Una risposta a “Food can change what?!? 🙀🫨🙊🤨🤔 #nationalnutritionmonth #nutritionfacts #habits #sensitivity #healthy”

  1. Have you had trouble listing weight? Have you felt lethargic, gotten headaches or other symptoms and couldn't tell why? Maybe you're sensitive to a certain food. I'm sensitive to chicken, it gives me headaches. If you're curious, step up and figure it out! Here's 10% off for any of their tests. They have sensitivity tests among others, including ones for your pets!! https://checkmybodyhealth.mention-me.com/m/ns/ze8yt-kourtni-betcher open that link or go to checkmybodyhealth and put in Kourtni Betcher in the section of who referred you and get that discount! I love the insight I got and at such a reasonable price. NO NEEDLES EITHER! I hate needles and the sensitivity test DOES NOT use them! So there's another perk lol

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