Flashback Friday: quanti movimenti intestinali dovresti avere e dovresti sederti, accovacciarti o magra?

La maggior parte delle persone ha tra 3 movimenti intestinali al giorno e 3 a settimana, ma normale non significa necessariamente ottimale. Accovacciarsi e inclinarsi possono aiutare a raddrizzare l'angolo anorettale, ma una dieta sufficientemente sana dovrebbe facilitare i movimenti intestinali indipendentemente dal posizionamento.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

I sappi che le persone sono ventose per i video di cacca! In Diet and Hiatal Hernia (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/diet-and-hiatal-hernia) parlo delle conseguenze di sforzarsi sulle feci. Le ernie sono migliori della sindrome della morte di Bedpan, però, come ho detto nella seconda metà di questo video. Poi c'è la diverticolosi (il “palloncino delle sacche dal tuo colon”), che ho trattato in: <br/> • Diverticolosi e noci (https:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/diverticulosis-nuts/)
• Diverticolosi: quando il nostro disturbo intestinale più comune esisteva appena (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/diverticulosis-when-our-most-common-gut-disorder-hardly-existed/)
• La fibra previene davvero la diverticolosi? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-fiber-really-prevent-diverticulosis/)

Ho altri video più vecchi sulla salute dell'intestino:
• Le dimensioni delle feci contano (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/stool-size-matters/)
• Trasporto di massa alimentare (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/food-mass-transit/)
• Fare massa di antiossidanti (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/bulking-up-on-antioxidants/)
• Prugne vs. Metamucil vs. Dieta Vegana (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/prunes-vs-metamucil-vs-vegan- dieta/)
• Cancro al seno e costipazione (https:// Nutritionfacts.org/video/Breast-Cancer-and-Constipation)

Aggiornamento: ho anche alcuni video più recenti. Vedi le prugne: un rimedio naturale per la stitichezza e la migliore posizione di cacca per la stitichezza. (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/prunes-a-natural-remedy-for-stipsi e https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-best-poop-position-for-stipsi/)

Per saperne di più su questo concetto di avere parametri di salute “normali” in una società in cui è normale morire per attacchi di cuore e altri simili destini prevenibili, guarda il mio video Quando basso rischio significa alto rischio (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/when-low-risk -mezzi-alto-rischio/).

Maggiori informazioni su quegli straordinari dati africani qui:
• Dieta F-Word del Dr. Burkitt (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/dr-burkitts-f-word -dieta/)
• Il nostro killer numero uno può essere fermato (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/our-number-one-killer-can-be-stopped/)
• Uno in mille: porre fine all'epidemia di malattie cardiache (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/ una-in-a-mille-fine-dell'epidemia-di-malattia-del-cuore)

Così entusiasta di poter infilare una spina per il lavoro del dottor Kahn. Il suo marchio di “cardiologia interpretativa” può essere trovato su http://www.drjoelkahn.com.

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flashback-friday-how- molti-movimenti-intestinali-dovresti-avere-ogni-giorno-dovresti-sedarti-magro-o-accovacciato e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere .

Vuoi avere un elenco di link a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flashback-friday-how-many- movimenti-intestinali-dovresti-avere-ogni-giorno-dovresti-sederti-magro-o-accovacciato. Troverai anche una trascrizione e ringraziamenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze, e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2,000 argomenti di salute.

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93 Risposte a “Flashback Friday: quanti movimenti intestinali dovresti avere e dovresti sederti, accovacciarti o magra?”

  1. I think that part of the problem is that some people are too lazy to get off their asses and have a bowel movement and then the excrement builds up and the next that you know is that you are constipated. Lol!

  2. Toilet problems, I can't believe how long felt like it was normal to be sick all the time. Removed dairy and slowly rebuilt my digestive system. No doctor helped me but you. Thanks, my life does no longer revolves around the toilet, and I feel healthier and lighter.

