Flashback Friday: semi di sesamo per l'artrosi del ginocchio

Il consumo di semi di sesamo può migliorare i segni clinici ei sintomi dell'artrite?

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Cosa altri interventi dietetici possono aiutare con l'artrite? Check out:
• Perché le diete a base vegetale aiutano l'artrite reumatoide? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/why-do-plant-based-diets-help-rhumatoid-arthritis)
• Trattamento per la gotta con una ciliegina sulla torta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/gout-treatment-with-a-cherry-on-top )
• Curcumina Curcumina e Osteoartrite (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/turmeric- curcumina-e-osteoartrite)<br/> • Curcuma Curcumina e artrite reumatoide (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/curcumin-curcumina-e-artrite-reumatoide)
• La molecola infiammatoria della carne Neu5Gc (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-infiammatori-meat-molecule-neu5gc)
• Quali spezie combattono l'infiammazione? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/which-spices-fight-inflammation)
• Zenzero per l'osteoartrite (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/ginger-for-osteoarthritis/)
• Sodio e malattie autoimmuni: strofinare il sale nella ferita? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/sodium-and-autoimmune-disease-rubbing-salt-in-the-wound/)
• La migliore alternativa alla sostituzione del ginocchio per il trattamento dell'artrosi (https://nutritionfacts .org/video/the-best-knee-replacement-alternative-for-osteoarthritis-treatment/)
• Bacche per il trattamento di infiammazione e osteoartrite (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/berries-for-inflammation-and-osteoarthritis-treatment/)
• Benefici delle foglie di cavolo cappuccio sul ginocchio per l'artrosi (https://nutritionfacts.org/video /benefici-delle-foglie-di-cavolo-sul-ginocchio-per-l'osteoartrite/)

Se l'effetto placebo è davvero così potente, i medici dovrebbero prescriverli? Lo fanno già! Dai un'occhiata a La bugia che guarisce: i medici dovrebbero somministrare placebo? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-lie-that-heals-should-doctors-give-placebos/) per ulteriori informazioni.

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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47 Risposte a “Flashback Friday: semi di sesamo per l'artrosi del ginocchio”

  1. My Mum had rheumatoid arthritis and she accepted a trial of gold injections. Also steroids. She developed a 'moon face', chromes disease and died in bed of a heart attack. : (

  2. I mill flax seeds for my daily oats, but only have sesame seeds once a week, to sprinkle on Asian dishes I prepare.
    Need to start including sesame seeds in my oats!

  3. Just get a knee replacement and be pain-free forever! I've had both knees and my left hip replaced. Whereas I once had chronic pain, now I do not. I'm beginning to lose faith in Dr. Greger.

  4. Plus Plus for me- OA of the knees so bad and I love sesame seeds and especially toasted sesame oil👍 I can't wait to incorporate more into my diet and see what happens with my 9 out of 10 pain💯

  5. Who paid for the study? Was it the American Nut Growers Association? Also what ELSE were the people eating? I doubt that sesame seeds alone would have an impact. If the seed eaters were also eating nothing but raw fruit and raw vegetables along with their seeds, THEN results like that might make sense.

  6. I would be interested to know if Dr. Greger thinks tahini would give the same results as whole sesame seeds ? I make hummus using tahini. Would chick peas, lemon juice and olive oil effect the absorption of what ever is in the sesame seeds that is good for you. Also, would roasting the seeds be good, bad or indifferent?

  7. Las semillas enteras o molidas? Si són molidas, hay que molerlas al momento o se pueden guardar molidas sin que se estropeen? 🙂

  8. I wonder if I should buy peeled sesame seeds (hull removed) or the unpeeled standard sesame seeds, anyone knows which is better in the context of the video?

  9. Sesame seeds omega 6 to 3 ratio is 58:1. Omega 6 converts into arachidonic acid, which triggers cascade of inflammation in our body.

  10. Just one tablespoon of sesame seeds – sounds good – but are they to be enten raw? Soaked? Rosted? ( as in macrobiotic) or ?

  11. Excellent. Thanks for the video Dr Greger. I like to add sesame seeds to salads sometimes, otherwise rarely use them. The Japanese usually add a sprinkling to dress their dishes.

  12. Very interesting !! Lots of my favorite recipes contain sesame, I will continue moving forward with those. I noticed before this lifestyle change I was loosing muscle around my knees and they ached. After the lifestyle change I noticed my knees have more muscle tone and less pain!! 😀

  13. Whenever I ate sesame and even flax roasted ones,my haemorroids flared up, it's advantges are many though but how to eat them in cases like mine? Soaking to remove lectins??

  14. Hello everyone
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  15. You popping up in the video doesn't make it look more professional. Not ideal when your video gets passed on to those who don't know you. People need to be able to have confidence in sources. Unfortunately this topic remains not entirely conclusive. Should people start taking sesame for OA?

  16. Always get confused. Yrs ago when told have uterine fibroids not eat black beans, flax, soy; ok now can eat black beans not kidney, no sesame…a flip of what told. Then told NO nuts seeds due to heart related issues. I could really use sesame seeds for arthritis. ARE THERE ANY DEFINITIVE ANSWERS out there

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