Dieta e stile di vita per la prevenzione e la sopravvivenza del cancro

Il miglior cibo per sopravvivere al cancro. Che tipo di dieta dovrebbero seguire i malati di cancro?

Il mio prossimo libro è How Not to Age, e poi il mio prossimo sarà sulla sopravvivenza al cancro. Anche se ci lavoro a tempo pieno, non mi aspetto che il mio libro sulla sopravvivenza al cancro sia pubblicato fino a quando 380 al più presto. Nel frattempo, devo avere a disposizione centinaia di video sul cancro. Eccone alcuni per iniziare e, se vuoi vederli tutti, dai un'occhiata alla pagina dell'argomento cancro (
• Come non morire di cancro ( -die-from-cancer/)<br/> • Che cosa provoca la metastasi del cancro? (
• Combattere i dieci segni distintivi del cancro con il cibo (
• Quanto è efficace la chemioterapia? (

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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41 Risposte a “Dieta e stile di vita per la prevenzione e la sopravvivenza del cancro”

  1. I actually feel sad when I stop and think about the people who do not hear or who ignore this message. It should be shouted by treating oncologists!

  2. From the 2015 BMC article, "Oxalate induces breast cancer" Not risk, or maybe, or might or it could – "but all." "We measured oxalate concentration in both human breast tumor tissues and adjoining non-pathological breast tissues. We found that all tested breast tumor tissues contain a higher concentration of oxalates than their counterpart non-pathological breast tissue." Check your diet carefully.

  3. "Co-consumption of Vegetables and Fruit, Whole Grains, and Fiber Reduces the Cancer Risk of Red and Processed Meat in a Large Prospective Cohort of Adults from Alberta’s Tomorrow Project"

    People eating the most unprocessd red meat (over 500g per week) had 22% less cancer than those eating the least amounts of red meat (like vegetarians and vegans do) when both groups ate plenty of plants(something like 5 or 6 servings per day of fruits and vegetables). So if we value other observational studies should we also value that one and draw the conclusion that vegans should add 500g or more unprocessed red meat to their diet to reduce their cancer risk by 22% ?

  4. My wife is a 5 year survivor of stage 1a pancreatic cancer. Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation

    Every scan and blood test she's had since her treatment shows no cancer at all

    Guess what. She's NOT and NEVER will be a vegan

    We have also reversed the damage done by the chemotherapy and radiation

  5. Waiting outside a grocery store yesterday, it was so sad and depressing to see numerous morbidly obese people just casually going in and out. “Old” people (but not that old!) having to use the go karts, canes. Just slightly overweight people, but out of shape. Just a picture (I know, just what I can observe with my eyes) of poor health. Then, my friend, who has asthma and whom I was sharing a video with about asthma and nutrition, comes out with just bags of bad stuff…milk, dairy, eggs, meat, processed foods, etc. 🤦🏽‍♂️ It is so very very depressing.

  6. I'm actually seeing a lot of high fiber, highly processed food lately that is highly processed and very high in fiber. Especially food advertised as keto, high protein and low calories containing added cellulose and synthetic fibers

  7. That graph half way through this video was worth a pause to digest how prevalent some of the bad lifestyle choices are.

  8. my mother is feeding through a tube to her stomach with spv throat cancer treatment, the food they supply for her is basically bottles of cow milk proteins with added vitamins. seems like incredibly poor nutrition and it's all she's got until she can regain her ability to eat normal foods

  9. Why isn't this information on every news broadcast, every evening? Surely, there is nothing more important than this for the overwhelming majority of people?

  10. I like to believe all this is true. I’ve been 100% vegan, mostly Whole Foods, for nearly 30 years, but now have some eyesight issues. Unfortunately, growing older still leads to aging related issues (but I still support the premise here — it’s the reduction in risk, but unfortunately if it’s 30% reduction, bad things can still happen).

  11. This guy was sitting next to me at McDonald's the other day eating a big Mac. He was wearing a disguise but I knew it was him because I recognized his voice.

  12. Nothing about decreasing sugar? Nothing about interittent fasting? I think you guys forgot or don't know about? Whole grains also not fantastic.

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