20 Risposte a “Dimensioni delle porzioni subdole #dimensioni della porzione #dati nutrizionali #zucchero #fibra #fyp”

  1. Wow!!! Really? I’m curious who is trying to trick who? But thank god Encyclopedia Brown figured it out and told us. This dude’s a real

  2. Just look at the sugar and fat by 100gram then you have the percentage.
    too bad if you only have imperial measures

  3. In EU they always must show calories and other stuff in 100g sometimes they add value for one serving but it is optional

  4. psa oreos are vegan because the “creme” is pure vegetable lard and sugar whipped together. so much worse for you than regular creme.

  5. in the EU everything is listed as nutritional content per 100g or 100ml. Every single food item has it on the package like that, doesn't matter if it's cheese, Doritos, pickled Onions whatever. Makes it very easy to compare products and more importanly impossible for companies to try this shit.

  6. No you're silly The entire bag of Oreos is one serving. Just like an entire can of Pringles is one serving. The entire bag of potato chips is one serving.

  7. It's not finagling, its how "unhealthy" foods work. You aren't meant to eat a lot of things that are high in sugar or high in saturated fat or whatever it might be in one sitting. Theyre meant to be consumed in moderation which means small portions and not super often. Just because we eat them in much bigger portions than we're supposed to doesn't mean that the companies are being deceptive, it means that we like sweets a lot and maybe don't portion control very well.

  8. This is so weird. A “normal person” should be paying attention to the nutrition label. The portion size has so little to do with this. It makes sense that higher calorie dense foods have a small portion size. You’re suggesting someone should eat 600 calories of Oreos because that’s what “normal people” just… have to eat? You eat Oreos to sate hunger? Wtf is this?

  9. FDA Controls the serving sizes not the companies. Companies have to be compliant, so it's the US governments deception not the brands.

  10. I think I am the only person who only eats 3 Oreos. Now don’t get me wrong I love them but I can’t eat that many in one setting to much sugar. I have a problem with salty stuff.

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