Domande e risposte in diretta con il Dr. Greger di il 28 dicembre alle 13:00 ET

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “Domande e risposte in diretta con il Dr. Greger di il 28 dicembre alle 13:00 ET”

  1. Hello Dr. Greger! We gave "How not to die" to our family members, and we donated your "How not to die" book and the cookbook to our local library instead of giving further presents this Christmas. Hope many community members will be able to access it! Thank you for being such a treasure to the world!

  2. Thank you. Blessings to you and your family. Many thanks for all the research. What are some of the web sites that you use for your research?

  3. 1:43 What's the function of the appendix?
    3:55 Is less sun to blame for nearsightedness? Is there foods that may help?
    4:44 Any idea on treatments for dry skin and pimples due to irritation? (caused by kissing girlfriend and stubbles)
    5:06 Do you have a database?
    5:52 Your thoughts about literature on Cystic Fibrosis and whole glucagon based diet?
    6:30 Can you talk about intermittent fasting?
    7:01 Can you get all the omegas you need just with plant foods such as chia?
    8:30 What is your new book?
    10:16 I'm worried about siblings missing nutrients from animal products
    11:43 What foods are best for the brain?
    14:20 Is miso healthy?
    14:55 What diet do you recommend for cats?
    15:14 Are there any foods that can help me establish a better sleeping pattern?
    20:08 Omega 3s and romaine salad?
    20:48 High MCV, what are the risks?
    21:15 What is your opinion on a raw diet?
    22:15 Do kale and broccoli counteract the negative effects of salt?
    25:13 Why do you recommend food cooked in the microwave?
    26:10 What are the best low fibre foods to eat when preparing for colonoscopy?
    26:58 Are you going to make any videos about DNA testing and health issues?
    28:34 Are there any disadvantages of eating wheatgerm?
    29:19 Can I eat grains without detrimenting my teeth?

  4. Just donated!! Thank you for all the content that you have provided as well as your excellent book How Not to Die which was a really good read!! The work you do is invaluable!

  5. You mentioned some studies in a previous video about vegan and veg not living any loner than meat eaters. Yet they dont suffer the same diseases as meat eaters- diabetes, heart disease ect. is it the quality of life thats better not the length? Could you touch on this again? I have been eating everything you reccomend and I feel amazing! Hibiscus tea all day 🙂

  6. I knew I ate pistachios at night for a reason. Awesome. Great nightime snack. Now I'll make sure to even more. Thanks doc!

  7. Hello! My sister has psoriasis and has been thinking about going WFPB. You have info on autoimmune disorders but I was wondering if you could maybe do some videos on if/how it might help her to go WFBL. Maybe it will give her a much needed motivational boost. Thank you!! For EVERYTHING you do!

  8. omega 3's and romaine – that made me laugh so I looked it up.

    100 calories contains 0.7 grams of Omega 3s. That takes 625 grams (1.4 lbs!) of lettuce to get 0.7 grams omega 3s. who wants to eat that much lettuce when 2 walnuts has about that much Omega 3s. Or, just put a tablespoon of ground flax on oatmeal and get 1.6 grams of Omega 3s

  9. Doc, I'd love to see a video on 'the town without a toothache", Hereford Texas.  Dentists couldn't make a living there, and the government sent researchers to find out why.  They concluded that the only thing everyone there did in common was drink the water (despite everyone eating wheat from the most fertile farmland in North America), so that's where the fluoride recommendations for every public water supply came from.Incidentally, they are still drinking the same levels of fluoride, and dentists are doing quite well there.

  10. First of all, thank you and your team for everything you do 🙂

    Second, I wish there was a better place to ask medical questions, but here goes.

    Do you have some information on combating chronic candida infections, and is there a link to coeliac disease? Needless to say, I have both. After 15 years of recurring infections, I just about lost all hope, but I think if anyone would have the perseverance to find the answer, I think it would be you 🙂

  11. I think he is wrong about B12
    Synthetic vitamin B-12, cyanocobalamin, is made from ground up toxic cow livers and activated sewage sludge. These cow livers are overloaded with steroids and antibiotics, and the pesticides the cow assimilates from eating GMO feed, and these cows are living in CAFO’s (confined animal feeding operations), where they often collapse and die slowly, while lying in their own “sludge” or fecal matter. Synthetic vitamin B also comes from coal tar and petro-chemicals, known to depress the central nervous system and cause respiratory ailments

  12. A superior active source of vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin)
    The standard source of B12, Cyanocobalamin, is not a natural source. In fact, its not found anywhere in nature and must be converted by the liver into methylcobalamin in order be become utilized in humans (and all other animals). Cyanocobalamin is typically found in products such as Centrum. Methylcobalamin is in a form that can be immediately utilized by the body. It is better absorbed and retained in higher amounts making it the best choice.

