Earthling Ed vs Joe Rogan: Do Vegans Really Kill More Animals?

Do Vegans Really Kill More Animals? Earthling Ed vs Joe Rogan

We recently had @ed.winters the PBN podcast for the 3rd time to discuss Ed’s newly released book ‘How to Argue With a Meat-Eater (and Win Every Time).

This clip of Ed shows a response to the popular argument put forward on the Joe Rogan podcast regarding crop deaths.

Listen to the full episode here –

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100 Risposte a “Earthling Ed vs Joe Rogan: Do Vegans Really Kill More Animals?”

  1. I've heard this argument a lot recently, "vegans kill more" but never even grasped how that could be. You either eat a plant directly, or you feed more of it to an animal to make it grow, and then eat the animal. Simple. Now we can probably talk about manufactured "fake meat" which might be quite destructive, but veganism doesn't require this.

  2. Does Joe not realize the livestock eat loads of soy and hence you're killing critters either way? There's no avoiding that until we have mass vertical farms or something like that. Difference is, with crop harvesting the killing is incidental and unfortunate. When choosing meat the killing is intentional and cruel.

  3. I wouldnt worry about rogan. If you gotta start taking T at 40. Yer probably doing something, or many things wrong.
    Think of it this way. Joe often refers to him self as an "average dummy." Yet, how many people still go into work monday morning quoting joe? This means you now have a reasonable idea of just how many people are less intelligent than joe.

  4. Unfortunately he has the biggest podcast on earth (I have no idea why would someone listen to this dude but alas a lot of things don't make sense in this world) so he has a lot of reach and his listeners would believe what he says and think he's some sort of authority on subjects, like he actually knows what he's talking about.

  5. I’ll give the video a like and comment, but not going to watch as I can’t stand to hear Joe R talk at all. I watched the full interview between Ed and Robbie though, thanks.

  6. I want joe rogan to have another vegan on to debate one of his carnivore buddies. It went so well for him last time with James Wilks 😅

  7. i almost wish we all go vegan tommorow. i'd love to see where the heck all those billions of sheep cows pigs chickens etc will go. and where the heck will we vegans get plants to eat when they will eat them all.
    not to mention the predator population all those billions of animals roaming free will sustain, we will go extinct

  8. Anyone got any studies to back up the claim that the vast majority of crops grown worldwide are fed to farmed animals? It's important we get this stuff right, and I'm not sure this is a claim that we can make, nor do we need to. A University of Minnesota Study from ten years ago showed that 55% of crops (calorically) fed humans, and 36% fed animals. Of course, the likelihood is (unfortunately) that the figure has changed in the ensuing years, with animal feed eating up more than the 36%, but not to the point where it has superseded the amount that feeds humans.

    A better argument is that in the EU, 71% of farmland is used for livestock feed (in the US estimates are even greater, closer to 90%). Thus, more land is harvested for the crops we feed livestock.

  9. Grass-fed explanation wasn't convincing.

    But more Important is the reWilding topic. Especially in terms of Reintroduction of wild animals. If that includes predators, then this will Involve A LOT OF DEATH and Murder!

    No, We – the Ethical Vegans – are against that. NO Reintroduction of predators Anywhere!!!

    Why would we want MORE Suffering!!!

  10. the way Joe Rogan says discriminating between large and small creatures would be weird. What weirder than discriminating between pigs and dogs I suppose, farm animals and pets?

  11. I would say have Ed on that idiots podcast, but he would try to flood Ed with a bunch of bullshit, change the subject, or even worse, have some entitled moron like Ted Nugent, that one fucker who writes for yellowstone, or that guy game changers dude shit on for hours.

    There is absolutely no argument that stands against veganism. Not, fucking, one.

  12. Joe had rocker Ted Nugent on his podcast. Ted’s motto is kill it and grill it. He owns a hunting ranch where you too can pay a fee and hunt. Ted says he can kill one animal and eat while farming kills near everything. Let’s look at Ted’s logic. I live in Texas with 30 million other folks. If every able body went out with a gun to hunt dinner that would mean we would have to kill what? 15 million edible animals a day? X 365 and that would equal 5,475 million animals a years hunted and killed. How long does Ted think that food source could last? Even if you come up with a different number it still adds up to folks eventually shooting every bird, squirrel and rabbit in sight.

  13. If you are ethically against livestock being fed food that could be eaten by humans, then buy meat from a local pasture farmer. The cows feed on land typically unsuitable for food crop (hence why we are feeding ungulates on it) and you can meet the person you get meat from. Not to mention the plant matter that is fed to animals is typically not edible by humans, it's the parts of crops like wheat that are considered waste. They turn this waste food into calories that can be consumed by humans, and the calories from meat is highly efficient. If you are worried about carbon monoxide from cows, be aware that North America has merely a fraction of the ungulates that once lived here, all part of a natural system that expels and re-integrates carbon monoxide.

