Dieta e bruciore di stomaco da reflusso acido GERD

Quali alimenti dovremmo mangiare ed evitare per prevenire e curare il reflusso acido prima che possa metterci a rischio per l'esofago di Barrett e il cancro.

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Credito immagine: Jo Christian Oterhals tramite Flickr.
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44 Risposte a “Dieta e bruciore di stomaco da reflusso acido GERD”

  1. I've had GERD really bad for the first time in my life beginning about 6 months ago. I went vegan 1.5 years ago though, so this is so frustrating. I do sometimes have higher fat vegan meals but I feel it the most when I eat foods that are spicy so I try to stay away from those. Sometimes it happens when I'm just eating fruit though! I wonder why I've never had this problem my whole life and it only just started after going plant based? I'm a huge believer in the power of plants, but this is the only area where they SEEM to be failing me. Am I wrong?

  2. I have heard that low stomach acid was also a factor. The oesophagus sphincter closes when the stomach ph is low enough and if it doesn't get enough acid the opening doesn't close properly.
    Apparently taking betaine tablets or apple cider vinegar can fix this, any thoughts?

  3. I've been investigating treating heartburn naturally and discovered an awesome resource at Fergs Treatment Crusher (google it if you are interested)

  4. There are a few components to natural remedies for heartburn. One place I found which successfully combines these is the Alinn heartburn relief (check it out on google) definately the most incredible resource that I have ever heard of. Check out all the great info .

  5. There are several things for reducing heartburn naturally
    Make sure you drink plenty of water.
    cut down on tomatoes
    cut down on French fries and mashed potatoes
    Avoid smoking, drinking alchol or caffeinated drinks
    (I discovered these and why they work from Alinn heartburn relief site )

  6. There are several ideas for reducing heartburn quickly
    Ensure you consume plenty of water.
    Avoid tomatoes
    Avoid French fries and mashed potatoes
    Avoid smoking, drinking alchol or caffeinated drinks
    (I discovered these and why they work from Alinn heartburn relief website )

  7. There are several factors in cures for heartburn. One place I found that successfully combines these is the Fergs Treatment Crusher (check it out on google) it's the best plan that I've heard of. look at the interesting information .

  8. I have spent months studying reducing heartburn naturally and discovered an awesome resource at Fergs Treatment Crusher (google it if you are interested)

  9. I (low fat vegan) quit smoking and started eating more crisps and cookies, gained a few pounds, and back came the heart burn, very bad. Low fat is the cure. Cheers,

  10. Bullshit! I ate a vegan diet for 7 months and i developed GERD. I didnt had oil. Meat eggs chesse do not give me reflux. Beans, onions, galic, oil, milk do.

  11. Looking at this video again a year later, |I may add that fat also slows down transition and so food may stay longer in the stomach and have more chance to relux, again his mention of TOMATO AND CITRUS FRIUTS, noway should a person with GERD be eating these, as he says fat relaxes the LES, but so do other foods like chocolate, coffee and tea, smoking, and so why not gear the video towards eating foods that tighten the LES?
    Do you guys know how to tighten the LES?
    He does mention CKK has a LES relaxing effect, I didnt know that, meat and eggs would do that cause FAT causes the gut to trigger CKK to signal the gallbladder to squeeze out bile/sludge/cholesterol, now if one eats zero fat or no meat/eggs won't there be a problem with bile stasis, i.e. bile/sludge can become saturated within the gallbladder and cause problems such as stones, polyps etc? I suppose instead of the meat and eggs fat, I could replace with avocado and walnut, flax etc.

    I want to come off prilosec that Ive had to take for 21yrs and reduced many times and gave up do to the terrible rebound reflux that you get, Ive reduced my dose for about a month to half (10mg instead of 20mg) and getting pain in my throat and coughing a lot, I need to lose weight, my ideal weight should be around 73kg, am 107kg 🙁 dropped from 115kg 3 yrs ago though, dropped to about 100kg but in 6 months its gone up again, yoyo'ing with various diets. I jog for 20mins once a day but feel this isnt enough and need to either calorie restrict or fast which I can't cause Im taking meds, can't do a juicefast cause all that liquid just refluxes backup, thats another reason why carbs are good, carbs like pasta, bread, potatoes maybe good in that they absorb liquid and there is less sloshing around in the stomach.

    Going back to the tightening of the LES, I think calcium tightens things so maybe calciium can tighten this LES as long s you void any of the LES refluxing or weakening foods or activities, yes activities … doing resistance training or lifting produces strain nd you hold your breath and this pushes up on the LES = weakening of an already weak LES and reflux, having easy stool or bowel movement also avoids strain, etc, magnesium would relax the LES but also would relax the pyloric valve which would help move food out of the stomach so there is less to reflux, right?

  12. I have been vegan for two months now. I often have a big meal, like 1500 kcal and like 2 kg weight. Sometimes i get really bad acid reflux from this, which may not be suprising. I just wonder if this is bad? Should i rather have more meals?

  13. here's  a few ideas for reducing heartburn quickly 
    Ensure you consume enough water.
    Avoid tomato rich dishes eg pizza and pasta
    Avoid French fries and mashed potatoes
    Avoid smoking, drinking alchol or caffeinated drinks
    (I read these and why they work on Alinn Heartburn Relief website )

  14. I have been suffering with reflux for the past 25 years, Doctor put me on Omeprazole 10 years ago. I found out how bad these drugs are and have been trying to come off it ever since but if you've ever been of these proton pump blockers you'll know how painful it is to try and come off them. It's unbearable after a couple of weeks so i always end up back on it. Tried almonds and ginger and cinnamon and several other ideas out there in internet land but nothing as of yet stops it. I've been vegan for 3 years so even though this may have helped with the initials symptoms having the rebound pain when trying to come of them is probably overriding any benefit. If anyone has a tried and tested solution to getting off these terrible drugs please let me know.