  3. 2 to 3 little portion of fruit/ veg/ salad with something wholegrain at each meal, (and beans/ legumes/ tofu) keep the bowels from blocking up 😎

  4. During the great toilet paper shortage of 2020, I heard a news reporter state that the average American only needs one roll per week. I was like 😧 wut…

  5. Vegan for 30 years. Urgency is my problem! I wish it was addressed. Never had constipation. I feel like I poop more than I eat.

  6. It is a function of a healthy gut that it evacuates itself 2 – 4 times a day. People who do this are unlikely to contract IBS, ulcerative colitis, bowel cancer, Crohns disease etc. And who wants those things?

  7. I really need to try the psyllium. It's been sitting on my kitchen counter for months. I think I got used to seeing the container, like furniture. I always figured I ate so much fiber as a vegan but…urgency.

  8. He didn’t talk about volume, especially in the early days as a vegan, ‘high tides’ were an issue. I’ve been thinking of launching a vegan toilet…as they said in Jaws you’re going to need a bigger boat…

  9. After having daily diarrhea for over 10 years on an omnivore then wfpb diet, I now follow a 95% carnivorous diet and I enjoy one perfect bowel movement every day with 0 urgency.

  10. Omg I was laughing so hard when you said Pooping their pants. It literally made me go poop from laughing so hard. Seriously though, this is important information. So true about the bed pans. They tried to get me to use one when I was in labor and I said no way, I'm going to the bathroom. I was so scared that I thought I was going to have that baby in the toilet literally. There is no way I was going to be able to use that bed pan though. I guess it's true about the straining because they tell me that my mother died of a heart attack trying to strain when she was sitting on the pot in the nursing home. She had emphysema like me so I guess it made it more on the chance that that would happen. I always had a problem going to the bathroom in the morning until I went plant-based. Now I go at least three times a day on the normal.

  11. Holy crap, I'd never heard of "bed pan death" before. How peculiar and frightening.
    And also how fascinatingly it all ties together – the lack of fiber, the strain on the cardiovascular system while straining to evacuate one's bowel…

  12. Brilliant video. I don’t know why it is, but kids think anything about pooing is hilarious. For all of my adult life I suffered from extremely abnormal bowel movements with chronic diarrhoea until ulcerative colitis was finally diagnosed in 2013. 18 months later I was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer and now have a permanent ileostomy. I empty my bag on average 4 times a day – a good regular pattern! Throughout my time in hospital us patients on the “gut ward” were highly amused and entertained by the nurses’ complete obsession with poo. I thought it was a joke when they described to us the Bristol Stool Chart and one of them even produced a mug with it on!! We laughed and laughed about it, and I think keeping a healthy sense of humour about this least-talked about but universal bodily function really helps those of us with a long history of pooing problems!

    I am now on 100 percent whole-food plant-based diet and I wish I’d known 45 years ago what I know now – I might still have a healthy, intact colon. As it is, I am very happy with things as they now are, being in control of my life in that area in a way that eluded me for decades. OK, I have ongoing problems with a recurrent parastomal hernia which has been repaired twice and I’m now awaiting surgery for a further attempt (involving a tummy tuck to deal with all the excess flesh on my abdomen resulting from all my weight loss), but on balance I wouldn’t change anything as I am now much better. No point wishing for things that never happened. My mother brought us up on the standard post-war British diet and I always ate what I now consider to be far too much meat, eggs, and dairy but people knew no better in those days. Both my parents lived to be in their 90s and my older sister is perfectly healthy – none of them indulged in modern convenience foods.

    I am very interested in the gut microbiome, with especial reference to ileostomates. There seems to be virtually nothing online about this. I know that the bulk of the gut biota lives in the colon but without one, I am assuming that it now resides in the (lower part?) of the ileum? I would be very interested to find out more about this. I am fortunate enough to be able to eat anything I want without experiencing problems with my ostomy, unlike many people I know, who have to maintain a relatively low-fibre diet to avoid obstructions. I find the whole-food plant-based lifestyle suits me very well, and I am watching the weight fall off my hubby too as he now eats what I eat.

