Come rallentare l'invecchiamento cerebrale di due anni

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DESCRIZIONE: Il consumo di mirtilli e fragole è associato a un invecchiamento cognitivo ritardato di ben 2,5 anni, che si pensa siano dovuti ai fitonutrienti antocianici localizzanti il ​​cervello, come mostrato nelle scansioni MRI funzionali.

In quali altri modi potremmo migliorare la nostra memoria e le nostre capacità cognitive funzione?

• Costruire un portfolio cognitivo ( -a-cognitive-portfolio/)<br/> • Alterazione dietetica delle onde cerebrali (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/dietary-brain-wave-alteration/)
• Inversione del declino cognitivo (
• Migliorare la memoria attraverso la dieta (
• Dietetico Th eory of Alzheimers (

Quali altre proprietà quasi miracolose delle bacche ci sono?

• Dietetico Trattamento del glaucoma (
• Potenziamento dell'attività delle cellule killer naturali ( attività/) • Ridurre il dolore muscolare con le bacche (http:/ /
• Quale frutto combatte meglio il cancro? (
• Amla contro il diabete ( /)
• Trattamenti dietetici per l'affaticamento degli occhi al computer (
• Prevenire il glaucoma e vedere 27 Miglia più lontano (ù lontano/)
• Brucia grassi tramite flavonoidi (

Li aggiungo al mio frullato mattutino: A Better Breakfast (http: //

Fai una domanda per il dott Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su invecchiamento di due anni/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Minnesota Historical Society e Chiot's Run via flickr.
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60 Risposte a “Come rallentare l'invecchiamento cerebrale di due anni”

  1. Increasing berry consumption would be easier if there was less mold, unripe berries, and over-ripe/rotting berries in our supermarkets, and if we could tell such problems were there prior to purchase to better select berries before wasting money.

    Produce quality in this country is rapidly declining, just as fertile soil is rapidly declining, because McFarmers are not practicing proper farming practices, and are going to eventually give us another Dust Bowl.

    Got some grapes last shopping day… They day of purchase, I take a whole bit of grapes on a vine together… EVERY LAST GRAPE ON THAT VINE WAS BAD! REALLY BAD! So, this was not just how badly she picked produce, the whole lot of grapes lately is probably garbage!

  2. Cognitive decline can also be confused for years of brain-fog,caused by yeast overgrowth in antibiotic-consuming and diabetic people. The ellagic acid in berries,taken over time, breaks down the biofilm so that the body can eliminate the excess yeast, eventually leading to greater clarity.
    Why wont Doctor Greger do more studies on candida overgrowth,biofilms, and nutrition?

  3. This is great!  I love blueberries and concord or purple grapes along with black cherries.  Truly some of my favorite things. 

  4. wait wait wait wait wait – they did a blueberry-feeding trial on RATS? Isn't the whole point of animal testing a matter of human safety? Blueberries are not exactly an experimental pharmaceutical concoction that need such safety precautions. Tell me I'm missing something.

  5. Thank you Dr. Gregor!  I also watched an I Healthtube video where the scientist they interviewed did a study with strawberries and the phyto-nutrient in strawberries appeared to cross the blood brain barrier as well.  I think about that program every time I eat strawberries now so it must be working.  LOL

  6. So … if blueberries are good … what about other berries … would they be as good, not quite as good or better?  What about strawberries, or goji berries, raspberries?  Do they have to be blue/purple?  I like grape juice, but it is too sugary and sweet.  How did these relationships between plants and diet ever evolve like this?  Amazing.

  7. in WW2, the american pilots stationed in england, found that eating (european type blueberry)  bilberry jam improved their eyesight noticeably.  i think the anthocyanidins are also responsibile for that also. 

  8. Dr could you please do a video comparing fresh berries like blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, ect. vs their freshly frozen and packaged counterparts.

  9. Reduce brain aging by 2 years?

    So if I follow these instructions, when I'm 90 and I go to the doctor, he'll be absolutely amazed and say something like, "I can't believe you're 90! You have the body and mind of an 88 year old! What's your secret?"

    Thank goodness they didn't feed blueberries to people. That sounds like something the Nazi's would do!

    (But in all seriousness, we grow more blueberries than we can possibly eat. Living out in the country is nice.)

  10. hello, i just recently moved to Puerto Rico and will be here for the next 3 years. fresh fruits and veggies ARE expensive. I've seen blueberries cost up to $5.99 a pint, and it's completely out of my budget (I'm an unemployed full-time student). i used to be vegan, but again its is not easy here. so I'm now vegetarian for the most part. i miss my greens and berries smoothies. any suggestions on how to supplement berries? help!!

  11. Dr. Greger, I've been following you for quite some time now and have been plant-based going on 4 yrs now. I take a protein supplement as I play sports, go to the gym 5 times per week, expending a lot of calories from both cardio and weight training. My question is, my protein powder is derived from non-gmo yellow peas. That's it that's all. In its amino acid breakdown, I noted that it contains methionine, albeit a small amount – 211 mg per serving (24 g). Is this amount significant?

  12. If the only greens you ate were iceberg, no dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, or fish, and only Boston baked Beans, what specific nutrient do you believe would you be lacking? Researching this is overwhelming, so I thought I would ask this community for help for my graphic memoir. This was my late mother who never ate those foods for various reasons. Can anyone help me a bit?

  13. Is there a recommended amount of blueberries? Should they be consumed daily?

    Like most of us, I also love blueberries, and was having about 3/4 cup per day, a bit too much sugar and carbs for a plant based keto diet, but I wanted to gain a little weight. It helped add weight, but I think the fruit sugar in the blueberries caused a bad rash and bloating.

    I cut down to 1/4 cup, every 3 days, and the symptoms are calming down, but I'm not sure if this amount is enough to get the brain benefits.

  14. Plus it isn't like kale. Most people love berries especially blueberries and strawberries so that's pretty easy and if you're not eating a bunch of unhealthy foods and paying for those at the grocery store, berries are a pretty cheap way to maintain brain health

  15. Are these compounds nested in the skin of the berries? If so, I wonder if it woud not make more sense to eat just the skin and leave the rest of the fruit which is so full of fructose. Do you know?

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