Flashback Friday: La dieta del gladiatore – Come si accumulano gli atleti vegetariani

Confrontando le diete dei gladiatori romani “orzo” e soldati dell'esercito con i moderni spartani di oggi e gli atleti carnivori sono messi a il test contro gli atleti veg e persino i mangiatori di piante sedentari nelle prodezze di resistenza.

Queste sono le parti uno e due di una serie in tre parti sugli atleti vegetariani. Dai un'occhiata alla terza parte qui: Vegetarian Muscle Power, Strength, & Endurance (

Indipendentemente dalla dieta di base, ci sono alcuni alimenti che possono aiutare a migliorare le prestazioni atletiche e il recupero:
• Ridurre l'affaticamento muscolare con gli agrumi (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/reducing-muscle-fatigue-with-citrus/)<br/> • Ridurre il dolore muscolare con le bacche (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/reducing-muscle-soreness-with-berries/)
• Prevenire lo stress ossidativo indotto dall'esercizio con il crescione (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/preventing- stress ossidativo indotto dall'esercizio con crescione/)
• Metodo di punteggio dei nitrati dietetici “tabella vegetale” (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/veg-Table-dietary-nitrate-scoring-method)
• Semi di finocchio per Migliora le prestazioni atletiche (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/fennel-seeds-to-improve-athletic-performance)
• Cocco Acqua per prestazioni atletiche vs. bevande sportive ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Coconut-Water-for-Athletic-Performance-vs-Sports-Drinks )
• Alimenti per migliorare le prestazioni atletiche e il recupero (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/Foods-to-Improve-Athletic-Performance-and-Recovery)
• Zenzero macinato per ridurre il dolore muscolare (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Ground-Ginger-to-Reduce-Muscle-Pain)
• Miglioramento del recupero atletico senza compromettere l'adattamento (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/enhanced-athletic-recovery-without-undermining- adattamento/)
• Anguria per alleviare i dolori muscolari (https: //nutritionfacts.org/video/Watermelon-for-Sore-Muscle-Relief)

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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61 Risposte a “Flashback Friday: La dieta del gladiatore – Come si accumulano gli atleti vegetariani”

  1. These weren't gladiators, These were slaves, captured enemies etc.
    But gladiators were held in high regards in Roman society.
    Their "owners " invested far too much time and money into their training and welfare to just have them killed in the arena.
    Often gladiators graves were very expensive, and not buried in mass burials.

  2. Nonsense. The slaves and captured enemies that were put into the ring for fighting ate a vegetarian diet because that was the cheapest food. Meat was much more expensive and that is why the gladiators didn't eat meat.
    The life span of a gladiator was anyway not very high.

  3. I've been doing window installation for 20 years and I'm 31. I've been vegi for 6 years and I can tell you my endurance is much greater and I eat so much less then when I was a meat eater. I maintain a good amount of muscle and my recovery instead of 3-4 days is sometimes just one night of sleep. I honestly don't eat that much food and I do alot. My partner on the job is my buddy and he's a meat eater. He breaths so heavy and gets tired so quick and is about the same body type as me a mesomorph. Idk all the science but it really does work even in construction and I eat beans, rice, tofu, nuts for mostly all my protein maybe 60-100grans a day at 185

  4. What a thorough investigation to this question of meat-eaters, and vegetarians. The results were suprisingly positive towards veggie eaters.
    When in the history of Man, did we start eating so much much Flesh…?
    Great report…

  5. Yeah eating plant based greatly improves your endurance. Before being vegan I was in training for the Marines for a few months, and I was in ROTC for the Army for a semester in college, and I would not be able to keep up with anyone else even though in our drills we only ran like a mile or two or maybe not even that. I am pretty much the same exact weight I was back then, but now I can run for a few hours, many miles, very effortlessly. I do keep my heart rate low and I pace myself, but it's pretty effortless and I don't feel tired afterwards. Huge change. 9 years vegan too.

  6. The Yale study of 50 individuals (and only those of college athlete age and build) performed 100 years ago is hardly strong evidence for vegerianism in athletes, but the rest of the studies cited show some promise as to how high-carbohydrate diets can benefit endurance athletes. Switching to a vegetarian diet entirely requires more direct research.

  7. I do Kung Fu, when I used to eat meat for the first 10 years of practice, I could only hold my arms out for 30 mins with daily practice and great effort. After going vegan, I could easily get to 3 hours after a year or so. In the golden bridge stance.

  8. Were they all sports heroes? Weren't some of them essentially slaves that were probably fed the cheapest fare possible? What did Roman soldiers eat at the time?

  9. Men i hope that one participant who was incapacitated for weeks is allright. I’ve overtrained in 2010 and been suffering from CFS ever since.
    Also interesting to hear about fatigue poisons in meat. I’ve heard dr Kellogg talk about the very same thing in his book about Neurasthenia. I didn’t look into it presuming it’s an out dated concept. But hearing it in more contemporary research makes me want to learn more about the subject.

