Flashback Friday: #1 Vegetale Antitumorale

Ci sono due classi di superfood di verdure più abili nel bloccare la crescita delle cellule tumorali umane in una capsula di Petri. Questi gruppi alimentari che combattono il cancro sono allium e verdure crocifere.

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Questo vecchio video è stato rinnovato, grazie al team di Avocado Video. Spero che questa versione 2.0 vi piaccia!

Che dire delle persone che non sono piastre di Petri? Come non morire di cancro (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-not-to-die-from-cancer) è un buon punto di partenza.<br/>
Ce ne sono molti altri nella mia playlist del cancro: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5TLzNi5fYd_HvvE5hG1H5tEs5jPiVjgJ/>
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Grazie per la visione.
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Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flashback-friday-1-anticancer-vegetable. You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgments for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.

If you’d rather watch these videos on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=nutritionfactsorg/>Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “Flashback Friday: #1 Vegetale Antitumorale”

  1. Thank you , " food is our medicine " !  now if everyone would go organic vegetables.      "EAT LIVE FOOD TO LIVE, DEAD FOOD TO DIE ", one of my favorite quotes. Thanks to doctors like you,  we can get a better understanding of health , and quality life . You are a true doctor .

  2. Can you produce a video and either refute or bolster the flood of claims that "micro greens are MORE NUTRITIOUS" than the plants they might grow up to be Most of these claims are being made by people selling seeds and supplies for micro green growing. Let's put their claims to the test!!!!

  3. Dr. Greger, Do you ever comment on negative side effects of eating healthy vegetables e.g. spinach oxalates? It always seams there's no free lunch when eating healthy :-p Best regards, Mike

  4. Carrots are helpful at supporting toxic estrogen detoxification, cucumbers are hydrating, tomatoes support healthy gums (via your own videos) so we shouldn't completely discount them as additions to these other options mentioned in the video.

  5. Some research said, plants don’t like to be eaten and it produces toxic to protect them. I’m really confuse what to eat maybe soil only

  6. Hang on though, what if you're not already fighting cancer? Medicinal effect is not the same as preventative effect. Do we have any double-blind placebo controlled studies that test for whether dietary inclusion or increase in consumption of these vegetables consistently in a diet actually has an effect on lowering ones risk for cancer rate, as opposed to slowing down cancer that is already present?

  7. What's with the audio level on this one? After the Flashback signature theme played at normal level, Dr. Greger's voice begins like a low murmur, coming from the next room. Does anyone review these, after they are recorded? This is a serious problem with these Greger videos– quality control is "out to lunch". Of course, the concluding synthetic cymbal crash– for those who did not have time to rush to the volume control to turn it down– was horrendous.

  8. I don’t care what garlic can do , it is offensive 3rd world pablum. Everyone seems to forget toothpaste after eating it too.

  9. Sadhguru (Jaggi Vasudev)says that garlic is extremely stimulating, and should only be used medicinally, not regularly consumed. Onions, he says, are similarly, but not as extremely, stimulating.
    He comes from a very different background of Indian yoga and Ayurveda, and there may or may not be something to his claims here.

  10. Garlic barely beat Leeks and lost to leeks in one cancer. I can eat way more leeks than I can garlic. I mean, I can eat some garlic, but I can eat a plateful of leeks (and collards).

  11. Dietary prevention of cancer should be the standard medical treatment, not treatment of cancers after they are diagnosed.

  12. I'm happy to use and to add these veggies to my daily diet! And I'd surely do.

    But…It seems that one assumption was implicit: That substances that work "in vitro" will work in humans the same way. For new therapeutics it's only a tiny proportion of in vitro promises that make it to human trials.

    I wish Dr. Mc. Greger will extend this analysis in the future, with the same care as other videos which try to look for actionable evidence from human studies.

  13. I wonder how well this translates in vivo. I've been wondering recently about the effect on the microbiome, especially the importance of introducing bacteria from raw veg. People eating a variety of vegetables are 5 times more likely to respond to cancer immunotherapy.

  14. This information is like pure gold. Too bad most people will ignore it and assume that chronic illness is a part of getting older. I guess only the wise will apply important information to their lives. Everyone else will rationalize and make excuses.

  15. Great video, Dr Greger. On that basis I wonder why you didn’t choose to have a separate category in your Daily Dozen for Allium family vegetables? They appear to be mostly lumped in with “other vegetables “ thereby risking getting ‘lost in the noise’. Thanks

  16. Recently had two friends die from pancreatic cancer and both were under 50 years old! Both died within 3 months of the diagnosis. So I am eating my spinach and beets almost every day!

  17. My family and friends have been alerted!! I was taught about cruciferous vegetables in my undergraduate course circa 1982? Nice to see more recent evidence!

  18. I need him to say cooked or uncooked? I can tolerate a little pressed raw garlic in my dressings but is that enough. I love cooked garlic in soups, stews etc. He did say salads but I hope cooked is a better than nothing.

  19. Great content! Surprising to see regular cabbage beating out red cabbage in every type of cancer prevention. Every comparison I’ve seen between the two rates red cabbage as healthier than regular due to the increased amount of antioxidants in red. Any thoughts?

  20. I'm only eating from Dr. Greger's cookbook and the 21 day vegan app by pcorm. Had my blood work done. The nurse was shocked. Everything was smack dab in the middle of a normal healthy range. Eat your veggies people!

  21. Some important information but the method of presentation could be a lot better. And of course at the end the sound level is increased 4 fold to you will notice who provided the information. If you are listening with ear phones your hearing should recover in a few days. Perhaps the next video will let us know what foods are good for recovering your hearing,.

  22. One of his best videos featuring disease fighting vegetables that neutralize cancer cells . It was well narrated and illustrated with easily understandable charts and data . Garlic and cruciferous greens for the cure doctor.

  23. Interesting that he talks about increasing tomato sauce intake for prostate cancer in another video, and in this tomato is not as effective!!

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