    Welcoming any comments on this!

  13. So glad that, after a while of eating so much fiber, I’m in this range of 3 or so poops a day. 3.5 cups of beans a day and a large bag of mixed veggies doesn’t make my stomach blow up any more haha. Nice video Dr Greger

  14. Quality magnesium and hydration will also pull water into the colon and soften it up. Remember to consider soul quality when eating… Anything if the soil is nutrient and depleted and toxified… Garbage in / garbage out.

  15. I have never pooped so amazing since I went whole food vegan. I actually never imagined that pooping could be enjoyable at all, yet it always feels great and sometimes it just feels amazing, like I'm glowing for 10-15 min after passing! ^-^

    I actually just step on top of the toilet seat and squat down on top of the toilet. I got the idea from some foreigners! (:

  16. I have severe chronic insomnia PTSD stress from violence and lies at a doctors office in Soho New York City. Yes I want to get a cyst removed by Dr Vine — and I left with a hole in my retina causing me far more health problems than anything that could've been from the cyst my life has been so harmed by a doctors office where I'm not aware of one person stepping forward to tell the truth except for me. The NYPD joined in breaking laws and they told me they didn't want to talk to any witnesses except the women in this video. https://youtu.be/dh9TedhfthE Then the detective who called me said he wasn't even going to go to the office he wasn't going to talk to them and that I better drop charges or he would only false arrest me Saturday at 4 PM yes in New York City hole in my retina and cervical damage forcible touching and then to turn yourself in on Saturday to NYPD that are breaking laws falsifying a police reports and the doctor didn't fire her he says he takes her to drug parties and his insurance company travelers group their lawyer took Styrofoam cups waved at me handed one to my attacker she waive one at me like she was gonna punch me again or kill me and the doctor when asked about Styrofoam laughed like Styrofoam polluting the planet is a big joke. Why am I mentioning Styrofoam because I'd Then the detective who called me said he wasn't even going to go to the office he wasn't going to talk to them and that I better drop charges or he would only false arrest me Saturday at 4 PM yes in New York City hole in my retina and cervical damage forcible touching and then to turn yourself in on Saturday to NYPD that are breaking laws falsifying a police reports and the doctor didn't fire her he says he takes her to drug parties and his insurance company Travelers Group their lawyer took Styrofoam cups waved at me handed one to my attacker she wave one at me like she was going to punch me again or kill me and the doctor when asked about Styrofoam laughed like Styrofoam polluting the planet is a big joke. Why am I mentioning Styrofoam because I'd ask would you consider paper cups instead of Styrofoam it's better for Mother Earth. Delita Hooks and her boss openly committed perjury I am alleging with their lawyers knowledge why not in New York you can get away with anything if you're connected and the victim her life has no value you can get away with it. https://youtu.be/dh9TedhfthE + http://misogynistnyc.blogspot.com/2017/08/nypd-detective-andrew-dwyer-lt-burgos.html?m=1 I have major tummy troubles I eat a lot of fiber but if you're traumatized and violated at a doctors where you're supposed to be safe and then every step of the way the city of New York the state of New York there's no justice and I'm going on almost 8 years so my goal is to let everyone in the world know everyone in the medical community know that violence towards medical patients violating their privacy even a note I wrote my doctor was stolen which I allege how is violent medical receptionist office manager got my name I didn't have her name but she got mine the detectives and cops that broke laws including Internal Affairs protecting Crimes they know what I look like but I didn't know. I have made your tummy troubles I eat a lot a lot of fiber but if you're traumatized and violated at a doctors where you're supposed to be safe and then every step of the way the city of New York the state of New York there's no justice and I'm going on almost 8 years so my goal is to let everyone in the world know everyone in the medical community know that violence towards medical patients violating their privacy even a note I wrote my doctor was stolen IS OKAY! Patient rights mean nothing in the city of New York and State of new York and if you try and call and report anything you're brushed off except for three New York City agencies NYPD Inspector General, Civilian complaint review board, and the Commission To Combat Police Corruption forwarded my case to Internal Affairs they refuse to follow up but the day it arrived it was dead on arrival because Internal Affairs is corrupt to the core and they already knew because I had reported it way before these government agencies.

