Eritritolo vs xilitolo per prevenire la carie (carie)

Sia l'eritritolo che lo xilitolo non sono solo neutri, ma sono benefici per la salute dentale. Quale vince?

Ho visto in commercio un dentifricio allo xilitolo, ma non l'eritritolo. Forse qualcuno guarderà questo video e ne inventerà uno!

Guarda i miei altri video sulla salute dentale nella pagina dell'argomento (

Ho anche un capitolo Preserving Your Teeth nel mio prossimo libro How Not to Age. (Come sempre, tutti i proventi vanno in beneficenza.) Restate sintonizzati!

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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44 Risposte a “Eritritolo vs xilitolo per prevenire la carie (carie)”

  1. Oh, wow. It's like you read my mind! I was looking at this ingredient because my pudding contains it. Listening closely.

  2. Interesting setup, establishing that erythritol is a pesticide and herbicide, then recommending to have it 3 times a day haha.

  3. I've literally done this research already a few months ago for myself and found that erythritol was probably better, let's see if our conclusions match!

  4. My concern extends to beneficial insects. Same concern extends to Diatomaceous Earth for pest control. Kills beneficial insects also.

  5. Makes me wonder about the so-called “safe” saline spray xylitol I’ve been spraying up my nose for the past month. Gregor has me always asking compared to what.

  6. Dear doctor Greger comment please if it is possible death in 51 in 2022 vegan since 24 year old and doctor Susan m. Levin. I am so worried of it.

  7. Hey doc, didn't you say once upon a time that consuming ALL low/no calorie sweeteners will cause the body to stop producing insulin when we eat sweet foods, such a fruit, and thus make us diabetic? Shouldn't you mention this in videos about such sweeteners, and promote using (mashed) fruit as sweeteners?

  8. Xylitol gum and toothpaste are standard in Finland, I've been using them daily since I was a kid. This is interesting. One obvious question you didn't seem to touch on at all is that if erythritol is a pesticide, what kind of health implications might that have on larger creatures like humans?

  9. I came across reviewing the ingredients used in the Basic Bites chews that also contain the arginine bicarbonate for use in dental issues. I was wondering about using egg shells in my formula as a toothpaste and potential candy or gum. I made a little video regarding, though most my videos are more impromptu brainstorming thoughts on my mind recorded for myself and to help others in the future that might need or can use.

  10. Alcohol sugars can upset one's tummy (bloating, etc.), even at a tiny dosage, why I'm not a fan. And tricking the body long term comes with a price that could be worse than getting caries? As a tooth -paste, however, erythritol is worth considering.

  11. Good to know! I’ve been using toothpaste with Xylitol for years, don’t eat a sugary diet, and my dentist is always thrilled with my mouth. I’ll keep and eye out for Erithritol toothpaste!

  12. This is such an amazing video! And even at the end mentioning the dog safety thing. I knew sugar alcohols especially xylitol is not good for dogs and I have a dog, but still always keep my eyrhtiol sweetend things away from him. But this will ease my anxiety if somehow he does get access to it!

  13. Brushing without any toothpaste or powder whatsoever, only water. I've been doing that for years now. Still no cavaties. On average I brush twice a day and rinse my mouth after every meal, especially sweet or sour stuff. I also floss regularly.

  14. My question has always been, knowing about this dental protection before(with regards to Xylitol only) if a mixture of sugar and Xylitol and now Erythritol can be protective or if it has to be 100% sweetened with Xylitol or Erythritol, Thanks

  15. Xylitol doesn't kill beneficial bacteria. How does erythritol affect the oral microbiome? I'm also wondering why my mouth feels slightly dryer after swishing with erythritol compared to swishing with xylitol.

  16. While these videos are sometimes interesting to watch, if you are ACTUALLY getting your nutritional advice from a Youtube Video….I don't even know what to say. Get Help.

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