Cosa c'è in un hamburger?

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DESCRIZIONE: I patologi della Cleveland Clinic sezionano gli hamburger dei fast food per vedere cosa c'è dentro. Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione dei commenti su e ci proverò per rispondere! E guarda gli altri video sulla carne ( Inoltre, ci sono 1,380 altri soggetti ( /argomenti/) trattati nel resto dei miei video–sentiti libero di esplorarli anche tu!
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89 Risposte a “Cosa c'è in un hamburger?”

  1. @furyofbongos It'd be wonderful if you could post your comment to this specific video on nutritionfacts. org. This way more people benefit from the dialogue, and I can actually provide you with links in my response (which I can't do on Youtube). Thanks!

  2. Judging by the amount of views and responses, it seems most couldn''t care less what is in their food. They live on diet sodas, hotdogs, chicken mcnuggets and think its OK.

  3. This ammoniated GARBAGE was thrown at the American people like table-scraps to DOGS! In fact, I think, in the end, the dogs eat better! This is how little the American people are regarded by the mega-rich and powerful.

  4. nnnwwwwhat else in a burger? . . . nnnpublicists in the annals. . . nnnthey found blood vessels. . . .and nnnswarms of parasites in ehhburgers.

    The inflection in this guy's voice makes him sound like he's grunting, struggling and constipated.

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  6. I don't want to know, and have you gone to a chinese rest. and seen those sign saying they serve twice cooked pork ? why, because pigs have worms. It's possible to get worms from pork if you don't cook it well

  7. The only thing they care about is the voice, it seems they are more upset about the narrator than the actual information he is presenting. Idiots

  8. We see greedy corporations saving 3¢ think – it's only about money.

    But toxins are allowed into the food supply by the FDA, USDA, Dept of Agricultural, Obama's Science Czar John Holden because Nazi eugenics never disappeared….

    ……It just went underground.

  9. How the hell can they claim "100% beef" if it's not? I guess it's all how they define "beef" which apparently the law allows it not be, well, beef.

  10. Well said. We live junk food society where people believe they cannot survive without their happy meal. Then when they get sick and start dying they wonder why bad things happen to good people like themselves…there is no delusion stronger than self-delusion.

  11. This is why if you really want a burger, you go to the store and buy a steak and have them grind it, or better yet take it home and grind it in your food processor with a grinding attachment.

  12. I only eat junk food and/or fast food when I'm driving long distances. I can't understand how there's still a market for this crap. We're living in the information age for crying out loud; wake the hell up and understand what you're putting in your body!!

  13. "Part of that 85 to 98 percent is ammonia." No, it isn't saying that hamburger is 85% ammonia. Listen better, before going off in an outraged huff.

  14. Whoa, meat stinking like 'window cleaner'. So glad I stopped eating the stuff years ago. The veggie burgers served at fast food joints aren't even safe. So glad I make my own burgers (veggie) and fries.

  15. Wouldn't all of the ammonia evaporate when it was cooked? If they use ammonia as a processing agent I would imagine they would "clean" the meat of the ammonia. It wouldn't be that hard. Also as of now pretty much all the fast food chains say they do not use the so called "pink slime" anymore.

  16. Fast food companies is destroying the health of our country and driving up healthcare costs and we all end up paying for some fat fuck who got a heart attack from eating Mickey D's.

  17. One thing is for sure I an not tempted back by the video I will eat my butchers grass fed black angus raised on English grass am now even supermarket free and it feels good.

  18. Does eating ground venison count as burgers? We grind our own (and as per another video here, we do not use lead bullets or shot).

  19. I eat a lot less of  fast food  crap now ..when i want a burger i cook and eat it at home  now  :p been alot  healthier by doin that  than i was 2 years ago 

  20. While it's a fascinating tale, there's nothing to it: McDonald's hamburger patties in the U.S. are made with 100% USDA-inspected beef. They are cooked and prepared with salt, pepper and nothing else; no preservatives, no fillers.
    Source:snopes. com: McDonald's 100% Beef
    Additional source: From beef to burger |

  21. So instead of saying "made from %100 ground beef" they should say "made from %100 ground beef, but on %2 percent is in this patty, the rest is chemicals!" Ahh what am I saying people would still eat it regardless of what it has in it!

  22. I promise that red meat is not the only thing with ammonia in it. Minced fish patties, you can smell the ammonia in those!

  23. So the nutrition facts of burgers cannot be correct? How can they be high in fat and have the protein listed if the meat content is less than 15%?

  24. I'm not sure if this is entirely true in current day McDonalds burger production. McDonalds claims they use all beef, even their YouTube burger process seems legitimate. need something more concrete from their end and direct 3rd party analysis and monitoring

  25. Copied and pasted from at

    "While it's a fascinating tale, there's nothing to it: McDonald's hamburger patties in the U.S. are made with 100% USDA-inspected beef. They are cooked and prepared with salt, pepper and nothing else; no preservatives, no fillers. "

    Dr. Michael Greger has been exposed as a quack multiple times. So you can believe a quack or your drinking buddy with the tin foil hat collection, or do some research and read the truth. Your choice…

  26. They killed the fecal bacteria but it's still in the burger… AND the feces! Is sterilized feces still considered feces? Talk about shitty meat lol.

  27. They killed the fecal bacteria but it's still in the burger… AND the feces! Is sterilized feces still considered feces? Talk about shitty meat lol.

  28. I noticed many years ago the change in taste of sausages I'd bought at the local supermarket, quite bitter, I didn't like the taste so stopped eating them, that's when they introduced the ammonia technology to my country.

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