Diete di esclusione per l'eczema

I bambini di madri randomizzate a tagliare uova, latte e pesce avevano una probabilitĂ  significativamente inferiore di avere l'eczema anche anni dopo.

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Parlo dello studio originale randomizzato, in doppio cieco, controllato di dieta e eczema nel mio ultimo video: I migliori cibi da evitare per l'eczema (

I trattamenti topici non steroidei sono trattati nei miei video Trattamento dell'eczema con olio di cocco, olio minerale e vaselina ( e trattamento dell'eczema con enotera Olio, olio di borragine e olio di semi di canapa ( olio di semi di canapa).

Alcuni altri video sulla salute della pelle includono:
• La bellezza è più Than Skin Deep (https://nutritionfacts .org/video/beauty-is-more-than-skin-deep/)
• Prevenire le rughe con la dieta (
• Semi di lino per pelli sensibili (
• Prevenire il cancro della pelle dall'interno ( -out)
• Trattamento Naturale per Acne e Infezioni Fungine (https: //

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41 Risposte a “Diete di esclusione per l'eczema”

  1. Thank you Dr Gregor. My son already tested positive for eggs, fish, cow's milk, soya, wheat and nuts when he was 1 year old so those were removed from his diet. I made the mistake of switching to goat's milk thinking it was better tolerated. But his eczema never fully got better.

    He is now nearly 5 years old and 4 weeks ago we made the switch to fully plant based and I am keen to see how his skin reacts over the next couple of months

  2. I wonder if parents who "tried" the diet excluding eggs and milk but failed to see results remembered to remove the baked goods that also contain these things?

  3. Worked for me. No meat, no dairy, no eggs and a high increase of plants and vegetables has reduced any flare ups for me. But the main noticeable difference in the last month or so has come from supplementing with vitamin d. I live in the UK and i recently found out that the government recommends UK citizen to take a vitamin d supplement. Makes sense for our climate here.

  4. I know diet works for eczema, my son has had it chronic since birth. Last year he spent 6 months on a milk/dairy free diet and it improved significantly. But teens knowing best decided to start taking whey powder to build muscle and it came back with a vengeance

  5. Dr Gregor I'm a vegan of three years and I'm trying to heal my eczema that began 7 years ago during pregnancy. What else is there to do besides cut out animal products?

  6. I agree with all of this but why little to no mention about Gluten? I suffered from severe ezcema my whole life and in my early twenties had it literally from head to toe. My hands were so bad that I couldn't even close them because they had cracks down my palms and I couldn't bend my fingers because they were so swollen.
    I saw countless specialists and tried every medication, topical and oral, short of immuno-suppressants. I even tried light therapy and discovered that I'm actually photosensitive as well and suffer from polymorphous light eruption.
    I went on an elimination diet after reading about it online and cut out the major allergens: Dairy, Eggs, Soy, Nuts, Wheat (and gluten). As I put them back into my diet one at a time I found that gluten had the hugest affect on my eczema.
    So, I've been gluten free for almost 15 years now, which cleared up about 90% of my eczema issues. I also cut my meat consumption down slowly as well as dairy and went vegan a few years ago.
    My adult eczema that none of my doctors could manage without oral prednisone is now under control.
    I always tell people when they ask, every person's body is different. But you definitely should try cutting those things out of your diet to see if they help.
    Some other things that helped me were working on managing stress, adding probiotics and the right supplements for my genetics, getting rid of all body care products (including toothpaste) that contain sodium lauryl sulfate, wearing vinyl powderless gloves when doing anything that will get my hands a little messy (even washing my hair. I did find out that latex makes me break out and even nitrile eventually due to the rubber accelerant chemicals used) and avoiding products made with wool INCLUDING LANOLIN because it causes me to break out as well. Sea Salt (non-iodized) soaks also help to promote healing from eczema.
    Don't give up on yourself, even when doctors do!

  7. My son has some eczema on his legs, he used to be on formula, but not anymore. He's not eating any eggs, meat, seafood, as well as no milk, but he still has eczema.( he also scratches it and now got some on the elbows) Could it be just dry skin or reaction to some fruit?or possibly gluten? but my doc tested him for lactose/wheat intolerance, he passed all that, no problems, doctor saying its just dry skin…but it wont go away in months, even though our place is humid enough and we are applying shea butter on him every day. seems like noone know the answer to this..

  8. Great. Now I just need to go back in time and convince my mom to go vegan while pregnant with me.

    Is this going to be an eczema series? If so I would be really looking forward to it.

  9. God, I'm so sick of doctors crying "malnutrition!!!" from cutting out one or two things from a kid's diet. As if most doctors even know anything about nutrition. It's a farce.

  10. A junk food deficiency is a serious threat to human health tho. It makes people smug and prone to accidents of overconfidence.

  11. When I was breastfeeding my son, he would fuss all night if I had eggs for breakfast. So I stopped eggs. I reported it to my doctor and nurse but they said there could be no correlation. But I knew if I wanted to sleep I couldn't eat eggs. I was thankful that I didn't eat them every day because if I had, I wouldn't have been able to figure it out.

  12. I've had eczema for 16 years and now after eating plant based (with supplementation) for only 3 months they are finally almost completely gone. My skin has never been better.
    However I can't really say if it was cutting out milk, eggs and cheese or the supplements that did the trick.

  13. eczema related to water % in ur body
    buy a scale that shows u body water%
    oh look u got like 60% water even tho u should be close to 70%
    guess what causes that?
    dehydrating food
    aka starchy crap like rice sweet potato pizza etc
    stahp eatin' dat shiaat

    eat raw foods

  14. When I was a child I had ezcema so bad I would scratch until I bled. But then my mother made the connection. Eggs and tomatoes. Once those were out, it disappeared. Now, tomatoes don't give me a rash but they will still make my joints swell up.

  15. YouTube is removing my like everytime I put a like and I don't finish the video and go back to watch the video the like is gone dr. Greger seems like YouTube is messing with your likes man do they want to hide the truth evil never Prevail eventually loses the battle

  16. I had severe eczema on my hands and other parts of the body since the beginning of my life.
    I was vegeterian for 2 years and since 3 months I'm completly vegan. and… Since 2 months and a half I don't have any eczema anymore… I thought it was due to the climate of the new place I moved in.
    But apparently it's not the only reason 🙂

  17. I starting eating whole foods plant based for environmental and ethical reasons. I noticed that the symptoms of my eczema and asthma dropped dramatically. I guess this is why.

  18. everyone's recovery time is different.. give yourself some time… cut out eggs, milk and dairy maybe fish but don't hurry… it may take time to recover..

  19. I had severe eczema on my hands for years, wore about 10 bandaids per hand. So many cuts. It was so bad I almost wanted to “cut my hands off”. Went from vegetarian to vegan – cut out eggs and dairy and it cleared up completely.

  20. My eczema did become less severe once I stopped eating animal products, it didn't go away completely but at least i no longer feel the overwhelming urge to scratch my arms until I bleed.

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