appreciation by spreading my happiness … And he's able to help you in getting rid of any kind of decease that's affecting you … .. let me know if you want his info

  27. How about cancers like Myeloma? Any specific advice.? My best friend who is vegan, does not eat any processed foods, works out regularly, meditates, has no cancer history in family and is thin as a rail but strong, has Myeloma. Would appreciate any advice.

  28. It's interesting to put this perspective next to the Keto diet approach ( e.g. Dr Berg), to lower carbohydrate intake to prevents insulin resistance induced high insulin, to lowers cancer risk (and many other degenerative diseases)…. but in doing so eat heaps of meat, butter, saturated animal fats, eggs.

  29. My mom has been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. I've been trying to get her to go wfpb for years to help her. Now, she says it's too late and she can't eat enough tp get better. So, might as well drink ensure and eat two tiny bites of bacon since she should just get the nutrition in that she can, and she'd do it if only I was there to help her. She doesn't believe me that food choices led her to where she is, and can possibly help her feel better. And maybe give her a little more time. I'm beside myself, and too far away to be of much help to her as it is. I'm hoping this will help me convince her and my aunt, at least until I can get out to where she is to take over feeding them.

  30. Once again i want to appreciate Dr Ehimare for helping me with his herbal medicine to cure my herpes completely, i really suffer from this disease for the past 1year, Right now I'm herpes negative after using the herbal medicine Dr Ehimare sent to me. I gave all thanks to God for leading me to Dr Ehimare who was able to cure me completely from herpes virus, Dr Ehimare you are the best traditional herbal doctor in the world God bless you sir Dr Ehimare on YouTube channel…

  31. The clinical data concerning the vegan diet is so polluted its not even worth citing. Its simply about feeding people as much cheap grain as possible to maximize profits. Regardless of pesticide and herbicide residue, the main goal is profit. The vegan diet is a recipe for immune system distress, GI distress and skin conditions, I know this from personal experience. YOU WERE EVOLVED TO EAT MEAT AND FAT, not meat and fat on top of grains and processed simple sugars.

  32. Those studies were taking blood from one person and putting it on the cells of another. It didn't matter that they were cancer cells. They could have been any kind of cells, and the blood would have killed them. That's why transplants are so hard. Those studies really aren't about diet and exercise fighting cancer; they're about diet and exercise boosting your immune system. It's certainly good to have a robust immune system for fighting cancer, but diet and exercise alone are not enough. The studies are valid and important, and the presentation is factual, but the way it is presented is misleading.

  33. How to know that these is really true! Because today some many people talking shit about Cáncer, now I have these problem in my family, here in Mexico the doctor's be very Old about New technics for cure Cancer, my question is what happens is not working these still of life, the nutritionist say that is necessary protein for a health 🤷🏽‍♂️

  34. I am from Kentucky USA, i have spent 12000 USD on my cancer but still the same, cancer with Tinnitus was hell for me, but coming across Dr. Akintola herbal mixture, got me cured from cancer and Tinnitus.

  35. I was able to get rid of my breast cancer disease stage 4 permanently with natural herbal medicine from Dr.Auchi on YouTube channel. I'm excited to be cure totally from Breast cancer disease without having any health problem. thank you so much Dr…..

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