    Corporation counsel the lawyers for the city of New York walked in and lied in court as well as lied and legal documents that I was not.Corporation counsel the lawyers for the city of New York walked in and lied in court as well as lied and legal documents that I was not coerced I was coerced and the NYPD detective said their bosses falsified police reports and downgraded all crimes including their own to. I was coerced in the NYPD detective said their bosses falsified police reports and downgraded all crimes including their own to zero

  17. Suggestion if you have yoga blocks there helpful leaning forward clasp in your hands putting your elbows on the inside of your knees and giving yourself a little resistance as you lean forward….If there's anyone who will help me I'm trying to break 1 million views of a running punch to my head a hole in my retina then she grab my hair https://youtu.be/dh9TedhfthE and shook my head over and over – do you hear those women telling her not to hit me to stop no no no not one of them spoke up so I'm questioning whether they all lied as a group ….not one of those women asked me if I was OK or offered me assistance they saw that my eye was bleeding my hair had been ripped out I was a medical patient and by the way I was wearing a protest sign like a big necklace saying we need a trauma level one hospital in the West Village with a rape crisis center not Rudin Luxury condos. Bill Rudin hired Howard Rubenstein to push through the condos in to help with publicity meaning silence people like me and then Jeffrey Epstein hired Rubenstein as well and Rubenstein has connections with the Manhattan DA and NYPD the same people that enable Jeffrey Epstein and that DA tried to lower his sex offender status and no one confronted the DA till Epstein was arrested and then the Manhattan DA was allowed to lie and say it was an accident it was not an accident. If the Manhattan DA could make that kind of an accident and they're that negligent then they should lose their job just like an employee that violates a patient's rights and body but instead the doctor in my case takes his employee to drug parties. The doctor by the way has a lot of NYPD patients and pushes Viagra http://misogynistnyc.blogspot.com/2017/08/nypd-detective-andrew-dwyer-lt-burgos.html?m=1 + https://youtu.be/dh9TedhfthE

  18. I got a toilet stool because I was having BM multiple times a day and I thought it was because I wasn't completely emptying my bowels because of the sitting posture. Although the stool does make it more comfortable to sit, since I'm short, it hasn't reduced the number of BMs so I was disappointed. Good to know they don't really work and that I'm having the normal amount of BMs!

  19. So which countries are uncivilized? Maybe don't use that term…,countries are uncivilized because they squat. South Koreans squat and they're doing better than the US.

  20. Re those squatting stools (lol!) I have liver problems which makes me very prone to constipation. I’m also on meds which do the same and though I’ve been on a plant based diet for three years now, I can still have problems. I’ve blacked out a couple of times and nearly blacked out many times while straining on the toilet. I bought one of those squatting stools and it’s helped me loads. Obviously you’ve got to eat as clean as possible, but if you’re reading this and you suffer from constipation, give the stools a go. Maybe they don’t help everyone but they helped me – to the extent I bought another one for my boyfriend’s flat!

  21. About a month ago I started intermittent fasting. As a result I have a bowel movement only twice a week and have developed constipation, even though my diet is 100% whole food. I’m not sure what I can do to elimiviate this.

  22. Twice a day for me, everyday. Sometimes 3. And yes, I take longer to pee!🤣🤣 I do use a squatty potty. When I don't have one, I pull my heels up onto the toilet seat. 👍

  23. Prehaps this should have been studied and released a few years ago about the Squatty Potty so I can save a few bucks and not make a man rich by his lack of information and possibly stay away from his lies.

