Dr. Gundry vs. Dr. Greger – Plant Paradox vs. NutritionFacts.org – Dieta senza lectine e lectina

Lectine sfatate, il dottor Gundry contro il dottor Greger! Lectins saranno presenti con il libro del Dr. Gundry The Plant Paradox nei prossimi video su Nutritionfacts.org! Il live streaming del Dr. Greger di agosto 31st 2017 fa riferimento all'ultimo lotto di video annunciato sul suo blog. Dice specificamente di aver letto il libro del Dr. Gundry… E il primo video che sta pubblicando si intitola – “The Plant Paradox” del Dr. Gundry è sbagliato.

Impara la tua strada oltre il marketing della dieta a basso contenuto di carboidrati / paleo / Keto e impara i fatti su Come NON morire:

Boom! Immagino che il dott. Gundry non ha ricevuto molti respinti quando stava facendo un tour nel circuito dei podcast a basso contenuto di carboidrati … Ma questo sta per cambiare. Pronostico: Pensionamento! Boom.

Segui una dieta a base vegetale Whole Food!

Il dottor Steven Gundry ha smascherato! Episodio peggiore dell'industria alimentare:
Gundry MD Lectin Research debunked!
Video più scettici di Gundry MD

27 Risposte a “Dr. Gundry vs. Dr. Greger – Plant Paradox vs. NutritionFacts.org – Dieta senza lectine e lectina”

  1. Love it 👍 Really looking forward to seeing these videos. Dr. Greger addressing the plant paradox?! "Plant your feet" for that one.

  2. Have you ever heard of Dr. Joel Wallach? Could you maybe do a video review of him? He says saturated fat and cholesterol cause no diseases at all, but that oats and barley do. He says that a stick of butter, 10-15 eggs, and a pound of red meat a day all keep the doctor away, and he says he eats all that every day and has never been sick 1 day in nearly 70 years, and has never taken any medicine or had surgery or seen a doctor in 70 years. He says that you only need to avoid processed meats and meat cooked well done, and all fried foods and all vegetables oils, but other than that, you can eat a much meat, eggs, butter, lard, and cheese as you want, but he says that eating oats and gluten containing whole grains are the worst for you.

  3. There are so many people that have healed themselves with Dr Gundrys diet, way before he even published Plant Paradox. His diet that he used with his patients he called the matrix. I found out about it and joined their Facebook page. His patients were having incredible results, like I had never heard of before. They helped me do the diet and has helped me immensely. The diet he called the matrix with his patients is the basis of the Plant Paradox diet.

  4. If the Plant Paradox actually helps people become more healthy and feeling better then how can this quack call it false?

  5. GUNDRY VICTIMS.. Please do yourself a favor and do a few BASIC COMMON SENSE analysis of Gundry..
    #1 He has a huge infomercial and sells TONS Of products. Products that were created to support his claim. Question: Do they grow on trees, in nature, etc.? Hmmm.. how did we get this far without his products. Consider that just one of his supplements, taken as suggested, will rob you of over $1,000 per year. There are plans upon plans on how to buy, become a member and how to get in a VIP club to purchase even more. So… Just on that alone, does he have anything to gain from trying to brainwash you? You decide.
    #2 He is using HORRIFICALLY unbalanced studies to make you believe that eating shellfish, crustaceans and fish are GOOD for cholesterol, however if you look at the study he uses it literally REMOVES ALL MEAT AND DAIRY from people who consume WAY MORE than their body could use in the first place (min 65 grams in the study), and replaced it with sea life. NO SHIT!!!! Of COURSE the sat fat and cholesterol are going to be drastically reduced.. I also wonder why he doesnt share the IMMENSE amount of heavy metals, mercury, PCB's and other extremely toxic and carcinogenic chemicals found in EVERY FISH that is pulled from our oceans or farms. I also wonder when anyone might put two and two together to consider that if we were to ALL thrive on fish we would have NEVER gotten this far as we do not possess the physical attributes to actually catch them with our bare hands. Do bonobos(our closest related primate) EVER eat fish? NO..
    #3 This guy is CLEARLY capitalizing on the opposite of what the medical and nutrition world is learning in order to get people who want to hang on to their comfort foods. We mostly gravitate towards ideas that dont go too far from where we are at. We tend to be lazy and gravitate towards the ease of our day..

    Do yourself a HUGE favor.. Listen to Dr Gregors rebuttal on this book. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NT4q_5dfLs

  6. I want to add this piece of study on tomato lectins: "Tomato Lectin (TL) was extensively studied as a putative non-toxic lectin with potential for drug targeting/delivery to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract" (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3109/10611869909085515). Lectins are very diverse and some lectins may be toxic but others are not. Red Kidney Bean Lectin is toxic, but tomato lectin is non-toxic; it just binds to the intestinal wall, so people have been exploring to use it to deliver drugs to the intestine.

  7. I wondered how Dr Gundry could be right about lectins when the blue zones solely eat the foods he says not to eat, I pondered on it for a while and then it hit me. Yes they do eat those foods but so does everyone else, people in the other zones are also eating all the foods that we know is extremely bad for us, so the logic is flawed.

  8. WTF is that guy doing? I couldn't finish the video. It was driving me crazy watching that guy move about so much. Even if he is exercising have some manners and stop doing it while being interviewed.

  9. The Red Pill is misogynistic web/alt-right movement that blames all of their problems on society being unfairly biased towards women. Red Pill Vegan, you might want to change your nickname so you don't get confused for those people.

  10. but great apes don't beans and legumes so why should humans i don't believe 10,000 years is enough time to change two million years of evolution nor do humans come from the america's so why should humans eat food that come's from the america's should we not eat what keeps us alive longer instead of what keeps you around long enough to reproduce then die like our ancestors did i think not i believe every one wants to live a long healthy life not just pass on our genes and die in our 20's or maybe if your lucky your thirties everyone wants to live a long healthy life

  11. If you want a professional looking video:
    First, get a better microphone.
    Second, stop moving around so much. It looks like you need to go take a wiz.
    Decent info though because Gundry is a quack.

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