Dr. Greger in cucina: Groatnola

Guarda gli adorabili pelosetti del Dr. Greger gustare una versione a misura di cucciolo della sua ricetta della groatnola.

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Potete trovare la versione scritta di questa ricetta qui: Groatnola. E già che ci sei, dai un'occhiata alla nostra raccolta di ricette in continua crescita, dove tutti gli ingredienti hanno il via libera e promuovono la salute.

Altro mio “ In the Kitchen ”i video sono My New Favorite Dessert, My New Favorite Beverage e un altro dei miei preferiti per la colazione, Cran-Chocolate Melograno BROL Bowl. Abbiamo anche alcuni video di ricette realizzati dai fan! Puoi trovare tutti questi video nella playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5TLzNi5fYd-F6S8K0WvD2r9oOabVbLLn. Oppure cercali su NutritionFacts.org<br/>
Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “Dr. Greger in cucina: Groatnola”

  1. Love him and the important quality science based info. Just wish it would be more about fresh unprocessed fruits and vegetables over oats and grains.
    But I get that people aren’t ready for that.

  2. WOW! Thanks. Every time I get tempted at the store I either read the ingredients or the price tag and put it back. I do this as my go-to in the summer + 2 TBS of ground flax per serving.

  3. I love Dr Greger and what he does so much but the person who decided to turn this into a cartoon needs to let the good doctor and his outstanding information stand on its own. I love his energetic presentation and when he bounces when he talks. I don't even mind the caricature in older videos but this is too much. So often videos resort to antics when the content is weak. Not the case here but why even do it?

  4. My favorite can't-get-enough-of-it breakfast: oats, ground flax & chia, hemp protein powder, nutritional yeast (B12-fortified), granulated kelp (iodine), amla powder, ground cacao & cloves, lion's mane extract powder, mashed dates with cinnamon, cranberries (plain, no-sugar), walnuts, pecans, "golden milk" (turmeric, ginger and a little black pepper cooked in soy milk), blueberries, and saffron.

  5. Love Dr. Greger in the kitchen! Also, whoever did the captioning, editing and formatting: well done! This was the kind of humor we all need along side important information to save our lives! Bravo!

  6. I like my granola as a sweet treat or dessert, using whole dates as a sweetener. I soak dates in hot water just enough to cover them until they are nice an soft, then transfer to a blender ( careful with hot liquids) pulse until you get a nice syrupy texture. Pour in your granola before cooking it, that will make it taste like caramel. Adding different grains and sweet potatoes is new for me so I will try that out.

  7. Des this stuff stick together; i.e. could this stuff be compressed to make daily bars instead of granola?

    Also, Consumers Reports (Dec 2022) says chocolate/cocoa is high in cadmium and lead. Probably not a good idea to eat it every day.

  8. Great idea!….but I would need some more sweetness to it 😋…I will do this with a little maple syrup mixed in before I bake it…Thanks for showing yourself in the kitchen again, love those types of videos from you!

  9. I am going to try this tomorrow. Thank you for the recipe and hand warmer tip. I am always freezing and can’t say no to a healthy snack. Please make more of these! Love the channel!

  10. How would you store this? I suspect the baking dries it all out enough that it doesn't need refrigeration, but it would be nice to include that. Love buckwheat and sweet potato, thank you!

  11. I know Dr. Greger is busy, but I think I speak the majority of us when I say that we figuratively eat these videos up, and that we would love a more regular schedule. Surely Doc. Mikey can pump out one a month, at least? (TIP for the doc.: Shoot four at a time. Release slowly.)

  12. M'm'mm', thank you for your long-awaited recipe, I am making your Groatnola soon !! 👍💚 And, YES, your sweet fur-babies are ADORABLE !! 😍🥰😘

  13. Awesome! Thank you! You mentioned traveling .. could you provide some more ideas for folks that want to continue to eat healthy while traveling?

  14. For the best, easiest cereal: plain raw buckwheat groats mixed with fruit. That's it, and it's like a healthy version of grape-nuts.

  15. I've had to cut out oatmeal in the morning to bulk up. Eating 4000 cals a day isn't easy… This is a perfect way to make my oatmeal even healthier but keeping the caloric density high. Thank you so much Dr. G! We need more Chef Gregor vids!

  16. Nuked "Irish" potatoes is how I broke my biscuit breakfasts and SAD sandwich lunches–almost eight years ago. Funny thing about sweet potatoes in the microwave is that they get hard when overcooked. If you let that happen they wont soften again-according to my friend. 8D

  17. That was hilarious! BTW, that Uncle Sam cereal has added salt. Anyway, question: isn't cooking [already cooked] oats for another 2.5 hours, and that too, without liquid, just too long? You rail against browning of foods (cooking under high, dry heat) as it leads to creation of AGEs, so why is this ok to make? Plus, cooking for so long must lead to the loss of certain micronutrients and phytochemicals as well. Delicious and convenient, but surely not as health-promoting as those ingredients could be.

  18. Thank you so much! I really enjoy your cooking videos and this one looks especially yummy!! btw, those are some sweet doggies there 🥰💖

  19. Dr. Greger – You have to talk to Martha Stewart. You definitely need a lot of coaching in the kitchen department (presentation-wise).

  20. Would Nutrition Facts consider including measurements by mass to make these recipes accessable to the majority of the world? It's not even on the written recipe. I'm surprised someone as particular and inclusive as Dr. Greger is content with presenting only vague and exclusitory volumetric measurements.

  21. "starchy seed of a non-grass, plant family, umm-ahh-ahh-plant" made me laugh so much for some reason.

  22. Top tier recipe, doc! Def gonna give this a shot! I've actually been a little sad looking at the labels of each cereal box to no avail in worthiness. Same goes for energybars and granola (besides date based ones). This seems liek the way to go!

  23. Michael Greger is your childhood friend's dorky dad who gave you unusual healthy snacks and always made sure you put on sunblock before you went out.

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