Digiuno per il cancro: che dire della cachessia?

Cosa hanno riscontrato studi randomizzati controllati come effetti dell'alimentazione supplementare sugli esiti clinici? Il digiuno dei malati di cancro potrebbe accelerare il loro deperimento?

Questo fa parte di una serie in corso sul cancro e il digiuno. In precedenza ho gettato le basi in questi due video: Quanto è efficace la chemioterapia? (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-effect-is-chemotherapy) e quanto la chemioterapia migliora la sopravvivenza? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-does-chemotherapy-improve-survival).

Resta sintonizzato per altri tre video su digiuno e cancro:
• Digiuno prima e dopo chemioterapia e radiazioni (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/fasting-before-and-after-chemiotherapy-and-radiation)<br/> • Digiuno prima e dopo la chemioterapia Put al Test (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/fasting-before-and-after-chemotherapy-put-to-the-test)
• Dieta che imita il digiuno prima e dopo la chemioterapia (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/fasting-mimicking -dieta-prima-e-dopo-chemioterapia)

Qual è la dieta che imita il digiuno? Ho un video su questo: La dieta 5-2 e la dieta che imita il digiuno messa alla prova (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/ la-dieta-5-2-e-la-dieta-mima-digiuno-messa-alla-prova/).

Tutti i miei video sul digiuno possono essere trovati in questa pagina dell'argomento (https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/fasting/), o nelle registrazioni della mia serie di webinar sul digiuno (https://drgreger.org/collections/videos/products/fasting -bundle-digital).

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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38 Risposte a “Digiuno per il cancro: che dire della cachessia?”

  1. Doesn’t bode well for medical marijuana for increasing apatite in cancer patients… good thing there’s other uses for it.

  2. In short: listen to your body. Do what feels good. When you have lost your appetite, don’t eat. Urging people to eat something, when they are ill, and don’t want to, is not helpful. I sometimes suspect the same is true about urging people to drink more water. Maybe we should just drink when we’re thirsty, and eat when we’re hungry.

  3. Hospitals and schools should be places where good nutrition is taught and provided .
    It is crazy the hospitals are feeding people the very food that caused the heart disease, high blood pressure or cancer that they are treating. Every person in the hospital should receive some nutrition education before being released. Every doctor visit should be an opportunity to educate patients about how food choices impacts their health outcomes. The fact that doctors do not get nutrition training as part of their training makes no sense. Medicare and Medicaid should require nutrition education as part of patient care.

  4. Here he goes again. Whipping out articles & highlighting them so they contradict eachother. Sure loves to highlight. Reminds me of my sisters 12 yo doin her homework.

  5. This whole, "which we will explore, next…" thing is insanely irritating, at least on the YouTube app, where the "next" video is some other random video.

  6. According to some recovered cancer patients the only valid treatment is fasting. There are many people telling their histories on YouTube

  7. Hi Dr. Greger. Could you make a video about the video "vegan strongman eats one meal a day". It has 6 Million views. He is very muscular and has a record of weight lifting. He claims he eats no more than 1500 calories a day and in one meal. Personally I don't think he is lying but could you make a video about if that could be possible for a human to achieve?
    There is another super athlete who eats also 1 meal a day Herschel Walkers. Search for him, he was a super athlete, massive muscles and claims to eat mostly vegan and once a day.

  8. I wonder if getting those calories from whole plant foods would be beneficial. In the case where they tried 4,000 calories but it wasn't enough, I wonder if 4,000 calories of unprocessed plants would do the trick?

  9. Nutritional training is contraindicated if the objective is to make a living off of a large patient base. It would be like an illegal drug dealer advising his customers to check in at a drug rehabilitation center.

  10. The nutritional supplement drinks such as Ensure contain known carcinogenic ingredients and a macro ratio known to increase the risk of metabolic diseases, diabetes and cancer.
    Feeding this to patients who are not partaking in hospital food seems almost negligent.

    They feed the most sick and vulnerable people with harmful processed food or supplement drinks high in sugar, hydrogenated fat, additives, artificial colours and more.

  11. At one point I couldn't swallow for weeks. It got so bad I couldn't even drink water. It turned out to be cancer. So I had been unintentionally fasting before my cancer diagnosis. Then I got my first dose of chemo. I ended up in the hospital for 10 days at which point I was put on TPN. I think it was the lack of nutrition in combination with the chemo that put me in the hospital. I was also severely dehydrated. When the tumor had shrunk enough that I could swallow, I began eating and was taken off of the TPN. A year and a half later, I'm in a stable condition and I do wonder about the benefits of fasting for my situation.

  12. Fasting is miraculous healing for your body.
    Its what the corporations and governments now are afraid of… That we know we can heal our selves for free…

  13. I glad that Dr. Greger is finally coming around the the importance of fasting for cancer inhibition/obstruction. He was the only major YouTube alternative health Doc who didn't put fasting front and center as a tool against cancer until now.

  14. on a slight tangent, dead bacteria or infected cells and viri are nutrients to some extent so they can be eaten as well its like i dont need food that also feeds the bad guys, but i can eat some of the bad guys and my fat reserves….. it stacks the fight in your favor when the enemy is also food and there starving…

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