Dovremmo spendere i nostri dollari delle tasse canadesi per questo? @kallmekris @benoftheweek @BenShapiro

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✅ Conosci qualcuno che ama gli animali e anche il caffè? Ecco il regalo perfetto per loro! – Tutti i profitti vanno ad aiutare gli animali e coloro che li salvano.

🟢 Bite Size Vegan + Gary Yourofsky sulla religione:>🟢 Alex Hershaft on the holocaust:>
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🍎 Discorso di Gary Yourofsky:>🍎 Dairy Is Scary:>🍎 Video stimolante sul diventare vegani:

57 Risposte a “Dovremmo spendere i nostri dollari delle tasse canadesi per questo? @kallmekris @benoftheweek @BenShapiro”

  1. That Vegan Teacher’s Book

    Are You Veganphobic or

    Are You Veganphantastic?

    This educational book will be published in English, French, Italian, German and Spanish and eventually, other languages.

    This book will be distributed in school libraries and workplaces around the world, to raise awareness among people of all ages, about animal rights and how it feels for animal-defenders to be vegan in a non-vegan world.

    Points for artists to remember before

    submitting their drawings to Miss Kadie:

    1. IMPORTANT: Art must be created digitally (on an ipad) so, if modifications need to be made, they can be easily adjusted with the undo and redo buttons.

    2. To begin with, drawings must be only done in black and white. No background patterns – think of the style of Diary of a Wimpy Kid or a coloring book.

    3. This is a labour of love to help save animals, and create awareness of veganphobia, so no money will be given. If your drawings are selected, your work will be credited in the book.

    4. The left side of the book will be the veganphobic side. The right side of the book will be veganphantastic side.

    5. Create characters leaving space for speech bubbles but do NOT draw them. Miss Kadie will type in the words herself later with a specific font and in different languages so pre-vegans of all ages around the world will be able to read the book.

    6. Characters in the drawings can have decorated shirts with vegan messages such as “I love pigs” or they can be carrying signs that say, “Go Vegan!” etc.

    7. Drawings can contain vegan foods on counter tops or tables such as cartons of oat milk, soy milk, vegan meats etc.

    8. Clothing can have details such as striped shirts, this way, if the reader wants to color the pictures it will be more fun to do so.

    9. Do NOT put any signature on your work because it can be distracting for the reader, however, do not worry, your name will be clearly identified in the final product.

    10. All pictures should be drawn in a perfect square but with a very large white invisible margin INSIDE the square so it will have the same formatting as others in the book.

    Example of a Scene from Miss Kadie’s Veganphobia/Veganphantastic Book

    Veganphobic Mother Makes Scrambled Chicken Eggs

    A veganphobic mother makes eggs for Emma, her vegan daughter, then pouts when Emma doesn’t want to eat them.

    Mom: “I went through all this trouble to make you eggs for breakfast and now you’re hurting my feelings and acting like a spoiled brat by not eating them!”

    Daughter: “Mom, please stop! Why are you making me eggs again? I already told you that I don’t want to eat them because eggs come from a cycle of violence that I don’t want to be part of.”

    Veganphantastic Mother Makes Tofu Scramble

    A veganphantastic mothers serves breakfast, from a frying pan, to her smiling children.

    Mom: “Here you go kids! Your sister has decided to be vegan, so from now on, to support her efforts to end the exploiting of chickens, we’re making tofu scramble instead of scrambled eggs!”

    Daughter: Thanks Mom! I really appreciate you doing this for me!

    Example of a Scene from Miss Kadie’s Veganphobia/Veganphantastic Book

    Veganphobic Dad Gives Son A Leather Baseball Glove

    A veganphobic father buys his son, Joey, a leather baseball glove for his birthday, then gets mad that he doesn’t want to use it.

    Dad: “I don’t see what the big deal is, Joey. It’s just one cow! All the kids are using these gloves! It’s the one your coach recommended we buy… Why can’t you just be grateful that I got you a gift?”

    Son: “Dad, I already told you many times that I researched and learned all about how cows suffer in the leather industry. I don’t want to use the skin of an innocent cow just to play a game.”

    Veganphantastic Dad Gives Son A Vegan Leather Baseball Glove

    A kind, veganphantastic Dad remembers that his son doesn’t want to use any animal products.

    Dad: “Happy birthday, Joey! I made sure I got you the vegan glove because I know you don’t want me to pay anyone to kill a cow and rip off her skin….”

    Son: “Aw…thanks Dad! That’s really thoughtful of you!”

  2. Countless animals suffering in holocaust like conditions
    We need to focus on getting people to help them
    Nah screw that that lets talks about drag queens

  3. 💚🍎🍇🍉🥦💚🍎🍇🍉🥦💚🍎🍇🍉🥦💚🍎🍇🍉🥦💚🍎🍇🍉🥦💚🍎🍇🍉🥦💚🍎🍇🍉🥦💚🍎🍇🍉🥦💚🍎🍇🍉🥦💚🍎🍇🍉🥦💚🍎🍇🍉🥦💚🍎🍇🍉🥦💚🍎🍇🍉🥦💚🍎🍇🍉🥦💚🍎🍇🍉🥦💚🍎🍇🍉🥦💚🍎🍇🍉🥦💚🍎🍇🍉🥦💚🍎🍇🍉🥦

  4. dont be just like your parents .the world is so messed up and we can fix it. just because everyone around you thinks its okay doesn't mean it is.

  5. hurting animals when you dont have to is wrong! were all shopping at the same grocery store you are! Its as simple as choosing the vegan option!

  6. factory farming is beyond cruel. to say nothing. and just watch it happen when its been proven humans can be healthy and thrive without animal products. would be unforgivable. to see blatant animal cruelty and be too selfish to do anything about it

  7. The statement “It is a personal choice to be vegan, stop forcing your lifestyle on others” is 100% false. This is for a number of reasons:

    – It is not a personal choice if there are victims involved, slitting the throats of baby animals is not a “personal choice”

    – That is the equivalent of saying: “Racism is a choice, so stop telling me to not be racist”

    – Animal agriculture is the leading cause of: Global Warming, Climate change, habitat destruction, species extinction and ocean dead zones

    And duckman if you want to write to me, to say my electronics have animal fat in them, despite me actually caring for the animal, and you pay for them to be murdered every single day, you can stick it up your ass.

  8. The system puts insecurities into people and brainwashes people to focus only on themselves rather than the world outside of them, and teaches them to feel valuable only when they conform to the system. This is a strategy for creating selfish and insecure people who are obedient to their culture and to the system, and who will buy any product to fill the emptiness inside them. By focusing on the superficial individual differences rather than deep similarities, they can also divide people and rule them, which is the famous "divide and rule" strategy of the colonizers. Most ethical vegans are awakened to these charades, they can see the deep similarities and the connections among all life, hence they tend to be much wiser and compassionate overall. 👉Dominion (2018)

  9. If we wouldn’t hold camps for girls to do this why are they setting up shops to normalize this for boys? What’s with the double standard. It’s sad you all are dealing with this and I hope that the people responsible get stopped.

  10. Ok… Started off good, but to cut it half way and add veganism when it has nothing to do with it… Unless you want to get the people's attention and just spill out veganism.. your old rants are wearing thin I see.

  11. Drag Queen Shows for Kids and That Vegan Teacher both have one thing in common: They are bullies who prey on children and need to be locked up.

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