Flashback Friday: il problema con l'argomento della dieta paleo

Il Paleolitico rappresenta solo gli ultimi due milioni di anni dell'evoluzione umana. Cosa si è evoluto per mangiare il nostro corpo durante il primo 90% del nostro tempo sulla Terra?

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Per ulteriori informazioni sulle diete “paleo” e low carb, vedere: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5TLzNi5fYd9Bn61b8235QCqr0QwMEfR9/>
What about the keto diet? I recently did a 7-video series on that. Check it out here:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5TLzNi5fYd8H9nNYTHuxVBTCNP0hZDu3/><br/> Hai una domanda su questo video? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5TLzNi5fYd9Bn61b8235QCqr0QwMEfR9/>
What about the keto diet? I recently did a 7-video series on that. Check it out here:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5TLzNi5fYd8H9nNYTHuxVBTCNP0hZDu3/>Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flashback-friday-the-problem-with-the-paleo-diet-argument e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi ottenere un elenco di collegamenti a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5TLzNi5fYd9Bn61b8235QCqr0QwMEfR9/>
What about the keto diet? I recently did a 7-video series on that. Check it out here:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5TLzNi5fYd8H9nNYTHuxVBTCNP0hZDu3/>Fare clic su Fonti citate su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flashback-friday-the-problem-with-the-paleo-diet-argument. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5TLzNi5fYd9Bn61b8235QCqr0QwMEfR9/>
What about the keto diet? I recently did a 7-video series on that. Check it out here:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5TLzNi5fYd8H9nNYTHuxVBTCNP0hZDu3/>Troverai anche una trascrizione e ringraziamenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze, e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2,000 argomenti di salute. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5TLzNi5fYd9Bn61b8235QCqr0QwMEfR9/>
What about the keto diet? I recently did a 7-video series on that. Check it out here:

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79 Risposte a “Flashback Friday: il problema con l'argomento della dieta paleo”

  1. Thanks Michael. Very good point regarding how recent the hunter gatherer era was in our evolutionary history, and how little effect it will have had on our evolution.

  2. 2 million years? try 6000 years. the flood happened about 1000 years after creation, then the Sumerians first appeared at 3100 B.C. There is zero historical record older than that date. No don't, I already know what you're going to say and trust me, I already have a scientific answer lined up.

  3. When you keep repeating a lie it becomes the truth.. are people this gullible to believe in evolution? I agree in plant based, but we were created.. was anyone there recording things to prove this science nonsense? So the human DNA evolved, yeah ok.. We were created by our creator..

  4. The 90 percent you talk about is when we were hanging from trees tho.
    How about focusing on when we became bipedal, and our digestive tract changed, our rib cage became smaller to accommodate our growing sized brains.
    You know, when we evolved to be more like what we are today…

    Doesn't fit with the narrative, does it.

  5. Yo! Dr bobble wobble, emm errr, emm errr, emm errrrr. Can you please do more live video. It cracks me up seeing you try and string a coherent sentence together

  6. This video is Swiss cheese. Full of contradictions, misinformation and theory proposed as fact. Very dishonest and dangerous.

  7. I can't tell you how many times your voice in my head rings in unison with an argument against a friend, I'm like "what sir? You have a claim?! Well let's – put-it to-the test!"

  8. That is what I always told my Paleo Friends. I want to get older than 30 years. And nobody really knows how much animal protein they had in their diets. I guess not much, because it was very hard to get .

  9. I have a question. Usually when a person stops eating animal products their blood test cholesterol goes down, but do the, already, clogged arteries get unclogged? Or is the damage too late to reverse? Thanks.

  10. Arguments about nutrition in the deep past are ridiculous because everything has changed and the trait that has made humans at the top of the food chain is their adaptability. We appear to be low meat omnivores. A full fledged carnivore diet isn't even possible for our numbers. Japan has the highest lifespan of modern societies and the highest number of centenarians. They did a meat protein study and guess what? The centenarians had a higher than the average Japanese amount of meat protein in their blood. Measured protein. They followed a group of healthy people between the ages of 60 and 70 and the survivors had a higher amount of meat protein in their blood than the group at the beginning, meaning the low meat protein ones died in higher numbers.
    We seem to do just fine on a reasonable amount of meat, approx 10 to 20 percent of the diet. The longest living group in the world are the SDA of Loma Linda, Ca. and the centenarians get about 10 percent of their calories from dairy and 5 percent from eggs.

    Veganism is a healthy diet, but we're a long way from proving it's the healthiest. Dr. Ornish's diet was only a part of the regimen to reduce heart disease and we know them all. Reduce stress, get a reasonable amount of exercise, and eat a healthy balanced diet. Nothing was proven about diet.
    We just hear these constant conclusions that are not provable based on sketchy data. The main reason vegans look good is because their average bmi is lower and bmi is a very strong indicator of life expectancy. If you need self delusion, fine, but that's all it is. Some type of mostly plant diet with low stress and moderate exercise, along with a normal bmi will get you your longest lifespan barring accident or whatever.

  11. You cite Cohen (1989) to support the myth that hunter-gatherer life was short. But the way life expectancy was calculated was by taking into account high infant mortality rates. So if you lived to 15, you could expect to live to 65. This obvious falsehood puts your entire thesis into question

  12. This is such a simple explanation for why a population which suddenly finds itself living longer due to a lack of natural predators, and better sanitation, would suddenly start dying from a disease that never really affected it before. A disease that takes about 4-6 decades to really start showing itself. It seems so clear, and yet there is so much confusion around it.