  15. I fixed my acid reflux in one sitting: I ate a head of lettuce. I then stopped eating anything out of a box. And as long as I stayed away from any food sold in a box I was fine.

  16. The guidance I got was not just cut back on fat, but stay away from spicy foods and stay away from citrus and tomatoes specifically.

  17. Still important today. PPIs treat the symptoms and in the end, may cause more problems as it suppresses stomach acid in which we need so much (it may make a more friendly environment for unfriendly bacteria for one), so it's better to address the underlying issues. Plants, antioxidants, and fibre are awesome.

  18. Citrus fruit actually can cause acid reflux. Look up foods that trigger it. They include oranges, mint, onions, chocolate and obviously fatty meals and lying down right afterwards! Fruit is beneficial because it relieves constipation and things flow they way they should be though!

  19. I am vegan, rarely eat processed foods and still have GERD. I don't smoke and drink very moderately. I have no idea what causes it in my case

  20. This video is misleading and biased at best. Using Mcdonald's meat to claim that meat is unhealthy and claiming plant based foods are the only healthy foods should allow you to see the agenda. An awful lot of "may" and "Suggests" type language to enforce weak correlations.

  21. This is where he claims that meat is an unhealthy food, vegan agenda. 4:25 "attributed to the absence of meat in the diet or the increased consumption of healthy foods" ….because meat is unhealthy??

  22. Also misinforms you about CCK (cholecystokinin) relaxing the lower esophagus sphincter when it actually relaxes the Oddi sphincter. The sphincter of Oddi is a muscular valve that opens and closes. It allows digestive juices, bile, and pancreatic juice to flow properly through the ducts from the liver and pancreas to the small intestine. These digestive juices are needed for digestion. CCK has nothing to do with acid re-flux, if CCK was not triggered by plants vegetarians would starve.

  23. Fatty foods and animal products are terrible for gerd, but also Spices relax the lower esophageal sphincter. I cannot have any spices, cumin seeds, bay leaf, turmeric, cinammon, onions, garlic, they all screw me up. Right now I am eating very bland food. Low fat vegan diet and hopefully when I get lean I won't have these problems anymore.

  24. People with acid reflux are generally advised to avoid eating within the three hours before they go to sleep
    Although this recommendation makes sense, there is limited evidence to back it up.

    One study in GERD patients showed that having a late evening meal had no effects on acid reflux, compared to having a meal before 7 p.m
    However, an observational study found that eating close to bedtime was associated with significantly greater reflux symptoms when people were going to sleep
    More studies are needed before solid conclusions can be made about the effect of late evening meals on GERD. It may also depend on the individual.
    I truly recommend that you watch this video ( 1 Weird trick to cure acid reflux in 2 days ), click here:

  25. This 1 thing I can say is not many people at all know, the cure for GERD/acid reflux 9/10 is salt. Acid reflux is actually caused by weak stomach acid, not the opposite which is why when doctors say don't eat acidic things like lemon juice or apple cider vinegar as it'll make it worse, alot of people actually feel better. Salt contains the raw materials to build your stomach acid (NaCl, HCl) and I repeat that the reason why people feel better when they eat light stuff is as it requires less energy to digest but going on a vegan diet still doesn't cure your acid reflux, it just masks it so you don't feel it anymore but your body is still struggling to absorb those nutrients etc. I also know that I am right since I've actually cured people's acid reflux through salt alone and also my nan had acid reflux and heartburn for years. She used gaviscon but sometimes it's get so bad she couldn't lie down as she'd feel the food coming up but then we gave her a glass of water with just 1 tea spoon of salt, seems a bit excessive but some people may even need more. Very quick, I mean less than 2 mins her indigestion, burping, burning of the stomach and throat and the feeling of food coming up immediately went, after that she started having salty water whenever her acid reflux started playing up again and she's cured, no more gaviscon, no more pills just salt water. Also, the reason why when people eat fatty foods it gets very bad is as the body requires more energy to digest the food but if you get alot of salt in and even drink a glass of salt water before you eat meat (as my nan does) you can consume fatty meats with no more reflux

  26. Dr. Greger, would you please do a series on H. Pylori. I think this has been a problem for me for years but not one doctor has ever even mentioned it. Symptoms include strange breath smell, constant bloating, belching, and stomach pain, on and off severe diarrhea, tightness and pressure in the upper stomach area, nausea, weight gain or loss, and possibly many other symptoms such as migraines. H. Pylori is classified as a carcinogen. From what I’ve read it causes stomach ulcers that can lead to stomach cancer. Spicy food and acidic vegetables and fruits can make it worse. Most people have this bacteria in their stomach endothelial but I’m 73 and until recently have never heard of it.

  27. But then what is the cure for acid reflux I am taking those medicines because the doctor says they are good and not bad, why would he prescribe medicine that can cause dementia, etc. I have been plant-based for 11 years. I cheat very occasionally. The doctor said if I don't take the medicine I will get cancer.

  28. I've suffered from GERD almost all my adult life. Now, 48 yrs of age. I dont spoke and not obese (5'3 112 lbs). I exercise at least 4-5 times a week. In the beginning, it was my diet. Meat, processed foods, junk food…etc. Over the years I've tweaked and tweaked and tweaked my diet to a more whole foods diet. I am not completely plant-based; however, meat (chicken breast, lamp, and fish) consumption is very low. I seem to experience GERD when I consume foods such as red/green/yellow peppers, oranges, white tea, green tea to name a few. Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Carrots…foods high in fiber causes bloating unless I take a digestive enzyme supplement. I am at my wits end with my digestive system. Its too freakin sensitive. But…based on this video, I will watch my meat intake and see if it improves.

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