    Being morally against the slaughter of livestock is the best pro-veganism argument. The rest is either speculation (how humans evolved to eat) or misunderstanding agricultural practices. I understand being against factory farming, I am against that industry and only procure meat through a farmer I know and hunting; there are alternatives. You are incredibly privileged to live in a time where veganism is possible and while I don't agree with this choice, it's yours to make.

    And don't pretend Joe Rogan couldn't talk to Ed about veganism and dieting. You are doing him a disservice by assuming he doesn't know anything about nutrition and where our food comes from, when that is a very common topic on his show and he gets many different perspectives.

  14. If they are SO concerned with all of those animals then why aren't they plant based? Most crops are fed to farmed animals, if they eat animal products they are killing much more than plant based eaters. 90+ billion land animals, thats A LOT of crops.

  15. Joe has conducted many amazing interviews (#1 podcast in the world), and it works well BECAUSE he is not the sharpest tool in the shed. He asks the questions his viewers need answers to… but he is especially dumb on this topic. Surely even he doesn't believe his own bs. Then again, denial is an incredibly strong force.

  16. 10 years ago, the same people saying this ridiculous crap would have laughed at it, and today, their meat brains are so screwed up they actually are serious when they say it.

  17. Although as a vegan I do want to see more reclaiming of and rewilding the land used currently by animal ag, I can't help but think about the enormous amount of Wild animal suffering this would cause. The suffering of wild animals is a moral blindspot many vegans haven't considered before. I certainly didn't until I watched Humane Hancocks video. Food for thought. Pardon the pun.

  18. Why can't we just admit that crop deaths are unetical. It's great we don't Eat animals and we don't want them getting sluaghtered. But why can't we view the crop deaths the same way we view sluaghter house deaths. We shouldn't need to react to joe rogan comments. We should be able to see it for ourself and not have a carivore point it out to us. Its an eqaully valid cause and every bit voilent and unetical

  19. The argument that one wants to believe ones position swings both ways. Having raised cattle, they graze on land that would really be inappropriate for any kind of human crop based agriculture. We all agree, I believe, that we want ethical animal based and agricultural based practices regardless of your particular dirt choices.

  20. Well arguably if the farmers who kill the small animals in the process of farming were also vegan, then they wouldn’t be killing as many animals… the farmers don’t care. So… round and round we go

  21. So let's see . . . Joe doesn't know that most farmed animals eat plants which come from crops and doesn't now that the the amount of animals killed when growing crops is no doubt vastly less than those killed by animal agriculture, including all the deforestation and knock on effects to the environment caused by that clearing and the global warming that's exacerbated by animal ag and now let's look at 'by-catch' and ghost nets and bottom trawling and toxic chemicals, etc., etc., and industrial ocean fishing and aquaculture.

  22. I can't believe that no one has pointed out to Joe on air that the vast majority of the monocrop agricultural products he's talking about are used for livestock feed. It's such a simple point to make, and yet no one's done it. I wonder why…

  23. Ed, love your content. I have questions that I hope you could make videos on. Firstly, I would love to get your take on culling. Do you view killing invasive species to protect the native ecosystem as moral? Two good examples would be the Barred owl in the PNW. Some believe killing up to half a million of these birds could help rebalance the ecosystem and help the spotted owl make a comeback. Also the green crab. Another, example could be wild boar in Texas. I’m no expert in these subjects but have noticed these situations being debated and don’t know how I feel about it. Also I really liked your Ted talk about pet ownership some years ago and would love an updated version on that topic. For example, vegans owning cats is a bit of a conundrum. Cats are obligate carnivores meaning the vegan owner must provide meat/fish for the pet. Also honey. What are your thoughts on bees and honey as well? Appreciate what you do, thanks for your time as always.

  24. The amount of animals including insects that get killed by the “vegan” genetically modified pesticide sprayed monocropped soil destroying crops that of course kill more animals to harvest, are completely overlooked and ignored by the vegan hypocrites. Not to mention the killing of the bees. Regenerative grass-fed ruminant animal farming is ethically, nutritionally, and environmentally best for us. You can cook up whatever gates foundation funded paid off scientist studies that you want, but I’m still gonna eat my steak and organ meats while y’all protein deficient b-12 lacking (among so many other nutrients) vegans enjoy you fake meat substitute foods that make billions of dollars for bill gates and the new world order governments shut down all our small farmers, putting the control of food directly into the hands of corporations that could care less about giving us healthy food. All while thinking you’re morally and ethically superior to everyone because you eat soy beans instead of meat. You’re not. You’re just more gullible and susceptible to vegan propaganda. Ok I’m done 😂

  25. there is a hierarchy is this world and animals aint at the top thats just a reality your idealistic utopia does not exist veganism is like telling a murderer not to murder it doesnt even matter if you are right about the harm being done because in the real world harm is natural veganism is not natural thats why it never has been a thing and never will be a thing apart from a few dreamers trying to make idealism into realism good luck

  26. I wish Joe Rogan had the nun-chucks to actually have a face to face conversation with Ed instead of always having his yes men to back up whatever point of view Joe has at the time. He's such a big man with all his toughness but can't take a chance of actually talking to someone who actually knows about veganism and the scientific truth about it. Just one more of the many people who have to justify their immoral, unethical and unsustainable way off life by hiding behind all the bs they tell themselves as they continually dig themselves a deeper whole into the mound of crap that is Denial.