  10. I agree that being a vegan can improve endurance. However for me I lose too much muscle mass over time. I had to quit being a vegan and then vegetarian to gain the mass back. Vegans always try to lecture me that I did something wrong. Nope I did nothing wrong and it did not go well for me. I don't want to eat meat but to function well I have to. I think many can be vegans and function well just not for my genetics for some reason. I wish someone would approach this "Vitamin M" issue scientifically.

  11. I was totally unaware of tarahumara indians, i don't even know what sports they played, literally being an indian, never even heard this. But now glad now i know it, it's good to stuff of what kind of foods our ancestors ate and whatnot, All Hail Plants 🌱✌💚

  12. Read the article he cites and the analysis on the Ephesus burial site; it CLEARLY states the subjects also had remnants from meat and seafood. Yes they ate more barley and beans, but even a novice historian will tell you it's because they were mostly slaves and it was cheap food to give them.

  13. This would be an interesting study to repeat today. Especially with all the crap in the SAD. I'd bet the vegetarians would do even better in comparison.

  14. My personal experience and observations definitely align with the findings described in this video

  15. Interesting. However I didn't quite get the last study.. didn't Dr. Greger say we need interventional studies? Meaning switching of the diet and comparing before and after the switch but then the study just looks at the two groups without changing anything?

  16. Besides Whole food Blant diet…what do you prefer for stress reduction and relaxation …it's not only what we eat…but I agree that's one of most important parts if not the most of important

  17. Some people were eating shitty meats and mostly processed or non-kosher or non-halal that's why they feel better being vegetarians… simple as that. move on

  18. I have to loose 7% body fat from 37 BMI to at least 32 bmi at least to 30 bmi or ambulance said I can't work how can I do it sensible but fast with good food ???????? Need help asap

  19. idk about history but i sure am far more physically capable and fit now that im on a fully plant based diet than i've ever been prior. plant based all the way <3!

  20. im 2 year vegan and its madness how energetic i am and how focused, quick recovery… did my first marathon (with 3 heavy bags) , i do about a quarter million pushups a year, i lost 30 to 20% bmi..
    i see my abs, i can do flip, wtf?? WTF? is this some sort of sorcery? its unreal UNREAL
    its so cheap, ethical, nutritious? WIN WIN WIN.. fix your life fix your wallet fix the planet in 1 move ! GO VEGAN
    i believe in anecdotal evidence. im one.

  21. well done. In the future I'd love to see more athletic performance, strength and the like studies to compare and contrast. I don't believe Gladiators were only getting by on Barley and beans because you do need strength as well but I suppose we all believe what we want to believe in our minds. I'm all for avoiding red meat but I think poultry and seafood has its place for any plate unless one wants to take an entire cabinet worth of supplements so the nutritional deficiencies aren't present

  22. I do an easy 30 minutes on my elliptical and my Standard American diet spouse does 2-4 minutes. My cholesterol is 140. Our Mexican neighbors are doing better. Darn.

  23. it’s incredible that the scientific community’s personal preference for meat was (is?) so powerful that it so intensely clouded their professional judgment.

  24. I love your channel. Do you have a video on diet after acquired brain injury? If not please do one soon. The 400pg article in Pubmed on this topic is a nightmare to slog through

  25. Obviously the literature on this study has been obscured by cattle ranching, with it's focus on profits as well as the cultural emphasis on meat eating as a marker of prosperity and masculinity.

  26. I want to say a big thanks to God for giving me a second chance in life through Dr Alaho Olu on YouTube who cured me from Herpes with his herbal remedies, he has really proven to be a real doc. Contact him today and be cured too…..

  27. That stuff about vegans having way better endurance sounds like horseshit. If this was the case literally all endurance events would be completely dominated by vegans, it would not even be close. I think being vegan does tend to keep the pounds off and leads to better cardio, but not THAT much better

  28. @Dr Greger – totally appreciate the video and tend to follow a plant based diet as an athlete myself, but any more recent studies on this subject? The fact that this was done > 100 years ago casts doubt in my mind about the scientific rigor of this experiment

  29. I've been vegan for about 6yrs or so now and sedentary wokring behind a desk for all of it. I recently joined a dojo doing kendo-ish stuff. The first day the sensei told me to pair up with a student and do 100 sword cuts (wooden sword/bokken about 2-3lbs). I did them and it was tiring. He then said here is another student do 100 more o_O He kept doing this until I went through all 6 students. I was wiped out at this point. He then said okay now lets do 100 squatting sword cuts (50 each leg) I got through about 300. He said he was impressed I kept going! I definitely slept well that night and it took me a couple days afterward to no longer be soar, but it wasn't too painful lol.

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