47 Risposte a “Dovresti evitare il sale se hai la pressione bassa?”

  1. What? I had low blood pressure, put more salt on my meals, pressure went up to normal. It's sea salt, like you NEED it to survive.

  2. Im sorry this sounds ridiculous salt has been an important part of human diet forever so much so that salary ie your pay, derives from salt

  3. Что он говорит, что соль вредно? Кто английский знает 🙏🦭

  4. Avoid salt? Absolutely not lol, it’s an essential electrolyte which needs to be in balance as does everything. People need to have a balance of potassium and sodium. If they don’t have low bp then add more salt, if they have high bp then reduce salt a little and jack up the potassium. 1:1 ratio between them is what everyone should do in the least if not having a greater portion to potassium.

  5. I disagree. Avoid excessive salt but not less than recommended amount. I made myself ill by avoiding salt – vertigo etc – fortunately I realised I had been misled and add a sprinkling at each meal – and my BP is absolutely normal.

  6. Are you sure?… I know You never answer comments but I hope you’ll make an exception: I have low sodium in my blood. All the other electorates are perfect but sodium is always low. I dot add much salt if nothing as i feel it hurts my stomach… I do use celery and a lot of bitter greens… do I still need to continue not to add salt?.l

  7. Salt is crucial for so many functions. Avoid salt if you are eating processed garbage. Introduce plenty of salt if you are eating whole foods.

  8. WRONG. How can you say this without CLARIFYING you are only talking about table salt???? 1/8 tsp Celtic sea salt is necessary everyday for real minerals we are not getting from ordinary food & will help everyone tremendously. 💋💋

  9. I have watched the salt videos. I am not convinced that this advice is the right advice. If you have low blood pressure, avoid it because it also raises the risk of stomach cancer? I think EXCESSIVE salt raises it, show me a study where people eating a normal amount of salt, say 1500mg per day, were getting more cancer than the control. I am sorry I will die on this hill. I love this channel and I have sent a ton of people here, but Dr. Greger does not mind his own pronouncements. This is a guy who has repeatedly said he will not listen to people who don't have RCTs. (BTW, most important health about face of the 20th C: tobacco, did not have an RCT.) So show me an RCT of 1500mg and a control and more stomach cancer. And don't tell me you would like to get it funded. If it's not there, then abide your own dictates.

  10. ok…so if you have low pressure and I mean LOW blood pressure…..like under 100, what should you do? What do you eat or drink that could help it some……anybody?

  11. Is it true that 500 mg is the minimum daily requirement? I don't have a good sense if one would naturally get that amount on a WFPB diet.

  12. Does he mean “low blood pressure” as just low but within a normal range? What about people with dysautonomia or just hypotension? If I don’t eat enough salt I’m basically in bed all day

  13. Show me 1 randomized control trial in humans with a sample size of at least 100 people proving that mineral salt such as Pink Himalayan Salt causes stomach cancer and/or the hardening of arteries. Please provide the link. Thank you.

  14. Dysautonomia/POTS doctors are prescribing salt for people who can't function normally because their blood pressure is so low. Dr. Greger never directly addresses this, just like he never addresses food allergies and other issues that cannot be resolved with a plant-based diet. I'm so tired of him acting like he has the answer to everything.

  15. Some of the other bad things of excess sodium chloride include increasing risk of calcium oxalate kidney stones and potentially demineralization of bones in contribution to osteoporosis (“stones and bones“).

    And well I’m not particularly sure what the questionnaires definition of “very low blood pressure is “, the following might help provide perspective:

    Multiethnic study of atherosclerosis (MESA) of thousands of people not on blood pressure medications found cardiovascular risk started to rise measurebly above is systolic blood pressure of 90.

    Prior to MESA, ideal resting systolic blood pressure was felt to be 100–119. Probably more correct to say that a resting systolic blood pressure is ideal if 90 to 115, arguably less than 110, so long as one does not have any symptoms of hypotension.

    To feel that one needs to raise their blood pressure above 90 systolic by adding salt despite feeling fine is a misunderstanding of best blood pressure data.

    Upshot: if one has a resting systolic blood pressure in the 90’s without symptoms, we have no compelling reason to “add salt to normalize blood pressure“.

    Of course, always work with your licensed healthcare professional who knows your case better than any of us “Internet doctors“. That said, if a licensed healthcare professional tells you to add salt to raise your resting systolic blood pressure that’s in the 90s or low 100s despite your feeling fine, you might want to reach out to a licensed cardiovascular specialist who knows the data a bit better. Feel free to press them on the findings of the multiethnic study of atherosclerosis: https://edhub.ama-assn.org/jn-learning/audio-player/18515544

  16. I’m not sure if this is correct – if you don’t eat ANY processed food NONE – doesn’t your body need a TINY amount to function? Thanks for posting this Dr. Gregor please discuss.

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