Diete a basso contenuto proteico per il morbo di Parkinson

Dieta e morbo di Parkinson: come possiamo massimizzare l'efficacia terapeutica della levodopa?

I BCAA (aminoacidi a catena ramificata) sono sani? ( è il video sull'eccesso proteine ​​di cui ho parlato.

Ho altri video in arrivo sul morbo di Parkinson, ma potresti essere interessato a questi ora:
• Prevenire il morbo di Parkinson con la dieta (
• Trattamento del morbo di Parkinson con la dieta (
• Tremore essenziale e dieta (<br/> • Qualcosa nel tabacco è protettivo contro il morbo di Parkinson? (
• Peperoni e Parkinson: i benefici del fumo senza rischi? (
• Il lattosio potrebbe spiegare il legame tra latte e morbo di Parkinson? (
• Il morbo di Parkinson e il punto debole dell'acido urico ( /la-malattia-di-parkinson-e-l-acido-urico-sweet-spot/)
• Il ruolo che la carne può svolgere nell'innescare il morbo di Parkinson (
• Caffè messo alla prova per il trattamento del morbo di Parkinson ( /coffee-put-to-the-test-for-treating-parkinsons-disease)

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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19 Risposte a “Diete a basso contenuto proteico per il morbo di Parkinson”

  1. I don’t know about parkinson but my pain & muscle stiffness lessen significantly after switching to plant based diet that is low on protein & fat. I had tongue cancer and now got no tongue and my muscle was rearranged for freeflap. Whenever i eat a protein & fat rich meal, my body would seize up and it’d cause a lot of pain. So that’s one way to keep me honest😂😂😂

  2. Do they use mao inhibitors or dopamine reuptake inhibitors? If not, why not?
    Edit: apparently they use mao inhibitors like selegiline. Then they move to dopamine agonist like pramipexole. Then as the disease progresses, l-dopa is used.
    Dopamine reuptake inhibitors like amantidine are being researched. (I was also thinking of modafinil, it's also a dopamine reuptake inhibitor)
    Nicotine can ofc lower your risks to develop PD, but apparently it can also help with symptoms. The important mechanism is nicotine being a dopamine agonist I think.
    It seems there are many ways to treat PD. Prevention seems to be important tho as there's no cure – so I wonder if a vegan diet could help prevent it?

  3. Please see if any diet might help myotonic dystrophy type 1 and type 2. I find that plant based diet has helped certain symptoms and worsened others.

  4. A shout out to Dr. Oliver Wolf Sacks who was the doctor who used L-Dopa to revive institutionalized patients presenting as catatonic for years after an surviving the 1917–1928 epidemic of encephalitis. This event was dramatized in the movie Awakenings with outstanding performances by Robin Williams, Robert De Niro and Julie Kavner (voice of Marge in The Simpsons).

  5. Also I was wondering if anyone is trialing Dr. David Sinclair techniques for reversing optic nerve damage in mice and reversing aging in mice brains… is being trialed for a possible treatment of Parkinson's Disease ?

  6. Big Black sang "L-Dopa fix me, alright!" back in the 80's and I always wondered what it was. No internet back then and haven't thought to look it up since! Now I know thanks to Dr Michael! lol 🤪

  7. I've been whole food plant based for a long time. I'm also an athlete. When eating less protein my recovery was much slower. Started adding plant protein to my smoothies and my recovery time sped up significantly. If you're an athlete do you still get negative effects from increased protein if your body has a higher demand for protein?

  8. A lot of people on plant based diets obess over getting enough protein, some of them even claiming that they are not advocates of high protein diets just trying to get enough. But the average person only uses about 42g/day and you could potentially be getting 110g of protein/day literally living of Wheat pasta and bread. Most people don't know how much protein is really in their food.

  9. Is the 0.8grms per kg of body weight also the same for vegetable protein or do vegans calculate their protein intake differently?

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