  13. The good thing about arguing from evolutionism is that you make a case for or against everything and anything.

  14. There you go again with this evolution nonsense……Listen, regardless of the evolution nonsense, its been proven that we are designed to eat plants…..and that the system has been set up to provide plentiful nourishment for us with the HUGE variety of different edible plants….and we have GOD to thank for this and NOT evolution …..and even YOU note that our "supposed" ancestors are STILL 90% plant based eaters and have not "EVOLVED" into meat eaters…..so if you understand just how silly you sound talking about evolution….you need to understand that we didn't come from apes (ridiculous for such a learned person as yourself to say such nonsense) and that we have and will ALWAYS be whole food plant based eaters as we were designed to be just like some of the other animals have been designed as such….the whole meat eating system has been set up by Satanic beliefs of sacrificing and consuming a sentient lifeforms….and this was designed to destroy what God created….its a perversion of how he wanted us to live under our free will……animals were created to serve us and to maintain our world….however, I will say, perhaps the occasional fish protein is not that bad for us……anyway, I totally agree with your vegan premise…its the evolution nonsense you keep referring to that is quite frankly beyond stupid comments by you….we are designed to eat plants….there is NO evolution involved …and there is NO test for that…

  15. As an anthropology major I once wrote a 30 page paper for graduate credit on the Paleolithic diet. The dept. supplied me with replicas of molars. The wear clearly indicated they were eating a lot of pre-historic grains. The Paleo crowd buys in to the caveman cartoon idea, and it's not true. Hunting was likely a wintertime activity in the colder climes, but not the main source of subsistence. Why hunt when you can gather.

  16. I really like these videos where who is speaking is left to the imagination. I feel it highlights the information much better and helps me to focus on what is being said rather than who is saying it. Great research!

  17. Well, if you are healthy you can eat what you want, it is a known fact that sugar, causes the cracks in the arteries, and cholesterol gets the blame for filling it in. You run on glucose, we run on fat, and we eat vegetables, but not the ones that have simple sugars. You can quote all the papers you want, but your way of eating, will not help a diabetic, although I will concede that some diabetics, maybe through their genes say they have been cured of T2, but even the diabetics association of America, recognize LCHF now.

  18. Does eating cholesterol translate to increased cholesterol in the blood? I understand that high cholesterol is a poor indicator of heart disease. Quoting what people ate … years ago is not proof of what is a good diet today.

  19. If we still ate the same diet our ape ancestors ate we would also be apes. The nutrients in meat coupled with strategy and more advanced communication needed for hunting made our brains evolve the way that they have. Any Dr should already know this, any vegan Dr would probably choose to leave it out though. They should also know that dietary cholesterol doesn't raise blood cholesterol, that's just basics. Refined carbs cause the health problems mentioned in this video. Also give us the life expectancy of rural Africans, seems like a strange fact to leave out. Ranges from 50-60 years old, also under the age where most heart disease develops. Why not just admit you're a vegan and post videos and talk about how killing animals is wrong, it's much more noble than pretending you have science on your side.

  20. So the answer to my question last week (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hv65VXWy860&lc=Ugxca-ir5Bv1Zo7j-aJ4AaABAg) is that the early hominids who ate meat didn't live long enough for the damage that the animal proteins did to their bodies to offset the advantage of the extra protein? Or that they ate meat rarely enough that it did much less damage than meat-eaters do to their bodies today? A bit of both?

    What I'd really like to see is a kind of point and demerit system (estimated) that would help one visualize the various benefits and demerits. For example, what is the cost of lean beef once a week relative to french fries once a week, relative to a sugar cookie once a week? So one could do better at evaluating the tradeoffs.

  21. How the hell are you going to blame meat for the metabolic syndrome you jackass. You’re doing the medical community a disservice. This is ehh the public don’t take doctors as seriously as they should. Quack

  22. We evolved during a 2 1/2 million year ice age. You do the math on how many plants that included. Even in today’s extremely warm, warm climate, walk around the woods and see how many plants are available for you to eat (pre-agriculture) that could even hope to keep you satiated. Now imagine looking during the worst winter you’ve ever seen.

  23. 2:51 now wait a second. 'Rabbits fed only 2 GRAMS of cholesterol per day' A rabbit weighs 2 lbs and an egg has 187mg cholesterol. So that is equivalent to a 150lb human eating 750 eggs worth of cholesterol per day!!!! And likely processed/extracted (and likely oxidized) cholesterol no less. Surely an educated man would see this problem; he did, as evidenced by the preceding sentences.

    My total is cholesterol is 116 w/ HDL in high 50s, triglycerides 40, all other CV risk factors close to zero, and I eat between 7-14 servings of animal foods per week. Granted I eat very few eggs, little dairy, and no butter/bacon. I also a eat a lot of fiber (40-60g daily), antioxidants, polyphenols, etc. Those factors seem to weigh more on CV risk than animal food consumption.

    Kuna people eat animal foods and have almost no atherosclerosis. Similar trend in other blue zone cultures, and none of them are vegan. Optimal nutritional path seems more complex than just abstaining from animal foods.

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