Come ridurre i livelli di TMAO

Dovremmo essere preoccupati per alimenti vegetali ad alto contenuto di colina come i broccoli che producono lo stesso TMAO tossico che risulta dal consumo di alimenti animali ad alto contenuto di colina come come uova?

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• Come non morire di diabete (
• Come non morire di pressione alta (

Per ulteriori informazioni su TMAO, la “pistola fumante” delle interazioni dieta-microbioma-malattia, vedere:
• Uova, colina e cancro (httpss://
• Carnitina, colina, cancro e colesterolo: il Connessione TMAO (
• Risposta dell'industria delle uova alla colina e al TMAO ( risposta del settore a c holine-and-tmao)
• Come sviluppare un ecosistema intestinale sano (httpss:// -healthy-gut-ecosystem/)
• Come trattare l'insufficienza cardiaca e renale con la dieta (
https://nutritionfacts .org/video/How-to-Treat-Heart-Failure-and-Kidney-Failure-with-Diet)

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100 Risposte a “Come ridurre i livelli di TMAO”

  1. I sat here clapping at the points about gut health like a little kid, and that vegans don't produce any TMAO at all. For the last three years I've researched like a man possessed about gut flora and it's interaction with psoriasis, and how diet and stress affect zonulin, which is the chemical key to leaky gut.
    Without a medical degree it's tough to be certain, but I am 90% so in that gut health is the key to not only autoimmune issues, but also is directly connected to psyche issues like depression through the gut-microbiome-brain axis.
    Thanks Doc Greger for bringing some of us closer to the reality of the world around us.

  2. Never fails to amaze me with what ideas the pharmaceutical industry comes up to emulate the benefits of a plant based diet!

  3. Based on the info at the end of the video, it appears that all we need is a probiotic that mimics the microbiota of a vegan, then we can still eat our steak. We were designed by nature to be ominores, not vegans, it's not even disputable in science. jury's in.

  4. God, people are dumber than rocks. First it was saturated fat and cholesterol. Oh no, not that? It must be carnitine! Yup. Yup, that's why meat is bad. Cuuzz uh TMAO. You're going to believe the next explanation too when quality science dismantles this one, aren't you?

  5. Why don't your provide all the research?

    TMAO REDUCES aortic lesions in mice:

    Intake of up to 3 Eggs/Day Increases HDL Cholesterol and Plasma Choline While Plasma Trimethylamine-N-oxide is UNCHANGED in a Healthy Population:

    Oral L-carnitine supplementation increases trimethylamine-N-oxide but reduces markers of vascular injury in hemodialysis patients.

    Propionyl-L-carnitine prevents the progression of atherosclerotic lesions in aged hyperlipemic rabbits.

    The verdict on carnitine and TMAO is far from settled.

  6. You kind of need choline for brain health, bit of a catch 22. You have a lot of great info when it comes to plant based nutrition within the context of benefits from consumption of various plant based foods, like brussel sprouts in this video, but in recent years, studies on ketogenic diet in terms of insulin health and autophagy, lifespan, etc, are contradicting you quite a lot. I don't think you've made a very good case against fats or animal products, but you've made a good case for getting more greens, berries and legumes.

  7. A little tmao isn't really that big of a deal. It's not a black and shite scenerio like you suppose. It's not either eat meat and dairy and have heart disease or don't. LOL, this channel cherry picks the studies to cloak their biases in scientific research. It's a bullshit channel and disingenuous.

  8. This channel is awash with ideologically driven content. Pescatarians live longer than vegans and vegetarians; however, fish have a significant amount of TMAO and TMA, hence the fishy odor that they contain. Moreover, vegetarians live longer than vegans. Vegetarians also consume Dairy. Of course, this is not anything that this channel would dare to report on, because it goes against their narrative. Another set of cherry picked studies and ignoring of the big picture. You should be ashamed

  9. I am really confused here . I cannot argue with the science but I feel that the doctor is biased against meat or dairy . So I can't tell if I am getting a true balance of information. there might be some positives of eating meat but obviously they would never be shown .

  10. hey FOOD NAZI …. eating cholesterol, does not increase your cholesterol as your liver makes 80% you dumb vegan nazi

  11. So, despite eating food rich in choline, vegans don't produce TMAO — why? Is there some subtle difference between the choline in eggs and the choline in soybeans? Is there some other thing the TMAO producing bacteria like that's only food in meat and eggs?

  12. just get 3-3-dimethyl-1-butanol into your food and you should be fine. It effectively prevents bacteria from making the TMA from choline/carnitine. Look up the compond the and the associated studies.

    50ml from synthetic origin can be had for about 100 USD. This is not spam, I am not telling you where to get it.. I am surprised the scientist in this channel didn't come up with it himself.

    this is good news, SPREAD THE WORD GUYS

  13. I love you Dr Greger. My Health has changed dramatically. I was misdiagnosed many times and placed on many types of medications my nephew said enough is enough and we started the whole food plant-based lifestyle three years ago and I feel fabulous and I am so grateful

  14. Read a review of the research before you decide.

    They said: “the high correlation between urine and plasma levels of TMAO argues for effective urinary clearance of TMAO.” In other words, even if eating food does increase total TMAO levels, most people are able to quickly and efficiently clear that TMAO from their blood by excreting it in the urine. This makes it doubtful that dietary factors alone explain chronic elevations in TMAO.

