Dieta a base vegetale per il trattamento e l'inversione della malattia renale in stadio 3

Condivido una toccante storia del potere dell'alimentazione a base vegetale per il trattamento dell'insufficienza renale cronica.

Il video sulle malattie renali che ho realizzato di recente è Dieta a basso contenuto proteico dimostrata per aiutare le malattie renali ( provata-per-aiutare-la-malattia-renale).

Per una panoramica sulla dieta e sulla salute dei reni, vedere Come non morire di malattia renale (https://nutritionfacts .org/video/how-not-to-die-from-kidney-disease/).

Si prega di notare che ci sono alcune piante che puoi esagerare: calcoli renali e spinaci, bietole e barbabietole: non mangiare troppo ( pietre-e-spinaci-bietole-e-bietole-non-mangiare-troppo/).<br/>
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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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43 Risposte a “Dieta a base vegetale per il trattamento e l'inversione della malattia renale in stadio 3”

  1. Dr. Greger – thank you for all the work that you do. I still marvel at how many research studies you study, investigate and present. It must be the power of plants! 💚

  2. I had gout twice before I insisted on blood tests to see what caused it as I wasn't eating 'problematic' foods. My tests came back as into Stage 5 (barely) but doc didn't seem concerned. I researched and find PLADO and dropped into Stage 3. Also stopped HCTZ and aspirin (with Dr approval) as they seemed to be possibly causal. I thought I was eating healthy because I chose plant based often, but I was eating almost exclusively frozen dinners, which had many additives. Once I started home cooking instead I believe that was the biggest factor. Glad this research is being published as my Dr didn't think it would make a difference. I also went to a renal dietician who gave me a handout I swear was from the 60's and had no recent research.

  3. awesome video! I was just studying the renal system in my pathology course and thought man wfpb perfectly addresses kidney disease and these points further establish that to be the case!

  4. What I would personally like to know is if my kidneys are long term protected if I switch to plant based sources 100%.

    I eat a lot of beans and lentils and I sometimes end up with 90 grams of protein per day!😢

  5. Damn, if we listen all this propaganda, vegans must be the oldest living people on Earth, the shiniest, the healthiest, they surely never quit their delicious and incredible diet.

  6. my dog was diagnosed with kidney diesease at the age of 12, values spiked at the age of 14, and I thought I would lose her. put her on a plant based diet, and she is still thriving at the age of 17

  7. Was the improvement in the patient's GFR due to plants, or was it due to the fact that he lost 50 lbs? Was the fact that his GFR improved beyond what bariatric surgery patients typically experience because of some beneficial aspect of plants, or was it because the patient lost a disproportionate amount of muscle mass due to a lack of high quality protein in his diet (losing muscle mass will decrease your creatinine much more than losing fat mass and will make it look like your kidney function is improving when it really isn't)? Not mentioned in this video was the fact that the protein in the patient's urine, after an initial improvement, sharply increased toward the end of the study. Could this deterioration in kidney function be due to an increase in dietary plant-based oxalates, which are associated with chronic renal disease in multiple studies (as well as cardiovascular disease and hypertension)?

    Dr. Greger is probably the smartest "dietary influencer" on YouTube. He is very much aware of each of the points I am trying to make. The case can be made for a plant-based diet without resorting to cherry-picking. Why do it?

  8. Yes!🥰. This is my story as well!Only I didn’t have a doctor that was interested enough to help me reverse my diabetes, heart disease, and stage 3 kidney disease. I had to find answers on my own. And thanks to Dr Greger, Dr McDougall, Dr Ornish and Dr Esselstyn, and the book “Reversing Diabetes”, I have already reversed my Type2 Diabetes, gotten off all meds, lost 70 pounds eating a WFPB, low protein, and SOS-free diet. I walk over an hour a day and feel better than I have most of my life. I am at Stage 2 Kidney disease (up from stage 3) and working on reversing it even more.
    Like the man in the study in this video, my only regret is not finding this way of eating much sooner in my life!!🙏♥️

  9. I was on the border of dialysis six years ago, with kidney disease impacted by contrast dye. I’m now soundly at Stage 3 and stable at that thanks to a plant based diet. It works.

  10. Amazing! But so obvious, stop doing the thing that causes the problem and the problem goes away! Who’d have thought 😂

  11. Was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney failure almost 9 years ago. Went vegan for 8 of those years and came up to a GFR of 36.Last year tried to eat more plant based..came up to 44! My Dr. Was shocked! Get off the meat and dairy!

  12. The most important part of this video was the last part. You can tell ppl and show then all the evidence but they won't do the diet because they think it will be too hard or they won't enjoy the food or won't enjoy life anymore. But you will enjoy the food way more (once tastebuds gets used to it) and it's not hard at all. What's hard is the social aspect. Our whole society is built around bad food. Across the street from my local hospital is literally a bunch of fast food joints and I wonder how many ppl drive down the road and see that.

  13. Successful people don't become that way overnight. What most people see at a glance-wealth, a great career, purpose is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life..

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