  13. Dr. Greger, what are your thoughts on natural salts? I understand refined table salt is really bad due to the chemicals its bleached with and the molecule structure changes that take place during the pasteurisation process. Also sea salt is full of contaminants and pollution… What about natural (unrefined) pink himalayan salt? Apparently its not contaminated like sea salt because it comes out the mountains, which has been untouched for millions of years and you can buy it unprocessed and unrefined.. Its also apparently full of minerals we used to get from well water that we don't get in our diet anymore.. Do you recommend himalayan salt?

  14. Dr. Greger. I don’t know if you read afterwards but I believe you should have a volunteer 🙋🏻‍♀️ to translate all your website, youtube videos to all countries with Portuguese languages !!! 🙏🏻

  15. Do you recommend a particular distributor or manufacture for Gooseberry or Amla. Specifically a trusted one for quality. Thank you i am getting your book.

  16. I was so excited to get your book, we had the Red Quinoa Loaf for supper…..mmm it was very good. Can't wait to try more recipes. Thank you for all that you do.

  17. Was lucky enough to get both your books for Christmas. We all know how not to die is a cracking book but the cookbook is awesome! Normally you get a cook book and if your lucky you might find half a dozen good recipes you want to try but with the how not to die cookbook everything looks great with easy to follow practical recipes. Really can’t say enough good things. Great work dr Greger 🙂

  18. Received your cookbook yesterday and it is beautiful and I want to make everything in it. Was a bit surprised that there was not a potato in site as I’ve seen you lecturing on the starch solution programme.

  19. Dr. Gregor just started watching your channel. I have a question on B12. Is there new studys showing B12 in vegetables? I just think that we should not have a need to supplement with our diet. So could we !live healthy without it. My husband said that after the flood the land was not the same and that God blessed us to eat meat which is the only source of B12. What are your thoughts. I actually prefer veganism. So if they stopped making the B12 supplement, would we survive on vegan diet? Thanks and Happy New Year!!

  20. INTERESTING appendix discussion…my brother had his removed (emergency surgery) about 6 months after moving to New Orleans years ago…he is SURE it was from all the increased fats he was eating (he LOVED that food but found out it did NOT LOVE him back!) and he's been eating very close to Mediterranean diet for years and is in very good health.

  21. THE SCIENCE and PRACTICE of IRIDOLOGY by Dr. Bernard Jensen, D.C., N.D. was published in 1952 and is a good source of data on fasting along with MUCUSLESS DIET HEALING SYSTEM by Arnold Ehret.

  22. 19:06 two pistachios eh? That's awesome! The online price for no shell pistachios is about the same as my 300 microgram (mcg) melatonin tablets. Add to that the extra nutrition and you've got yourself a bargain.

    I'd been taking half a tablet per night (150 mcg). Pistachios have 288 mcg per gram which, at 49 nuts per ounce, comes out to 135 mcg per pistachio (0.59 grams), 270 mcg for two, and. 404 mcg for three. That's perfect for easy dosing.

    The paper on pistachio melatonin content is paywalled, but I found a review that suggests that the melatonin content between the four varieties tested fall within just a few micrograms difference.

  23. Started to read your book tonight, and I must say it is the most educating read I have read in a long time. Thank you for what you do.

  24. Actually lately it has been found that the appendix stores bacteria which when we're ill and get sick and the body flushes out all the good bacteria in our intestines that the appendix releases the good bacteria stored which is needed for digestion, so I would guess that when we get seriously ill and the body stores bad bacteria instead of good that this is what causes appendicitis, but it could just be that something blocks the appendix, bacteria multiplies to fast and it bursts, due to not being able to release the bacteria.

  25. Maybe this could be used for the next q & a session from your treadmill but I would like your advice on helping my diabetic husband to see that fruits and carbs are not his enemy, fat is. His dr wont back this up, teaching only conventional diet as normal and rejecting all else. Therefore my husband refuses to believe me because i get my information from "you tube" …… he only trusts the dr. Advice??

  26. Older friend has COPD and is bed confined due to her disease…is there any information about diet improving this condition ,like heart disease? Maybe I missed in the audible version but I thinking whole food diet would maintain her current condition and not improve it. Thanks

  27. Honestly i like this Q&S but why the treadmill? I mean it is very annoying… we don't doubt your commitment to fitness but mate …..

  28. I have two tablespoons of flaxseeds most days and a handful of walnuts most days. Do I need to take epa/dha supplements?… (I do eat meat, but only once a week)

  29. Do an answer video to Dr. Darren Schmist's video "Veganism vs Ketosis…" May 1, 2017. He challenges you on ketosis as a pathology. He says it's part of a cure. Also discuss lactic acidosis and grains. He advocates eating liver and oils.

  30. How does one go about posting a question in advance for one of these hangouts? I can't seem to find an upcoming event.

  31. Does anyone know where I can find out about the upcoming Qand A? Can anyone ask questions? Is there a category on his site where all of these are found?

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