È un ragazzo! È una ragazza! No! Non te lo stiamo dicendo! È un “Theyby”, non un bambino! @BenShapiro

🐷 TikTok al momento delle riprese:
https:/ /www.tiktok.com/@quell'insegnante vegano che canta
🐷 Instagram: @thatveganteachermisskadie
🐷 Twitter: https://twitter.com /MissKadieIsHere
🐷 Email: its.that.vegan.teacher.miss.kadie@gmail.com
🐷 Il mio inglese come a Second Language website: misskarenenglishteacher.com

✅ Se trovi valore nel mio lavoro e vuoi contattarmi personalmente, unisciti a me su Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thatveganteacher
✅ Conosci qualcuno che ama gli animali e anche il caffè? Ecco il regalo perfetto per loro!https://teespring.com/stores/that-vegan-teachers-store – Tutti i profitti vanno ad aiutare gli animali e coloro che li salvano.

🟢 Bite Size Vegan + Gary Yourofsky sulla religione:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmvpzB11AMg&t=312s/>🟢 Alex Hershaft on the holocaust: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNV26q89zYg/>
🍎 http://watchdominion.com
🍎 http://earthlings.com (nationearth.com)
🍎 Discorso di Gary Yourofsky: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5hGQDLprA8/>🍎 Dairy Is Scary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcN7SGGoCNI/>🍎 Video stimolante sul diventare vegani:

91 Risposte a “È un ragazzo! È una ragazza! No! Non te lo stiamo dicendo! È un “Theyby”, non un bambino! @BenShapiro”

  1. Ah yes, Ben Sh!tpiro, the face of The Daily Bigot along with Matt WalshedUp, Brett Pooper, and Michael Knowless who want to "eradicate transgenderism." There was another person who talked like that, but I forgot his name… Ayydolph Hateler I think???

  2. I believe that people should just be who they are and if that means they change their body to make them comfortable then its perfectly fine. Countless genders means that they can be non bianary which means they dont identify with one gender or genderfluid where they identify with multiple

  3. From age 0 to 13, kids should only know if they are male, female or intersexe. Afterwards, you can learn them that they have other ways of expression, and that they can "change" their Gender to the expression.

  4. There is this manga called Estio and it’s about a boy who can communicate with anything living counting plants and I thought you would like it (he’s also vegan)

  5. There is no “personal choice” about being vegan or non vegan. Just because something is a choice doesn’t mean it’s morally correct. You can’t say “it’s your choice to eat plants, but it’s my choice to slit the throats of baby animals and eat them”.

  6. “The Food Chain” is not a valid argument against veganism. Why do we treat dogs, cats and other animals as friends, and we get so sad when they die. But when trillion of pigs and cows die, no one cares.

  7. I definately think that its ok to raise a child like this so they dont get put into any gender boxes and feel like they can express themselves in the way they want to. At the end of the day though its the parents decision

  8. I really hope that Ben Shaprio responds to one of these videos. He probably won't because you're a complete waste of his time, but even though I don't like either of you, he would absolutely destroy you. Like he might even break your troll character.

  9. What's the highest quality selfie you have? I'll consider being vegan if you send a 1080p high quality picture of you gasping in:

    width: 564

    height: 705

    At least three different pictures of you is enough, Thanks 🙂

  10. So this lady said on Daz games video that Buffalo and elephants are strong bc there vegan but you look like a stick

  11. I don't understand why people think you're so crazy because you're one of the very few down to earth people on the internet who just want to make the world a better place for all life's beings.

  12. Using animals for entertainment is okay their is noting wrong with that it doesn’t hurt them it just makes us have a warm heart and the vegan teacher has the complete opposite of a warm heart A frozen heart

  13. Abacab is the eleventh studio 🎬 album 💿💿 by ☠️ English 🙊 rock 🍙 band 🎵 Genesis, released on 🔛 18 🍰 September 1981 by 4️⃣ Charisma Records. After 👀 their 👈👏 1980 tour in ✨ support 👌 of their 👏👏 previous 👏 album, 💿 Duke (1980), the band 🎵 took 🤯 a break 💔 before 🤔 they 🏽✨ reconvened in 😏 1981 to write 📝 and record 🎥 a new 🌚 album. 💿 Abacab is the first 🔢 Genesis album 💿 recorded at The Farm, 🚜 a recording studio 🎬 bought 🏿 by 🍴 the group 👥👥 in 👤 Chiddingfold, Surrey. It marked the band's development ➡️ from 👊 their 👈👏 progressive roots into 🚟👏 more ➕➕➕ accessible and pop-oriented songs, and their 🍮 conscious decision to write 📝 songs unlike their 👥 previous 👏 albums.

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