Fitoestrogeni di soia per le vampate di calore della menopausa

Il consumo di cibo a base di soia spiega perché le donne giapponesi sembrano così protette dai sintomi delle vampate di calore?

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Perché la soia aiuta alcune donne, ma non altre, però? Restate sintonizzati per il mio prossimo video Come convertire in un produttore di Equol (

Maggiori informazioni sui rischi della terapia ormonale sostitutiva in Come i medici non sapevano dei rischi della terapia ormonale? (<br/>
Ma che dire degli ormoni bioidentici di origine vegetale? ( Guarda il video!

Maggiori informazioni sulla soia in:
• Chi non dovrebbe mangiare la soia? (
• La soia è salutare per i sopravvissuti al cancro al seno? (
• Soia OGM e cancro al seno ( /)

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49 Risposte a “Fitoestrogeni di soia per le vampate di calore della menopausa”

  1. People who argue that soy raises estrogen levels and causes feminization in men because quote: "They use soy as treatment for menopausal women" need to do their research before they continue to embarrass themselves. It's superiorly annoying.

  2. When I started having hot flashes, I started eating tofu and using plain soy milk with no additives (found it at Trader Joe's) and my hot flashes went away.  When I would decrease the tofu, the hot flashes came back.  Eating soy worked for me!  Now 14 years later, I still eating and drink it regularly and so far no cancer, heart disease, etc.

  3. Sad that you left out the top 3 diseases the Natural Estrogen prevents . The reduction in Horse estrogen is the key . The top 3 diseases are way scary hen Estrogen from Natural sources💕It’s NOT about JUST Hotflashes Ladies!

  4. Menopause is perfectly natural. But what do most women do? Run straight to the doctor for a prescription for horse pee, double their cow milk consumption, and spread negative propaganda about the humble soy bean. Sally Fallon must be very proud.

  5. So they soy had the benefit of not increasing cancer risk (as mentioned at the very end of the video), but soy raises IGF-1 levels and that in itself increases risk of cancer, correct? Anyone want to explain? Thanks

  6. He made no comment on the effects of soy on males. Whether or not soy is detrimental to the production of testosterone cannot be supported by anything presented in the video.

  7. Hey. I’m only 19 and I suffer from really really bad hot flashes. It started after I started taking ADD and anti depressants medicine. Do you think that eating more soy could help on this? I’m already eating a plant based diet. I have asked my doctor and psychiatrist, but they said that all there was to do is chance medicine, but this is the first medicine that has worked, and I don’t want a relapse.

  8. There's recently been a soy "milks" test in a TV where I live, and apart from criticizing the commercial products for being way overprized and heavily watered down, a nutritional specialist from a military-run university (I could imagine that the military would be highly interested in sound science to keep its soldiers in good health) warned that the phytoestrogens, while being beneficial to menopausal women, might not be the best thing in kids' diet.
    Has there been a study about soy phytoestrogens' impact on child development? Especially keeping in mind that study of frogs turning intersex upon exposure to phytoestrogens washed down from parks and gardens? While humans may not have mechanisms to actually change their sex (unlike some amphibians and fish), it doesn't mean an exposure to certain chemicals couldn't wreak havoc.

  9. So, placebo 20% and soy 40%.  Isn't half of that 40% also placebo?  Nobody mentions the fact that even if you're getting the "real" pill, it is also having a placebo effect.  I never understood why placebos were used in the first place, since they're not really inert,  Why not just compare the soy group to a non-soy group? That way you avoid any complications.

  10. True! Plant based diet helped me with symptoms related to menopause. I have increased soy products in the past two years and it really does work:)👍🏼

  11. "Drinking a glass of soy milk with each meal can cut estrogen levels in half." ??? I had always understood that soy products increase estrogen and that's why men should avoid soy. Can somebody help me out here. Which is true?

  12. I'm male, and I'm a big believer in soy phytoestrogens, in fact, even my multivitamin supplement contains 40 mg soy isoflavones, great stuff!

  13. Can men/male consume Soy milk without any potential health risks such a breast development. I have not found any clear cut answers. Can anyone help answer this?

  14. Could you do a video on tahini (sesame seeds) and phytoestrogens for women under 50? Also maybe look into the factor of Asian food culture and their use of phytoestrogen rich foods vs their health (more specifically women under 50)?

  15. I am 51, I eat a vegan whole food diet and still had CRAZY bad hot flashes until adding additional soy milk now they are really gone. My question is does the benefits change when soy milk is heated?

  16. I’m in my mid 30s, WFPB, gluten free, caffeine free and still getting night sweats (have had them over a decade). Searching for answers.

  17. This info needs updating. Hrt protects against breast cancer. Hrt has moved on since WHI 2002!! Transdermal, body-identical hrt does not increase bc, clots etc Anyway, hot flashes are just the tip of the iceberg. Longterm estrogen deficiency means 50% more heart disease, 100% osteoporosis and 30 to 60% increased chance of dementia. Read thd book Oestrigen Matters by Avrum Bluming

  18. That's interesting. A random process not capable of thinking noticed that cancer was taking out so many women due to this specific thing called endometrial cancer that it decided to evolve all women to have menopause?

  19. Menopause is the reason why woman live longer than men but poor dietary choice make menopause worse for woman hahaha, I am a man by the way just wanna optimized my girlfriend attractiveness

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