CONSIGLI NATURALI PER SONNO 💤 Come curare l'insonnia e consigli per dormire meglio

#insomnia #sleep #holistichealth #holistichabits
Come forse saprai, ho lottato con il sonno, l'insonnia , e depressione fin da quando ero bambino. Ora finalmente riesco a dormire di nuovo, e anche se a volte faccio fatica a dormire (soprattutto quando nella mia vita stanno succedendo altre cose), posso dire che non soffro più di insonnia.

Prendevo i farmaci per dormire ma non è stato divertente dato che mi ha lasciato intontito per metà della giornata, per non parlare degli altri effetti collaterali. Ma per fortuna ci sono tanti rimedi naturali, abitudini e consigli che possono aiutarci a dormire meglio.

In questo video parlo di sogni lucidi, sonno, come scegliere un materasso naturale, movimento, esercizi di respirazione, incubi, tecnologia, luce, cibo, l'importanza di avere una camera da letto sana e cosa fare quando le cose non vanno per il verso giusto e come essere gentili con te stesso. <br/>
Grazie mille per la visione 🌺

Risorsa citata:
Sonno e zucchero nel sangue>How Not to Diet
Chronobiology>Colazione più abbondante>Time-Restricted Eating>Ritardanti di fiamma nel nostro corpo>
Sources cited:

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8 Risposte a “CONSIGLI NATURALI PER SONNO 💤 Come curare l'insonnia e consigli per dormire meglio”

  1. Love all your Videos! Have struggle with fall in sleep…needs hours sometimes. My husband fall asleep in 30 seconds🤣 wish i could…

  2. Switching to a light alarm made all the difference for waking up and setting a pattern for myself! Especially in the winter time when I am usually up before the sun.

  3. Thank you for this! I have developed an awful habit of having to 'listen' to something to help me fall asleep since I had to deal with the loss of a family member almost 3 years ago and I was alone at night, so coming home each day dealing with the emotions of the day, I developed a need to "hear" voices, any voices, at night for a sense of having someone there. I stopped doing this about a month ago, but it's returned and I put on anything on my phone. Needless, mindless chatter. I'm sorry for your loss at such a young age. And thank you for your tips. Really appreciate you and your time🤍

  4. Tomatoes,capsicum, egg plant are NIGHTSHADES read up about effects on negative impact on the mind. Potatoes are also something I do not eat . These foods if I eat I have crazy stupid and at times horrible dreams. If I do not eat those I sleep well and wake up great. No crazy dreams. Just look it up. Sadhguru even talks about them. I love your videos, so glad I found you 😄

  5. I have insomnia too. This is because of my meds. They come with the "lovely" side effect: insomnia. I have a love for my bed and that's probably effected by my autoimmune disease. Fevers every now and then and complete exhaustion. So, I hit my bed and listening to audiobooks. That's why my bedroom needs to be minimalistic and not full of distractions. That will stress me out. I have almost white walls (close to white) and nothing on the walls. I love it! Plus I always have company with my two cats. They want to stay close to me. Sometimes too close hahaha! I do meditate but probably not as much as I should be doing. Many great tips from you and I will listen again and write them down. Even though my insomnia is medical, they may change a bit for me. Thanks! <3

  6. I've also suffered from insomnia for many years, and one tip that I have is to not focus on and obsess over how tired I'll be in the morning. In fact, I do the opposite. I Quietly focus on the fact that I will be alert and awake. This has helped me fall asleep — and to wake up without that dread of being tired.
    Obviously, my body and mind aren't functioning at peal levels, but telling myself that I'm exhausted, tired, prone to make mistakes only seems to make it all feel worse.

  7. Good tips. I am 60 and have had to deal with insomnia all my life. For chronic insomniacs especially please be kind to yourself. There will be good and periods. Always take time in the day to slow down as well as having quiet evenings.

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