  15. I am a dialysis patient, and I'm also on warfarin, so my diet is extremely constrained when it comes to fruit and vegetables (many are high in potassium, and green leafy vegetables are high in vitamin K1). I eat a protein-rich diet because I've been instructed to by the renal dietitian. I can't eliminate TMA in my urine, because I have no kidneys. What can I do?

  16. For all the skeptics posting here, note that Greger is not a "vegan" per se even though he recommends a whole food plant based diet. As proof, here's a video that suggests meat consumption can be beneficial for the 1:40,000 with a rare genetic disorder that prevents the natural formation of carnitine. Fortunately, a carnitine supplement can also avoid the symptoms of the condition, so even with the disorder, you can still avoid the other problems associated with meat with a whole food plant-based lifestyle.

  17. Morning routine, water with lemon, and now as the weather is warm sitting on my terrace getting some sunshine and slurping an oatmeal with bunch of cherries and blueberries and binge watching Dr Greger’s videos. Meanwhile most of my relatives and friends are working on boosting their TMAO’s with prosciutto and eggs etc…

  18. I have been a vegetarian for many years because of having heart disease. How come I have sky high TMAO levels and low choline levels? Can this be due to the 500mg of Carnitine which I supplenent daily? I am stuck.

  19. ”The main NEJM study linking TMAO to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease is not as conclusive as many promote. First of all, only those at the upper quartile of TMAO level had a significant increase in cardiovascular disease risk. Lower elevations had no significant correlation.

    Second, those with increased TMAO and cardiovascular disease risk also were more likely to have diabetes, hypertension and a prior heart attack; furthermore, they were older, and their inflammation markers, including myeloperoxidase, a measurement of LDL inflammation, were significantly higher. With so many confounding variables, it is impossible to say the TMAO had anything to do with the increased cardiovascular disease risk.”
    – Diet Doctor

    For those who eat vegan and do not mind eggs, it seems in one study where red meat did increase TMAO, no elevation was found by choline as a precursor.

  20. Every doctor has his own fucking theory for food. Some say if you turn vegan you die, some say that for keto. I'm like wtf am I supposed to consume ? Seriously ! YouTube is the most misinforming place of information to collect. Everything's contrasting !

  21. Almonds and legumes contain choline and carnitine , why not mention of it ? I sometimes find this channel to cover-up the flaws of vegetarian diet to quite an extent and it only exists to challenge the keto channels.
    P.S. I'm a vegan ,myself.

  22. I'm a TMAU sufferer and I can't eat cabbage based veg or Brussels sprouts due to high Choline levels it is an hereditary condition not a meat and dairy based one. even now as I still have TMAU so if you don't have TMAU you'll never know as the condition is very rare and hiredditary. The test that was given was on non TMAU sufferers, some meats have the same an effect as plant based foods do like potatoes, bananas, Avocados, cruciforous veg as well as beans. The cause in the main for real sufferers is bad bacteria in the gut overtaking the good and the body is unable convert TMA then as you say that is whare the problem develops in the gut . TMAU sufferers do not have a high heart disease rate more than any other and you know this from previous videos of yours which this video would suggest. The best cure for TMAU is Kefir yes milk based grains which fitmented and our bodies naturally works with to produce good fit flora, overtaking the bad bringing the body back in ballance. This produces colonies of good bacteria override the bad and gets rid of the cause at source. So you can say that he's chatting trilythiminuria.

  23. its simple PESTICIDES TARGET THE NEUROTRANSMITER ACETYL CHOLINE causing malfunction in liver and elsewhere to make too much tmao…. malfunction of neurotransmitter acetyl choline is involved in all and every bodily function and life support function/system

  24. I love it when these videos are more funny makes, them feel like an Last Week Tonight episode where the science and comedy mix great together.

  25. great video ! thing is here, choline is essential like it rightly said, how do we know plants give us enough ?, it's also a mental nootropic, so i'm thinking of my studies and prolonging mental ability in older people.

  26. Certain beans( the Dr’s favourite) , seeds and nuts and broccoli, cauliflower are high in choline!! Not just neat and eggs. Argument misses the nutrition facts in nutritionfacts .com

  27. Interesting it's only a few hours tmao spikes, what if an egg was defused into a large meal? When it has left your stomach TMAO is no longer an issue.

  28. This is so false. Explain why fish lowers TMAO levels yet is higher in TMAO than red meat and eggs? Exercise and blood flow determine TMAO levels genius. Not diet. Heart disease is a genetic issue as is cancer.

    Wanna reduce your TMAO levels? Eat whatever you want, just eat healthy. 80% veggies and 2o% whatever! Exercise, take magnesium, don’t eat after sundown and exercise.

  29. Meats,eggs,dairy,fish increases TMAO in blood in order to avoid strokes and Cardiac arrest elominate red meats,milk,ect.
    Probiotics don't help to get rid of TMAO. Statin drugs for colesterol could potentially reduces the risk of heart attack

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