Come rigenerare naturalmente il coenzima Q10 (CoQ10).

La clorofilla nel nostro flusso sanguigno dopo aver mangiato verdure può reagire con le lunghezze d'onda della luce solare che penetrano attraverso la nostra pelle per riattivare il coenzima antiossidante Q10 (ubichinolo).

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Questo video ha tutto: un meccanismo strabiliante, applicabilità pratica e cacca: cosa si può volere di più?

Mangiare verde per prevenire il cancro ( ) è il precedente video sulla clorofilla che ho menzionato.

Per ulteriori informazioni sui potenziali svantaggi delle statine che abbassano il colesterolo, vedere, per esempio, le statine per il colesterolo e il carcinoma mammario invasivo ( e L'effettivo vantaggio della dieta rispetto ai farmaci ( -vs-drugs/).

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Credito immagine: Josch tramite Pixabay e Marie Franzen tramite Wikimedia Commons.

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100 Risposte a “Come rigenerare naturalmente il coenzima Q10 (CoQ10).”

  1. hey Dr u know d internet said our bodies can't produced coQ10 ! n its found n sea food "beef , example I am I wil always be a vegan knowing the important of Dis fat soluble mineral ; I still refused a non vegan life so if yuh right tnks mush..

  2. @3:14 Is the guy speaking high or something as he speaks some pretty crazy stuff. You can read a book inside of your head because light's going thru it. Please dont make me laugh makes me feel like leaving a thumbs down

  3. Well, although my vegetarian diet is very good and I live mostly outside in Central America, I still have to take statins to counteract a genetic error which produces large amounts of LPA, an especially destructive form of LDL cholesterol. If I don't take COQ10 supplements, I get some leg muscle tremors which signals me to increase COQ10 intake. Nice to get some of it via natural means, but not all nature is good (snakebite for instance) and not always sufficient given normal human variation (some people get heart disease regardless of a high quality diet) although I'm probably still alive mostly because of my lifelong dietary habits.

  4. What else can I do??? I strictly eat out of Dr Esselstyn book prevent and reverse cardiovascular disease and I still have to take 40 mg of Lipitor. I have a rare liver that produces tremendous amount of cholesterol. Any thoughts?

  5. So if the blood cells are the first to absorb sunlight we should increase the pump of chlorophyll in the blood stream by drinking more green rather than eating only. This way we make sure that water will be a drive in the injection of chlorophyll in the blood rather than it going through the digestion process.

  6. OMG this about equals Dr.Seneff lecture on how sunlight combines sulfur and cholestrol to produce cholestrol sulfate. Amazing.  Now I don't have to recommend CoQ10 anymore

  7. since I started supplementing CO ENZYME Q10 I feel so much better,my poo is normal again and I eat healthy so I think cos I have liver damage I need to take supps

  8. So, does sunscreen block that process? I where sunscreen because I'm vain and I live on a tropical island so I don't wanna look 50 at 25.

  9. Great information, but the cadence is so distracting. It often sounds forced and “whiney”. There are bursts of confidence which sounds great and authentic.

  10. Dr Greger's throaty though less nasal push of his words remind me of the late William S. Burroughs. But that's probably where the comparison ends.

  11. Chlorophyll is the miracle of nature. It converts sunlight into energy. It's a wonder that our skin is not green. Eat your leafy greens and get some sunlight. Provides Coq-10 To our Mitochondria which are powerhouses for the cell

  12. BOOOM! (mind blown) Great info.!

    This may be why people feel the effects of arthritis during colder weather, as they are covering up and exposed to the sun less.

  13. The reason that statins cause muscle atrophy I heard was not only because they block co q 10, they interfere with protein synthesis.

  14. So, it would be good to know what the optimal levels of CoQ10 are and if the combination of greens and sunlight produce the optimal level. I take a CoQ10 supplement, but wonder if I am just wasting my money…….and it isn't cheap. I am at the point of considering that a lot of the supplements we Americans take, have been sold to us using faulty or inaccurate science, or just plain anecdotal "evidence".

  15. Thanks Doc, I just bought a hydroponic tower garden. I wheel it around to get the most sun and I eat a variety of 20 different FRESH sun drenched greens every meal.
    You have great info thanks again.

  16. Soooo I live in the Northern USA. It is dark most of the winter. Haven't had any real sun 🌞for 3 months. 😟 I have a 10,000 LUX "Happy" lamp. Would you get any effect from using that during the winter? Just wondering.

  17. so sunscreen blocks good uv's so we don't regenerate chlorophyll while eating meat, eggs & dairy shuts down liver production of coenzyme?

  18. Soooo would this be especially helpful for fragile persons in nursing homes or rehabilitation. Might it increase their energy to allow them to complete rehab?

  19. Completely fascinating– one of the best of Dr. Greger's videos. Of the 2000+ short videos available on his website, all are based on latest medical/nutritional research, and all are free. (Donations encouraged, but not required.)

  20. I wonder if this is also the reason for the increased fibroid prevalence in Black Women it’s said it could be vit d?

  21. If someone had a heart attack and had a stent procedure done. Plant base is the best thing they can do for themselves but they also in most cases should be taking a statin for the rest of their life. DOC you're telling people to get off the statin drugs and just eat the plants. I'm sorry doc but you're wrong. You are not a cardiologist and should not be advising people if they are plant base they shouldn't be taking statins. This is dangerous, irresponsible, misleading and simply a dumb thing to be telling people. I am sick and tired of guys like you making people feel like they are doing something wrong or taking a short cut or cheating by taking a statin. Its unfair, cruel, incorrect advise and quite frankly complete BS!! I bought into this crap years ago from guys like you and thank God I found responsible smart doctors like Dr Kim Williams. Michael some people that have had a cardiovascular event have to take statin drugs for the rest of their life. Regardless if they are plant base compliant, like myself. I would rather not take them but its a reality for me. What would've been helpful for some of us is if someone is taking a statin drug should they also be taking a Coenzyme Q10 supplement? That's what you should be advising, thank you!

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