  24. Some non-vegan friends were talking about toilet reading material. I told them healthy vegans don't read on the toilet. We go faster than dogs and clean up is a snap. Besides, we need all of the time we can get to help you all wake up.

  25. As a WFPB eater, once or twice per day is normal for me. Rare circumstances might have me miss a morning, but is rare.
    The fiber deficiency in our Western diet is astounding and drives all sort of completely unnecessary conditions and disorders. FIBER RULES!

  26. Awesome info; I've seen an great change in my movements since the last 3 years I've been vegan. Thank you for all that you do 🙌🏾

  27. To me it's unbelievable people who does no 2 only once a month or so. Two of my friends have that problem, I can't even conceive how you can live in such discomfort all the time? I'm on a WFPB diet and for me I wish I'd go less really (2-3 times a day is normal here!), missing a day once in a blue moon with fasting or on low caloric days and I can't function right. But, as a child I had a problem, my diet wasn't WFPB but just reg. American diet without too much junk but still… I did the squat to help on my own and I was under 8yrs old so I guess it's an instinct? It did help me allot as I remember.

  28. I squat and relax and the poop magically makes it’s splash landing. The only slight effort is needed for smaller tailing bits or to get the Klingons off the starboard bow.

  29. I can totally agree with everything in this video. Before I turned plant based I experienced so many of the problems mentioned, and now I go every day easily and strain-free. I feel so much better. BUT, one thing that has become a big problem is that I'm now terrified of runner's stomach. I will often avoid going for a morning run because I know I'll probably be hit by the threat of a full-scale evacuation while I'm out in the middle of nowhere.

  30. When I was a meat eater, it was once per day. On a whole food plant based diet, it is more like 2-3 times per day. No straining at all. A person should be able to sit down on the toilet, relax, and naturally have a bowel movement with no straining.

  31. People who are fat pigs and eat abused, exploited a murdered dead bodies of animals deserve all the problems they have defecating! Serves them right, and I don't care! You made your stool, now deal with it, ignorant uneducated schmuck!

  32. Fantástico video …gracias por su aportación y maravilloso trabajo el que usted realiza. AMOR POR LOS VEGETALES

  33. I appreciate and thank you for the Nutritional Facts presented in your videos 🙂 You may not be aware but some of the information presented may be confused as fact that are actually myths/theories, as with the age of the earth and evolution. Cheers 🙂

  34. 8:45 But why not just treat the course, and eat enough fibre containing whole plant foods, to create stools, so large and so soft, that you could pass them effortlessly at any angle. 🤗

  35. If we have been eating WFPB exclusive for 6 months and still have only 1 bm a day…what can we do to increase it to 2 bm a day. I'm sick of being bloated and the bloat hasn't gone away like everyone said it would.

  36. 3 per day?!?

    I have 1 per day and I get anywhere from 60g fiber to 90g of fiber.

    3 per day would almost be annoying.

  37. Since going vegans many years ago, I go once a day… but I can no longer enjoy reading while sitting on the toilet; I don’t even get past studying the picture on the front cover. I insist on bringing my tablet and want to play a game, but always find myself having to hold it in if I want to play some :/ I always end up sitting longer than I have to. It was more fun before (not for health, obviously)

  38. I would love to hear Dr. Gregor's thoughts on childhood constipation and PEG 3350 (Miralax). Doctors way over prescribe it my opinion and it seems like that latest studies (though studies on the effects of this drug are few and far between) show that it kills your gut microbiome. Also, if your gut is screwed up from this drug what can you do to heal it? WFPB obviously, but would other foods like turmeric or foods high in antioxidants speed up gut healing?

  39. I had a friend who only had 1 BM per week and was proud of it. I thought that was crazy, but once a month I'd seriously worry.

  40. personallly i went from 2-3 poops a day when i first went vegan, to between every other day and two per day (mostly just once a day) after going wfpb/being vegan for longer.

  41. …this information was too late for Gigi Cestone…his wife's turkey "sangwiches" were like "shpackle" in his bowels…

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