  27. While animals are brutally killed to satisfy meat cravings for people like Joe Rogan. His podcast topics are sometimes nonsense topics, like bears, UFC, now vegans? Common Joe. Use common sense🌱

  28. Joe Rogan is correct, Rangelands ( pastures) have always existed deforestation for pastures is a very small amount. Poison chemicals such as pesticides, avanicides , rodenticides , and herbicides are not used on grass that livestock eat ( poison kills cattle) . Grasslands are not tilled, some fertilizer is used on grass…. Do vegans deny that animals, birds and insects are targeted by vegetable farmers with poison?

  29. Honestly, Joe Rogan is just a person who always have the Christian propaganda.

    Not only he is conservative, he only cares his deity (YHWH) than other people.

    It is sad that conservatives are on the cycle of deceive. They only listened to religious books that contradicts itself.

    I really hope one day conservatives will soon tealise, the world is not full of black amd white.

  30. It would be nice to have Earthlin Ed on an actual show of Joe Rogan. I read comments here that he is too closed-minded for that, but let's not forget the insightful debate he facilitated between James Wilks, a vegan, and Chris Kresser, a non-vegan. In that instance, Joe openly acknowledged Wilks' compelling arguments in favor of veganism. While this discussion didn't convert Joe to a vegan lifestyle, it demonstrated his willingness to explore diverse perspectives on his platform. Having Earthlin Ed on the show would provide another opportunity for a meaningful and enlightening conversation about veganism.

  31. It's very hard to make a case that somehow vegans do worse on average. Most consumers eat plants and animals, all that vegans do is replace the animals with plants. And that requires a very small area of land – about 0.1/hectare/year. Given that the average consumer must cause around 100-200 animals to be killed each year directly for their food, farmers would need to kill about 1000-2000 pest animals per hectare per year in protein crops like soy and lentils before the vegans would be doing worse. I have never seen an estimate greater than 120. I ignore insects because we don't know if they matter individually and because we have no credible estimates across different production systems.

  32. Rogan seems to be insightful, connected and engaged with many issues but when it comes to discussing the enslaving, torture, violence, abuse and killing of millions of sentient beings (of which he is actively and knowingly a paying member) on a daily basis his cognitive dissonance is glaring.

  33. Look its just money people. Rogan is a shill. He probably gets so much money from sponsors feom the meat and dairy industry and every idiot "hunting" company that manufactures hunting gear and weapons. He's not speaking intellectually about this topic cause he's paid not to

  34. Even when I wasn't vegan, I would've never believed in the BS that a vegan lifestyle cause more suffering and death than an omnivorous one. It falls flat on its face both because of facts, but also logic.

  35. I see that eating veggies is more ethical compared to farming them in a cruel way.
    How is one supposed to feed their beloved dog? Feeding it a vegan diet would be cruel also and it wouldn't live as long and healthy as compared to a proper diet according to its needs. Leaving lots of dogs in killing stations or leaving them in the streets to attack people later on isn't really answering this ethical question..

  36. The argument is flawed though because you need more crops to raise kattle than if you ate the crops directly. So even then cattle farming still kills more.

  37. Fawns are born in the spring Joe, as a hunter, you should know this. Harvest is done in the fall. That’s why after 41 years of being a farmer I’ve never even heard of a fawn being killed. 🤣

  38. 😂how is this logical. He can’t say that while right outside my door exists wild land where cattle, deer, and all types of animals live mostly harmoniously.

    How would it be beneficial to turn that into a soy plot. That’s called mono cropping, the opposite of biodiversity.

  39. @dylanryanmoore  Again, 95% of pharmaceutical testing fails during the human trials as we are not mice, rats, dogs or monkeys. They are now able to culture human cells and test directly on those. The legislation just has to catch up.

    Service dogs typically live with loving families when they are not working. I imagine we will keep using them until a better solution comes along. Again, the definition of veganism is reduce harm as far as possible and practicable.

  40. I've been saying for 8 years: IT DOESN'T MATTER. If I were popular, that truth would've gotten out and we wouldn't be messing around with the admitted moron Rogan.
    See: "Vegan's worst argument they keep using. " (2017, and they're STILL using it)

  41. Ryan from Happy Healthy Vegan already debunked the worn out "combines killing millions of animals" bs several times with actual studies that proved that to be entirely false.

  42. Cruel farming methods are not needed, there are better methods – for example have more wild pollination areas that sustain wildlife, instead of the large fields of animal feed crops that this farmer uses.

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