Flashback Friday: curcuma curcumina riprogrammazione della morte delle cellule tumorali

La spezia curcuma sembra essere in grado di riattivare il meccanismo di autodistruzione all'interno delle cellule tumorali.

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Psst: abbiamo una sorpresa in arrivo nel prossimo video: un esperimento con un nuovo stile. Spero vi piaccia!

Questa è l'ultima di una serie di video in tre parti su curcuma e cancro. Se ti sei perso i primi due, dai un'occhiata a: Back to Our Roots: Curry & Cancer (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/back-to-our-roots-curry- and-cancer) e gli effetti cancerogeni della curcumina (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/carcinogen-blocking-effects -di-curcuma).<br/>
Altre erbe e spezie, come l'aglio (vedi #1 Vegetale Antitumorale: https://nutritionfacts.org/video/1-anticancer-vegetable) e amla (vedi Amla vs. Crescita delle cellule cancerose: https://nutritionfacts.org/video/amla-versus-cancer-cell-growth) può avere effetti selettivi simili contro le cellule tumorali.

Tutti i miei ultimi video sulla curcuma possono essere trovati su https://nutritionfacts.org/topics /curcuma

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flashback-friday-turmeric-curcumin-reprogramming-cancer-cell-death e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi ottenere un elenco di collegamenti a tutte le fonti scientifiche usato in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flashback-friday-turmeric-curcumin-reprogramming-cancer-cell-death. Troverai anche una trascrizione e ringraziamenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze, e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2,000 argomenti di salute.

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62 Risposte a “Flashback Friday: curcuma curcumina riprogrammazione della morte delle cellule tumorali”

  1. I eat 1-3 varieties (white, yellow, orange) of fresh turmeric daily. Love fresh turmeric ginger lemonade with liquid Stevita brand stevia to sweeten.

  2. But is it Turmeric raw or cooked?

    Raw Turmeric is great antioxidant. However, when it is cooked it looses those antioxidant property and GAINS new properties to activate our bodies natural defenses. So which form has the great anti-cancer properties described in the video? One would PRESUME it is that later, cooked variant, but that is just the point. One should not have to presume so important a point. It should have been made explicite!

    What is the point of taking Turmeric in the wrong form for years thinking you are getting a cancer protection only to . . ..

    This is an unneeded trap.

  3. Love his last statement (food for thought) 😉
    “Can’t make money on some spice you can buy anywhere!
    An attractive candidate for…… drug development.”

  4. Can someone provide general guidelines for recommended dosage/day? And, perhaps dosage based on body weight, along with upper limits of dosage with minimal side effects (are there any?). Given findings in nutrition sciences are not terribly precise (ie, observational studies), any general recommendations are much appreciated! Thanks!

  5. Hola, mi nombre es Juan Antonio y sólo puedo decir GRACIAS. Gracias por mejorar mi vida, gracias por mejorar mi salud, gracias por mejorar mi mente, gracias por inspirarme, gracias por TODA la información que nos das. ¿Cómo es posible que vuestro canal no tenga mas repercusión, tenga mas visualizaciones o mas suscriptores? No lo entiendo. Yo trato de aportar mi granito de arena y a toda persona que me pregunta les recomiendo vuestro libro, vuestra pagina web y el canal de youtube. Otra vez, GRACIAS Dr. Greger por hacer un mundo mejor.

  6. The mix I drink almost every morning – water, half ts of turmeric, one serving collagen, one serving wheat grass, fresh grinned black pepper, apple cider vinegar and a little bit of some oil to help absorption. All ingredients organic. long healthy life for everyone!

  7. Good video. The issue of what’s better? Turmeric or the Cucumin extract? Since it seems like the extract is only 3% of turmeric?
    Any benefits from the whole root? Instead of the extract?

  8. Thanks for sharing. DNA is more like a recipe than a blueprint though (i.e., our DNA doesn't have a piece of code for each cell and organelle but rather it has instructions for building things such as cells & organelles within parameters, like a recipe).

  9. This is so simplistic but oh so clearly explained. Each person should watch this so they don’t have to ask themselves where did this nasty disease come from. This video should be played on big screens (mandatory) in each junk food joint! Just bought 20 packs filling up 2 big bags. In the frezer and used in almost all my dishes! Thank Michael, you are a hero!

  10. How to use turmeric in thyroid cancer (Papillary thyroid carcinoma ), negative I 131 Scan and Rising Serum Thyroglobulin. I mean how can i absorb most of it ?

  11. is a turmeric pill (with black pepper to improve its absorption) as effective as eating turmeric? i ask because it is difficult to make food palatable with the quantity of turmeric needed to deliver therapeutic benefit.

  12. Curcumin only shows this benefits in preclinacal studies. There are no proven benefits on humans. Its just a spice, dont treat every plant as a wonderpill, just because it fits your "vegan above all" narrative.

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